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American railroads already bamboozled their employees into accepting hourly pay -- which completely fucked them sideways. We're not taking the bait. We get paid by the mile.
The companies are also trying to eliminate assigned jobs. Which means you can work in location A at 8am Monday, location B at 4pm Tuesday, and midnight on Wednesday. This is instead of having a known assignment for 5 days a week with a set weekend -- even if that 'weekend' is Wed/Thu or whatever.
Railroading is already a demanding and difficult lifestyle and they want to make things worse.
These are billion-dollar corporations and they're trying to nickel and dime hardworking employees. It's not happening.
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Read the fine print. While the companies are planning to end the lockout, the union still has the right to strike, unless they recall the legislature (it's summer break) and pass back-to-work legislation.
The labour minister basically wrote a letter to the CIRB saying, "please impose binding arbitration. Pretty please..."

Though the union is probably in a pretty good position at the interest arbitration table. The employers lined up the bargaining dates into the same year. They proved a work stoppage would result in an indefinite shutdown of the economy. Inflation is on the record as being very high. There are tons of examples of private sector unions scoring big wins in contract negotiations since the pandemic.
I don't know what the companies are hoping for at the arbitration table other than, "we hope CIRB is literally crooked and biased towards us." Maybe the C-suite is just trying to avoid getting eaten alive by the board for losing so badly at negotiations? "It was out of our hands! The arbitrator ruled against us!"
>I don't know what the companies are hoping for at the arbitration table other than, "we hope CIRB is literally crooked and biased towards us."
Is this your first arbitration?
Depends on your labour board, I guess. If CIRB in particular is a shitter, I can't say since it's not who we primarily deal with.
Arbitrators have handed out big wins lately, especially around legislated constraints on collective bargaining (Bill 124 in Ontario).
I fucking hate the fake pro-worker liberal government so much. Way to protect workers rights. Absolutely disgusting. These mega corporations keep bullying us workers and treating us like shit. No wonder they have incredibly low new hire retention rates and high rates of absenteeism.
Start treating us like humans and not robots and maybe you'll start seeing some positives.

I'm dreading what will be arbitrated

Hourly agreements make more sense and give you better pay and benefits. US CN employees have had scheduled off days on the extraboard for nearly 20 years.

The unions are just as much to blame for making railroading miserable as the railroads themselves.

t. railroaded for a decade
Interesting. From what I've heard any US railroaders that accepted hourly deeply regret it.
Bag-on, bag-off. No fuckin' way am I getting a switch list after reaching a terminal in 4 hours.
QRD on all this? ive seen lots of coverage on the potential disruptions but nothing at all about what the actual dispute is
>No fuckin' way am I getting a switch list after reaching a terminal in 4 hours.
Spoken like a true whiny railroader. You'd getting paid for at least 10 hours no matter.

You work an admittedly easy job that can be had with nothing but a high school diploma that often pays $150k base. Then you have the audacity to complain:
>I'm not pulling and spotting the rip! Do you know how hard it was to stay awake, watch trip optimizer, and blow the horn for the last 3 hours?! You're fucking me!
This isn't the day of 5 man crews anymore. Get with the times. You're rapidly approaching an automated trucking crisis yet clinging to your antiquated work rules. Let it fucking die. I worked for CN in the US for 10 years and towards the end I wasn't even on duty for 30 hours a week working a regular job, yet I was getting paid for 50. There were days you stayed long, and there were days you got off early. You took the good with the bad, but most of you fucks want it to be all gravy all the time and have no fucking idea of how over paid you are.
Ah, a Trainmaster. Checks out.
We are Mission Specialists, paid to beat-the-clock not watch it like some 3rd world/guardaworld fob security hire.
Tick tock, watch the creeping clock.
No. Prefer racing the clock.
And as if we’d get paid for 10 either way, that’s FakeNews; if they were out of work we’d be out of hours so, get to home from away in 4 hours, get paid for 4 hours.
Or take it to the next terminal and never be home all week; reset there.
They’re dreaming, and you’re a fag.
>You're rapidly approaching an automated trucking crisis
That will never happen because it would be a logistics nightmare and what the fuck does that have to do with railroads?
You gonna program an AI to change a knuckle, you retarded faggot?
You're obviously a company stooge and suicide would be your best option.
lmao, you're pathetic.
>He is critical of my laziness so he MUST have been a manager.
I was a conductor and yardmaster. I was asked several times if I wanted to go into management and I always said "no." You know why? The same reason I don't want to be a manager at a McDonald's. I'll just be listening to lazy people, that never want to show up to work, lie to me, and ask me for favors(vacation days), all after throwing tantrums. No thanks.

There's no "beat the clock" anymore. Nobody is pushing you to "hurry up and switch the cars." It's all slow motion now. No more getting on and off moving equipment. Nothing. You dipshits act like you're being "rushed" when someone calls you on the radio because you can't figure out how to DP a train after 2 hours. Mission specialists my ass. I'd say a good half of the people working in T&E couldn't hold a job as a wal-mart greeter.

Trucking is way faster and more predictable than rail. Customers often prefer it, in fact. When you are able to drive the cost way down by switching to self-driving trucks(and it is coming) you'll see less freight moving on rails or rail prices will need to similarly come down to compete. You idiots are forgetting that trucking has already beat rail before because it innovated and rail stagnated with antiquated work rules.

So no, I'm not a stooge. I was unionized. I quit because I saw what was coming, finished my engineering degree, and knew I could do better somewhere else(and I have). If you're content being a crab in a bucket and spewing quasi-communist talking points(I suspect you're not even a railroader), that's your choice. You'll never convince me that railroaders are some elite group when the truth is most of them are on their third marriage, and buy huge trucks, boats, and 4-wheelers that they can barely afford to make payments on--always fearful of some manager writing them, instead of just following the rules.
Nice solidarity. So you’re just an asshole, then. Gotcha.
I've never seen ANY union member put his ass on the line for someone else. When push comes to shove, they'll stab you in the back to protect their hide. You've never worked on a railroad if you believe that union brother bullshit.
You come across as a massive asshole with a huge chip on your shoulder. It makes sense that no one liked (You).
Btw there will be no freight truck or train automation. An intermodal is worth 300 trucks. You’re also a retard. Innovation. Okay.
>You come across as a massive asshole
Welcome to railroading, kiddo. Sorry it took you so long to figure it out.

It's hilarious that you really think remotely operated trains aren't coming when trip optimizer is running most of them already. When plenty of mines have been running with nobody on their trains for decades. When there's tremendous pressure to reduce costs in light of driverless vehicles.

The unions lost cabooses. They lost flagmen. They lost firemen. They lost most brakemen. Why do you think technology isn't going to take more jobs this time?
LARP confirmed
>Welcome to railroading
Massive assholes such as (You)rself are few and far between in my experience.
At this point I’m wondering what (You) got fired for.
I told you that I quit to finish my engineering degree. One of the best decisions I ever made was getting a job with a railroad. Probably an equally good decision was quitting.

By the way, good job ignoring everything about how technology has always reduced jobs on the railroad. Your union has the retarded "don't give up anything" mentality which does nothing but hurt you in the long run. Instead of negotiating and helping to form a better outcome for the members, they do nothing, yell a bunch, and you get rolled whenever binding arbitration comes around.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, partner.
>good job ignoring everything about how technology has always reduced jobs on the railroad
I didn't ignore it. I've already touched on it when I said I'll wait until a robot can change a knuckle. We're not dipping below two human crew members because of public safety, in addition to safeguarding company property & profits.
Your vaunted robot train will instantly cause another East Palestine and then its over.
You also ignored how an intermodal is worth 300 trucks. Is traffic not bad enough for you yet? Also appealing to climate change emissions horseshit in that regard is another arrow in our quiver.
You're not catching knuckles with TO running the train. You're not even changing knuckles that much to begin with. In 10 years I changed 2 broken knuckles on trains and one of them wasn't even *my* train.

They'll pull the crews off and put a "rapid responder" in a truck that goes to deal with any sort of emergencies. One man can take care of 100 miles of mainline. One man can monitor 10 different trains being run autonomously. I've seen the tech demos from the manufacturers. The technology is coming--you can try to fight it and lose, or you can take an active role and have a better job. But we all know that unions are full of crabs that like fighting in their bucket. All they care about is making it to retirement for themselves and will happily sell out everyone else.
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>The technology is coming--you can try to fight it and lose
Fight the future.
>you can take an active role and have a better job
I will regardless.
I don't think he got fired or finished his engineering degree and went on to something better, he's just another rank and file railroad employee who thinks the company wouldn't last another day without him. If you've been around narcissists, it's really predictable. PLENTY of bitter railroaders out there just like him, at least a few at every terminal. He knows he's better and smarter than everyone else, if only a brave executive would realize his genius and give him a chance...
lmao, can't wait to see the unions lose on everything they're asking for and just get some money thrown at them. That's exactly what you'll get, because that's all the clowns running the show know.
Is he -- dare I say it -- a bitter foamer?
The railroads have been running fine for nearly 200 years. I'm nothing, and you're less than nothing in the scheme of it. In fact, I don't think you work for a railroad. Nobody that actually works for one spews your idealistic union talking points. You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to think the union cares about you besides getting more of your dues. Why do you think they care about getting raises so much more than benefits? Because they get a % cut of your earnings.
>Bitter TY&E chump finds it impossible to imagine more than one person can respond to him
Narcissistic arrogance will always be your downfall. You're never going to be the COO.
What railroad do you work for and how long have you worked there? Show me your paystub. I know you never worked for one. Nobody that has would ever think the union has their back. I've watched the BLE tell cutback engineers they need to pay full engineer dues on top of their UTU conductor dues if they want to keep their seniority. I've watched the UTU tell engineers they need to pay full conductor dues on top of their BLE dues while running an engine to keep their conductor seniority from freezing in the event they get cut back.

Anyone that sucks off the union as much as you, hasn't actually been part of one.
You're not responding to me, genius. Someone else got offended by your massive asshole-ish-ness.
Don't you have a "urban planning"(which should be banned from /n/ as it's not transportation) thread to go spew your communist fantasies in?
Holy fuck this nigga's so ass-mad he's appealing to jannies now lmao
I haven't posted on /n/ in years because you faggots have ruined it. All of you proto-communists ruining it instead of showing cool trains, planes, and boats. I came to see what sort of garbage opinions you people had on the potential strike. I can't say I'm surprised.
>post paystub
First post proof you haven't been divorced at least 2x plus proof you're not an alky. And you're still making the same mistake I said in >>2015345
I've never been married so I can't be divorced and paying child support to 2 different women for kids I hardly even know. I'll give credit to the guys that were able to keep their marriages together, because there's no way I could have done it.
Holy fuck dude so this passage from >>2015175 is just (You) projecting!?
>most of them are on their third marriage, and buy huge trucks, boats, and 4-wheelers that they can barely afford to make payments on
This has taken a fun turn. You're getting a train run on (You) by a conductor and an engineer lol. Choo fucking choo.
No. It's an accurate caricature of many railroaders. You'd see the humor and sadness in it if you actually worked on for one.
>if you actually worked on for one.
Oh, (You).
strange how despite "never having posted on /n/ in years" you sound just like the faggots bitching in urban planning threads today
This guy is a retard.
I speak like a "true whiny railroader" but I've also never worked at one.
All railroaders have been divorced 3x but he has illegitimate children with 2 women.
What a fuckin' mook.
what the fuck are you on
i've worked a class two for several years and the oldheads on road jobs that do 500 miles a day sitting in the fireman seat shouldn't get paid more than a guy busting his ass in the yard
by the mile my ass
He doesn't work for a railroad, that's what's up.
Road always makes more than yard, that's the trade-off for a set schedule.
There are literally regular jobs that are road jobs. You are clueless.
You won't be saying that when you've got the seniority to hold the road. Most road workers have to spend several nights a week in some crappy motel too, you get to sleep in your own bed.
If you don't want to get fat sitting on your ass, then don't bid on the job. Road jobs are mind numbingly boring and stupidly easy. As was said earlier, there's nothing difficult about blowing the horn and watching trip optimizer. The most difficult thing about working the road is deciding what bar you're going to when you get off.
No need to be upset about it.
Road jobs are bid where you take a trip out, take a trip back, and have a day off. You burn one vacation day on your trip out and you're off for 3. You have no idea what you're talking about. Road jobs are gravy and there's no reason they should get paid more than a guy pulling pins the whole day.
>Road jobs are bid where you take a trip out, take a trip back, and have a day off. You burn one vacation day on your trip out and you're off for 3.
I did it for several years anon. What you're complaining about is you don't have as much seniority as you wish you did.

>there's no reason they should get paid more than meeeeeeeee
That's how it works and it's not worth getting upset at, find a new job like I did if it sucks so much (and I worked the road most of my time)
You were complaining that it was hard. It's not hard. It's a job where someone dumb and lazy will feel at home, however.
>You were complaining that it was hard.

>It's a job where someone dumb and lazy will feel at home, however.
Sounds perfect for (You)
>You burn one vacation day on your trip out and you're off for 3. You have no idea what you're talking about
Well here at CN & CPKC Canada that's not how it works. You watch your spot on the board and wait for the call then you make the trip, and stay at the bunkhouse where there's no fucking cutlery watching the board waiting for the call back. Upon returning to home terminal you can book 0-24h rest and when that number expires you go the bottom of the board and start climbing again. No vacation days used, no 3 days off. Perhaps you have no idea what (You) are talking about.

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