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How many of you listen to audiobooks while cycling? What do you listen to? Do you use a speaker, bone induction headphones, only keep one earbud in?
I listen to my internal monologue.
those guys are crazy, i drown them out with books
i used to do it as teen but listening to music while riding is probably a really bad idea
Good thing I'm listening to heady books that require intense focus and not just listening to music
You have brainrot
Cheer up, Sally
I'd listen to a podcast maybe, but most times on a bike I'd much rather be listening to music.
I listen to music, I've never been able to focus much on audiobooks while doing other things. Maybe if I were on rollers but I can't dodge cagers and focus on the latest Twilight saga.
I prefer the sounds of the environment, and my own thoughts.
please don't cycle with headphones on. it's very dangerous and every cyclist is a friend to me.
I play music in my head from my thoughts, no electronics necessary.
i cycle always listening to something, usually a podcast, and i just have my right earbud in because im riding on the right side of the street either against parked cars or in the bike lane thats on the right so my left ear is open to the road.
headphone in my right ear so I can hear leftside traffic. Listen to podcasts. Tend to avoid ebooks because the ones I read seem to require more focus than I can give while cycling.

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