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Literally scrapped because of a refrigerator.
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>scrapped because of a refrigerator


Anyway, here's this beauty:
>built 1947
>withdrawn 1956
>scrapped 1959
>owner spends 2 decades buying various equipment to use on excursion runs
>breaks his back moving refrigerator
>hatches plan to wait out the railyard owners into scrapping it
>sues for large sum of money to fix fucked finances
>court says no money for anybody
>court legally requires railroad to destroy it on sight
So did he own the loco itself at all? Why did the court ultimately come to that decision?
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unreliable handicraft pieces of shit with pneumatic throttles and internal maze of wire and solenoid
but god damn they worked barely 10 years and at least one pair should have been saved
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The only locomotive made by Ingalls Shipbuilding
interesting variant on the bulldog nose front anon
horrifying triple window bulldog, they should've stuck to making ships
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>make the most kino metropolis streamlined loco
>none survived
what the fuck was their problem
(((Alfred E. Perlman)))
I don't think he had anywhere else to store it, and the yard it was in wasn't his property.
I heard each of those big niggers was wired differently, so no one was alike. Imagine that maintenance nightmare.
every year of the second generation Toyota Supra has a different wiring harness so if you buy any electrical shit used it has to be from the same year
>how many axles should our bogies have?
I always love those strange designs
Ah. Figures. Pity anyway.
Sounds like a dick-move from Toyota.
>into traffic 1950
>incredibly noisy
>looks like a class 37 fucked a steam loco
>suffers breakdown and gets sidelined for a while
>back into service, then catches fire and destroyed
>straight to scrapyard, gone by 1960.
A lot of the 1st gen BR diesels were extremely unreliable and prone to serious failures or just catching fire, it's a shame but not that surprising not that many survived into preservation. The late steam BR locos being mass scrapped was criminal considering most had barely even reached a quarter of their useful lives and were increasingly some of the most reliable and efficient steam locos built like the Class 4s and 9Fs.
they were, Baldwin built them one at a time
PRR had to rewire everything during maintenance
still somehow NdeM had more care for them and kept them around longer
The one prototype was apparently well liked by crews from what I remember
The loss of all of the NYC Hudsons is a death sentence worthy crime.
they realised too late they'd built a gigantic penis on wheels, complete with glowing urethra
>what a motherfucker has to do to avoid diesel-electric
A local railroad Museum was more than willing to move it
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The idea was good.

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