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So could these things provide any utility in the future or is the idea of a car with legs just a sci fi meme?
It has utility TODAY, the benefit of a walking vehicle is removing the requirement to pave roads. That would save the Government/Taxpayers A LOT on road construction and maintenance. The vehicle type still has lots of technological hurdles to overcome before becoming a mainstream vehicle if ever
no, these are a bad idea for the same reasons /k/ always has to yell at mecha anime dipshits. Power plants are infeasible. Ground pressure is a massive problem (no, they don't negate the need to have roads you fucking idiot). The mechanical complexity and maintenance requirements are worse than what we have now.
What a reddit answer, we're not talking about Gundams or MechWarriors, they won't use power plants and ground pressure won't be a problem because they're not going to be 100ton walking beasts. The tech just isn't there yet
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>bro what if we domesticated an animal that was scared of everything
Walkers could work as all terrain vehicles requiring less road maintenance and being able to go places normal cars would have trouble at the expense of acceleration and being harder to repair
Do you really believe that an entire leg is as light or lighter than a rubber wheel that spins? And moving those legs at the same speed as the wheels would not require an enormious powerplant?
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They DO provide some utility for working in extreme terrain but suck as a mode of transport. Pouring a little more money in r&d will not fix the conceptual issues either.
>they won't use power plants
ah the power of fairy dust
>ground pressure won't be an issue
point-loading 1000+lbs into soil will, in fact, sink
Sexy blonde.
they'll run on batteries, they won't generate their own power and soil can handle 1000lbs, how do elephants do it if soil can't? Besides, 4000lbs for a quadruped is bloat af, 4000lbs for a car is already absurd and that's most cars these days, I'm sure we can build them lighter.
>Walking Vehicles
Enjoy having a means of locomotion that can piss and shit, anon
Yes I do, it's not just only a rubber wheel that spins, it requires a control arm, braking system, and suspension. Altogether, I think a synthetic leg that combines all functions into one limb can be lighter than current wheeled systems. There's a reason Nature evolved limbs at our scale. Walking vehicles are as highly desireable as ornithopters, Nature is the greatest design, Nature is God's design.
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This never got further than a prototype
OP is either a master of bait or clinically retarded and Im having trouble telling
Oh ok you're just a delusional fool having a manic episode and unwilling to understand basic physics, got it
waking vehicles are useless except on extremely technical terrain
they need wheels for feet though or thats litterally all they can do because running is inifficient
why the fuck dont we PUT WHEELS ON THE LEGS
litterally i have solved all terrain vehicles and mde walkers not useless how has nobody fucking done this
thas based
Only good thing good about them would people would move more deliberately. Bad thing is they'd use it to live in more inaccessible places....imagine every mountian top with some faggots ski lodge on it....
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henlo frens, check out this walking vehicle, it was designed before humans, can you believe that?
that's really cool ngl
You are full of sh**. Horse sh** in fact
>why the fuck dont we PUT WHEELS ON THE LEGS
When you learn how suspension systems on wheeled vehicles work you're gonna feel like such an idiot
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You can pay for a bigger one

And no one has mentioned Metal Gear yet......this site has changed so much
ssh, the kids never learned that Metal Gear was right. The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo are burying it to be forgotten as media history
Pretty much reinventing the horse.
You can never "suppress" a stealth warhead equiped walking death machine.
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The problem is that walking is slow.

Now let's make a galloping robot. Fine.

So about what speed does it transition from walking to galloping? pic related
You're the mech redditor on /k/, aren't you? Are you happy, knowing your genetic lineage ends with you, in that chair, making posts like this?
no matter the task there will always be a giga-nigga-SaaS API online.
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Hmmmm more than a decade of "big dog" whatever Boston dynamics wank, never gave a though to robo riding horse.....what would be a marketing coop. Imagine it's off the shelf upscaling of their existing models.....whats the hold up then? Still using a two cycle ice engine cause batteries are still a total shame?

To be fair, D's horse is a cyborg...
Only advantage I can see for walking vehicles is extremely rough terrain. Which is an extremely niche use case.
But they still use mules in the military....that was the whole point of "big dog". Why not follow through and just have mounted soldiers again? Finally conquer Afghanistan.
>muh genetic lineage
Nigger tier ""insult"", only literal feral beasts focus on the reproduction part rather than highlighting the family and society part.
Either way that "mech redditor" guy sounds like manbaby cucksoy.
Good. Horses get sick and break legs all the time, but a machine is repairable. About time we reinvented it.
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>Why not follow through and just have mounted soldiers again? Finally conquer Afghanistan.
>tfw we cavalry age again
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Maybe if they had wheels built into the torsos....
It is a meme since we proved that humans on wheels (bycicles,rollerskates) make them faster and more efficient than just using their own legs, even with a weight penalty.
Wow AI is getting really good these days.
Are we considering the efficiency of this for public use at all? It’s weird, though, and can’t be adopted for luggage or human transport. We want something fast and efficient, something that can create opportunities for solution like DePIN (Natix, Hivemapper Dash Cam, and many more) to leverage in building a smart city.

something that would be of large benefits and not some sort of walking AI robot
We call those horses
>waa whk waa whek whk
Transformers more than meets the eye
Transform and roll out
People want ones that don't shit on the road.
I saw the weirdest robot model kit in a Japanese market in Seattle.

I can't not see this as the rider sitting on the robot's dick.
The idea of a walking vehicle with legs interests people speculating because it feels reminiscent of how wild animals navigate dangerous land areas. Like, what would it be like to drive a car with legs for military or space-exploration purposes? If a bear with an oxygen tank walked on Mars, would it be faster than some bumpily rolling tank-like rover?

It's made more interesting to imagine because we don't actually use vehicles like that so we're not reminded all the time how annoying such a thing would usually be by news stories about people crashing or suing each other and things.

Lol speaking of anomalous transport incidents, polls.io/en/jebwd/vote
i think this design could work. it looks light enough to not get itself stuck in the ground and theres enough room in the "torso" for a battery

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