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File: A310_Airbus 2009.jpg (21 KB, 476x480)
21 KB
Airbus A310 Accident rate 1.89 per mil depart
Boeing 737 Max Accident rate 0.7 per mil depart

Could someone elaborate on why the A300 and A310 were considered "bad" aircraft? Obviously being the first products Airbus made had some impact but I'm wondering about specific items that pilots or airlines didn't like.
Controls too sensitive so too easy to overcorrect

2001 AAL A300 crash from JFK is a good example
Somehow, even without doing any research myself, I feel OP is a fag
Interesting... anything else?
>widebody departures vs narrowbody departures
I fly the MAX and hate the bus, but stop being retarded
Dying when you get on an airbus is just part and parcel of buying European, get over it
The Max has spent most of its existence grounded.

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