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File: then vs now.png (1.96 MB, 2110x690)
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Where did it all go so wrong?
I like both! I just like riding on trains and listening to music. Lol!
Box seats are and have always been cancer, unless you are traveling in a party of 4 no one likes these things (and you're a freak for hassling other passengers you dont know just because you happen to sit across from them)
"individualism" aka social alienation
The nature of corner cutting. They have "light rail" out of Baltimore. All it does is make municipalities by trolley style step up cars, and the trains pointlessly narrow cause they are for people. Put me on a goddamn flatbed in open air. At least niggers smoking, 4 bike spots (that are also handicap seats) on a 50 person car, wouldn't be an issue....

If you are running a rail line, just go as wide as possible, matching freight/whatever. It doesn't not matter on miles and miles of track if it's 2/4/10 feet wider. Get your heads out of your asses you obvious conmen......(politicians).
Left pic is a bacteria trap, so many fabrics and little crevices
plebs need to always be reminded of their place in society
>then: wide, comfy seats where normal people can sit comfortably
>now: hard, easy to clean seats for hobos, built narrow to enable an extra wide aisle for landwhales passing by
Doesn't NJT still have box seats? I remember some of their stuff did into the early 2010s.
Never mind, I was thinking of the flipping seats, which can be converted to box seating. These seats were implemented in the 1970s and 1980s. 1990s seats were different.

TL:DR: Comet Is, IIs, and Arrow IIIs are comfy, while Bilevels are mediocre.

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