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The Illinois approach to gun control:
>pass blatantly unconstitutional law
>enjoy this law for a couple years while it's in legal hell getting overturned (but still in effect) and appealed and overturned and appealed again until it's finally permanently overturned
>pass new blatantly unconstitutional law
But anon, that's a waste of money, and voters would NEVER vote for a government that wastes money! Especially in Chicago, of all places.
politicians don't pay taxes, so they don't give a shit
you forgot
>assassinate/bribe judges to retire in the hopes the court will agree with you
Hopefully their retarded AG appeals it all the way to SCOTUS so the ruling can be national.

Inner city leftoids will never, ever, ever keep the aids zombies off the trains, which would be preferable, but at least normal people will be able to carry weapons.
Say it with me: A cop on every train car.
I need a Judge Dredd in every train car and bus who has full authority to tase and maim anti-social people.
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Just remove 30% of the population
Remove 13 and solve 50. Is the rest of the 30 just the next brownest?

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