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How do the Japaneee get away with branding their folding bikes with car brands?
Anyone here tried these folding bikes?
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Beлocипeд Land Rover нa литых диcкaх [12 999 p]

Beлocипeд нa литыx диcкaх нaпpямyю co CКЛAДA в нaличии! Пpямo ceйчac бoлee 30 мoдeлeй! Пpocлyжит дoлгo! Coбpaн BEЛO-ПPOФECCИOHAЛOM!

aндpeй нe кoмпaния
****` 4.7 369 oтзывoв

looks about as real as that chevy desu
therye garbage
bicycles with car brands on are absolute garbage with a different sticker on every time
i think mercedes are the only brand i know to actually make a bicycle
litterally a rebranded chinese pos
landrover did this before actually and used to sell bad montague paratrooper knockoffs
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Car brand bikes are a fun rabbit hole to dive in. There have been many examples of officially car brand licensed bikes for some reason. Mercedes, Porsche, BMW etc
OPs propably aren't licensed.
normalfags try to sell these for the price of a mb
Hummer did legit Montagues. Then chinks made fake Hummer fake Montagues, to the point that Montague explicitly mentions Hummers on their "how to spot a counterfeit Montague" page.
Land Rover had Dahons.
Lotus used to license out bikes in the 80's, those are actually fuckin rad. The high end ones had italian steel tubing put together in Japan. Really nice damping and can be ridden pretty aggressively.
Came with certain VWs
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Weren't those actually designed by lotus engineers though? Normally car brand bikes are just some random bike with a car name stenciled on the downtube

Also what do we think of poojoe?
Peugot had a legit cycling devision for decades. They were making the bikes themselves.
Had to drop a van off in London, heading back to the Midlands with the foldy boi
Mercedes and BMW designed theirs in house afaik.
Hell, Peugeot built bicycles before they started building cars, they're as traditional and established as it gets.
You can by a Ford electric bike on their website. Going by IP rape eternally by the chinese is nothing to go by.
It's actually PFIIGFOT
>How do the Japaneee get away with branding their folding bikes with car brands?
>Anyone here tried these folding bikes?

I bought a 2001 Jeep Liberty when it came out and they gave me a full susp Y frame bike with it. It was awesome but so heavy (I didn't know better). Even being heavy it was a city park princess- essentially a great replacement for a cruiser but not sturdy enough to ride an MTB park. Triple in the front. Y shaped frame, coil spring back susp.

I chained it to an iron fence and left for the weekend and when I came back it was stolen.

Used it for 5 years and got probably 2500 good miles out of it riding around town.
They are licensed for sure. Plenty of clothes brand license their logo out too. For example there are a bunch of cheap ass Puma socks that are of lesser quality than the real deal.

Japan doesn't play around with copyright infrigement. They are even far more autistic about it than Americans.

They're pretty much universally shit. I live in Japan. Bikes here are super common, actually the most cycling heavy country in the world after the netherlands.
But people don't like to buy used and never maintain or repair their bikes, so basically people buy a cheap POS $200 bike like in the OP pic every couple years.

Also mamacharis are fucking tanks, so even with near zero maintenance they last a pretty long time. Many of them are single speed so you never even have to deal with a faulty derailer.

Front break = Clamp style V brake.
Rear = Cheap band brake
Is living in Japan long-term still worth it in 2024? I love bikes and want to move to a more bike friendly country than the US, but I'm not sure if I'd like everything else about Japan.
There are loads of great things about Japan.
I grew up in Japan, not just some weeb so I might have a different perspective from the usual guy.

I've lived in Japan, Osaka Kobe Kyoto, Honolulu, Boston, Paris, Switzerland.

Japan is the most fun desu. If you like cycling definitely Western Japan such as Osaka and Kyoto, which have heavy bicycle use. Tokyo is too big for cycling, which is why it's not as popular there.

There are so many great things about living here. The one big problem I'd say is salaries would be a big downgrade from the US. But cost of living in Japan is so low that it"s not really an issue desu.

Ask me if you have any concerns or questions.
Hey thanks for answering. I really need to sleep but I'll ask a few more questions:

What is the criteria for residency now? Is it easier? I'm sure the easiest way is a wife but I'm not that much of a rush. Being single in Japan is something I've always wanted to experience at least once in my life.

As for salaries, I'd prefer to work for myself online when I get there. I don't want to go through the trouble of finding a job if I don't need to.

Aren't lower birthrates and high elder population still a huge issue that will affect everyone?

What do you mean Tokyo is too big? I just hit my record of 70 miles in a single day and want to do more.

How do you feel about natural disasters? I hear they still haven't had "the big one" yet?

I've only lived in the US (New York), and Thailand long term.
Unlike the stereotype of Japan being closed to immigration things are changing very quickly now, due to population decline there is no choice. Japan is much easier to immigrate to than the US for example.
If you find a job, getting sponsored for a visa is something very easy and cheap (which your company will take care of). Once you live here you can get permanent residency (like a better green card) quite quickly as long as you don't commit crimes and pay your taxes and pension properly.

>Aren't lower birthrates and high elder population still a huge issue that will affect everyone?
Why would that be an issue for you specifically? In the big cities population is still stable because young people flock there. Japan is an extremely dense island. Having a bit less people wouldn't be such a bad thing. Birthrates are higher than anywhere else in East Asia and immigration is quickly increasing.

>What do you mean Tokyo is too big? I just hit my record of 70 miles in a single day and want to do more.
Tokyo is the biggest city in the world. It doesn't have a grid pattern like Osaka or Kyoto, so you cannot use calm parallel roads to cycle, you have to use busy arterials with no cycling lanes (so most people just cycle on the sidewalk, which is legal but not great if you have a road bike with skinny tires).
Cycling is also much better in the Kansai area (Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe) because there are many beautiful mountains nearby. Not so in Tokyo which is just endless city as far as the eye can see.

>How do you feel about natural disasters? I hear they still haven't had "the big one" yet?
Japan have a very high risk of earthquakes especially, but it's also the country most prepared for that in the world. Any post 1982 building and you are very likely to survive even in the event of a massive earthquake. It's just not worth worrying about if I'm honest.

>I'd prefer to work for myself online when I get there
Start with 90 days as a tourist since you're american. See if you like it, explore and try out different cities.

If you want to work for yourself, remote or something, then you can start with the digital nomad visa, only up to 6 months.


Longer term at least in the beginning I think you'd need to either work in Japan with a company that sponsors your visa, start up your own company (there is a special visa for that), or have a Japaense waifu.

Not sure about more details since I'm Japanese so never had to think about the visa situation.
thanks. is the 6 months worth it when I can just re-enter twice for 3 months?

>Japan is much easier to immigrate to than the US for example.

Now is the time then, damn.

I appreciate your info and I like your confidence. I'll give Japan a second look, then.

I don't think I could find a job in my past field there, but I just hope they aren't still so closeminded about online work. Just in case, any job agencies that work with foreigners that you know of?

I've lived in NYC for years so yeah I do love my grid streets and bicycle highways. I wanna do something like pic related someday.

You're not worried about earthquakes but what about tsunamis?

Also is there anywhere I can contact you off of 4chan? It's nearly 3:30 here lol
No but I've seen a Bugatti electric scooter at Costco

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