Heavy traffic editionPrev: >>2003913
First for Filipinobros
>>2017916question: have any american mariners worked for foreign ships or companies?
>>2017914US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
>>2017978but what about Canadian mariners?
>>2017979please refer to Stan Rogers songs
>>2017979We do the needful saar
would you join the ship earlier in the day so that your relief could get off quicker or not if you had a choice? you get your travel day paid either way.
>>2017979Wouldn't the default be indians who do that instead of canadians?
>>2018146Canadian vessels have canadian crews
why is the best job on the ship the 2nd mate job?
>>2018202Because you're a pussy afraid of responsibilities.
Im 90 days short of my DDE 4k seatime requirements, what are the odds they give it to me if i send it in like when i was 90 days short of my STCW endorsements that they gave me?
>>2018261Just blame covid and hope they say ok
>>2017916Whats up Flipperhow's life at sea?t. just some anon
>>2017983Goddamn them all
>the night before I get on a shipVGH I hate this feeling, I just wanna stay home with my family
>>2018314Yeah, it makes you put things in perspective about what matters though that most people take for granted until they die
>>2018315I still love sailing, it’s just the night before joining and I’m at home enjoying my last day of freedom it sucksI guess it’s the price we pay for how excited you get the day before you get off
I want to be a Deck Officer but I'm bad at math
>get on ship>”alright how many Filipinos am I working with here”
Ive never worked with a Flip only Albanians, Kazakhs, Lithuanians, Romanians....
>>2018404Most deck officers don’t know how to read a list meter
>>2018404I went to /sci/ to ask about being bad at math, and I think we just have to go back and re-learn everything, anon.
>>2018572Start with the Greeks
>join ship>”hey what watch am I?”>”12 to 6, yeah we work 6 on 6 here and btw there’s no overtime :3”3 sentence horror
>>2018579Be like cool then 360 and walk out of there, you should have checked that before getting on anyway
>>2018572NOOOO! I've forgotten everything I learned for mathematics
The Ukrainian cook put some weird red sauce on my steak and I was like “oh is this some interesting Ukrainian recipe?” and he’s like no is barbq sauce
>>2018670bahrk bezscuil sauce from Donetsks...
what vessels can i work on with a 1600 tonnage limited mates?
>>2018697Tugs, smaller offshore service vessels.
>work at sea >a while back worked in a training position on a tanker ship learning the ins and outs of tanker operations>despite being a trainee, about 4 weeks into my 90 days we got a retarded old guy who was supposed to actually know the job>TLDR, he definitely did not know the job>couldn’t be left alone>Captain put my training on pause and makes me supervise this boomer before he causes an oil spill>instead of learning I am now teaching, despite not knowing much>right before the end of the 90 days I make a mechanical mistake alongside the boomer, we both get blamed for it, as it was both our faults >Captain is pissed at me>last day he gives me my letter of recommendation, which tells the office that I had good work ethic but was bad at my job and shouldn’t be hired>he sort of did this on purpose, because he wanted me to make a reply on record explaining why it was the fault of the boomer who I had to babysit >captain truly hated the boomer and wanted him fired from the company and reprimanded by the union for being a genuine danger, which in fairness he was>I write my reply stating I had to stop my training to teach this incompetent fuck, and from there on out I do end up getting the job>apparently this captain doesn’t have anything good to say anyone, and is such a pain that his ship runs through mates like crazy>the office tells me that if I work for them I won’t be on that same ship>works for me>go to a new ship, do a great job, the captain loves me, everyone seems to love me, I’m asked to come back and my new review is very good>go on vacation, time to go back to the ship in a week>the office called me today and gave me a heads up that captain fuckface is currently on the ship
>>2018789My stomach is twisted into knots just thinking about having to work, live, and eat alongside this piece of shit. They say he won’t be there for long, but I’m so against the idea of working for this guy that I just might excuse myself and say I can’t come back. Which would be a damn shame since everyone else onboard is great.
>>2018791Just stick it out man, you have a better understanding of working with him now so it can’t be worse than last time
>mooring line is rock hard>oh I guess I should slack it since we’re going up>let out about 3 feet of line >mooring line is still rock hardWhat causes this
Been fantasizing about a maritime career for close to a decade now, just read over the sticky as well. What opportunities are there on the great lakes? I'm thinking over the investment in time and money I'll need to pursue the hawsepipe route, not sure if I'll make enough money (in time) to justify chasing a fantasy. I'd be less in a rush, but my family is getting older and will likely need me around to help out. I'm 28 in IT, and like the sticky assumes, I probably don't have a solid understanding of what it takes to be in this industry. That said, I utterly despise my job and I had a genuine "click" moment when I took some sailing courses a year ago. I'd have pursued something else more local but every job in Michigan pays dogshit, and despite my job sucking it pays 50k a year, which is above the average for most entry to mid level IT positions out here. Should I expect something resembling career growth in the industry, or am I going to get dumped into a waiting pool with other people that had the same idea? Literally every industry I took an interest in is saturated, and none of the industrial tech/repair jobs in Metro Detroit want a guy who barely knows his way around a wrench.
>>2018837If you’re gonna do it you have to be all in and it will work out somehow if you try desperately. Like literally everything else in life
>>2018837Growth is mainly determined by sea time and meeting requirements like having taken classes and tests for advancement so with appropriate sea time you can move up and make way more than 50k. But be honest with yourself, can you see yourself leaving your job, starting over in a brand new industry at entry level physically doing bitch work for 12-16 hour days every day for weeks/months with a potentially toxic crew, or will you jump ship and run back to the relative comfort of your desk job? Either way, you're going to keep getting older but you have to decide for yourself if you want to get old in an office or out on the water.t. also 28
>>2018850I appreciate the bluntness. The honest answer is I don't know. I've dealt with toxic workplaces to some degree, but I always had the power to just leave, on a ship that won't be the case. Comfort is relative, I find my WFH helpdesk monkey job utterly soul crushing and regularly get shitfaced to numb myself to it. I doubt being a sailor will bring me joy in and of itself, but I'm utterly disgusted by corporate/office workplaces and the stale people that inhabit them. The biggest issue is age imo. I've known people that made career changes in their 30's, but that was a different time in a different economy.
>>2018851There isn't much in the way of usual office staleness. You do your job, try not to fuck up too badly, and ask questions and you'll be alright. People have their drama but if you stay out of it then it generally won't affect you. Age isn't that big of a factor, anon. I've worked with guys in their late 30's who decided to drop everything and start sailing at entry level and met plenty of retarded divorced alcoholic sailors at all ages with negative bank balances who wouldn't ever make it on land in a normal job so if they can do it then you can too. You seem like you have a good head and are just conflicted on what you want, stuck in something you don't actually want but need for the financial security. You won't find the meaning of life or happiness out here but if you want to change your life's situation bad enough you have be brave enough to push yourself to go after it.
>>2018853Considering your insight, it can't hurt to take a peek. Getting the basic licenses wouldn't be too costly, and I already intended making big changes in my life anyhow. I've got to do some thinking. Thanks!>>2018839You're right, but I'd argue some struggles are more worthwhile than others. I pry here just to get a pulse on things, because on my own using google it's easy to delude myself about the seaman life.
>>2018837Ships need IT people, ships like research vessels and cruise ships have IT dweebs onboard Don’t quit your job without anything lined up, like if you wanna work onnaship get your certs and medical before quitting your job and only quit once you’ve got the green light that you actually will be getting onboard a shipYes you will start at the bottom and be prepared to take a lot of shit because you’re a useless waste of spaceIf you get a toxic crew/shit accommodations give yourself at least 2 weeks before considering leaving because it will probably be nbd once you settle inYour first hitch will be rough you gotta absorb a lot of info Hawsepipe is dead if you wanna be an officer go to an academy after you work as a deckband for awhile
>>2018853There’s no office staleness but don’t ignore that being trapped in a metal box 24/7 with the same group of people for weeks on end and no possibility to escape, working 6/6 or 12/12 every day and having limited personal space or privacy is an enjoyable environment. >>2018839This guy is right. If you’re gonna get into this career in your late 20s you need to fully commit. It’s going to really suck for a while, but the sea time can’t be hurried. Once you get AB or QMED the money starts becoming decent but the work stays the same. Getting a license is the real goal and that takes 3-4 years.
>be onnaboat>pizza night>square pizza and the crust is dry as a crackerEvery time, you’re telling me not a single cargo ship in the entire world has a pizza oven, eh?
>>2018876why dont you just order some? :)
>>2018876>hating square pizzauncultured swine
>>2018825Currents. Wind.
>>2018876man i could go for a cracker pizza with some bbq sauce rn..
>greasing, doing shit on deck>30 mins before end of watch>aight imma take 5 >go to the bow and sit down>out of the corner of my eye I see the captain coming up the deck>o fuk>grab my grease gun and pretend to be greasing a roller>capt proceeds to spend the next 30 mins telling me how to grease a roller>don’t even get changed until 5 mjns after my watch is doneJesus fkn christ buddy who lets these boomer captains roam around the deck
>>2018857Hawsepipe isn’t dead retard
>>2019205Yes it is. MARAD and the uscg know that the maritime academies are bleeding cash and students, and they also need more women in this industry for some reason. We all know that women aren't going to bust their ass scraping paint for like 6 years, instead they go to college for 4 years for essentially free to whore themselves out so that simps do their homework for them.
>>2017914Anyone following the Oceangate investigation?They've started questioning involved parties.
Have you ever been on a problem ship
have you ever been on a work ship
>>2019241Maybe for deckies, women love being deckies. I’ve been at it for 3 years and am sailing as an ET and will get a license soon and have seen plenty of others do it too. Qmeds can make good money too for decent work.
stewardsisters... it's over
Well in three days I'm done with my first time as a 3rd Mate, 7 months later and what a fucking experience... 63 day long voyage too from Korea to Turkey around Africa and I think I've lost my marbles
>>2019393Grats bruvWhat companyWhat country credentials do you haveHow’s the payI’ve been thinking about going deep sea just because it’s way more fun than america/canada but i’ve heard the pay is shit
How prevalent is drug use on ships in your experience /mg/?
>>2019546DELETE THIS
>>2019546I like the part where Chief and 1st mate get into a drunken fight over who gets to breed Ashley and she gets no say in the matter because she’s just a hole, to be won by violent conquest.
>>2019545Not common. I’ve known a number of people who were forced out of the industry due to testing positive on tests administered on crew up day after they’d been on the beach for a while, but only one who was caught using while at sea. Once you’ve got time in this career it’s absolutely idiotic to use drugs, and it filters out people stupid enough to keep doing so.
>>2019546he's just like me fr
>>2017983haha that guy died in a plane crash
>>2019546its not easy being a sea daddy
>>2019551Do they have pecker checkers? Do they watch you piss?
Does SIU still require the clotshot for their apprenticeship? What about the academies?
only retards like spaghetti and lasagna, two of the worst meals onnaship
>>2019619So it fits perfectly, only retards work onnaship.
>>2019619>spaghetti tastes sugaryAlright, I'm calling the patrolman.
Any MSC guys here can tell me if you guys have starlink on your ships yet? My job performance is directly correlated to access to chatgpt so i need to know
Did you ever experience the paranornal while onboard?There was a cadet what hanged himself in the focsle and one time I swore I tied a heaving line on the railing like normal but it was tied up on a pipe on the ceiling…
Is it worth it to get a tanker endorsement as a deck officer? Do I have to start as a cadet to get tanker experience or can I just do that tanker course, get the endorsement and then get on a tanker and have the other mates baby me since it’s my first tanker?
>>2019618No for SIU, not sure about the academies my advice is to skip SIU if you have the money.
Lol MSC fleet oiler in the Red Sea ran aground and is basically out of commission for the foreseeable future and the USN doesn’t have any other oilers in theater lmao.
>>2019762The MSC anon without chatgpt was at the helm. Investigators are saying that he confused port with starboard and confused ease rudder with hard rudder.
>>2019413just got homeI'm Croatian and I work for a Croatian bulk company, I got a stcw coc and shit ton of STCW certs because they're required by croatian port authority to even sign up for your OOW COC exam.the pay is good by our standards, 4000USD per month
I’m looking at the SUNY graduate program for a MS in Shipping/Logistics including the 3rd mate license since I already have a bachelor’s in Finance. Have any anons completed the online program? They mention the license can only be completed in-person (obviously) but this looks to reasonably be the cheapest option.I’ve also considered GLMA since it’s also cheaper and I’m close by geographically (MN), although the timeline would be a bit longer.Would work towards the license presumably take place over the summer?
I need a letter of recommendation to work as motorman if my last position was wiper, don't I?
>>2019766confuse shit with fuck>>2019842Yeah the pay wouldn’t be worth it where I’m from, inshore I make around 12K usd a month
Asking again before i burn 200 dollars, what are the odds the nmc overlooks my dde 4k application that has 90 days short of sea time? It has happened before with STCWs, i think they don’t really give a shit unless it’s a license or something >>2019762Is anyone keeping track of how many entry level help with the DC or is the naval command just retarded
>>2019873DDE 4K is a license. You will be requested to present records of more sea time, I can guarantee it.
Did you were ever accident while onboard?I saw a guy break both his knees while tripping over a sounding pipe
>>2019981I saw a drunk old AB fall completely in the water trying to board the boat from the dock. When the captain asked him the next day why he had his phone in a bowl of rice, the AB said he dropped it overboard. Luckily for him, the average IQ on the boat being about 90, nobody asked how a phone could be recovered from below 40 ft of water .
>>2019999He did a williamson turn that’s how he recovered the phoneSeriously though if you saw him fall in the water though you should have sounded the alarm especially if he’s drunk and old
>>2019999It's less headaches to not ask than press the issue
Has anyone ever been on a ship that wasn’t a complete piece of shit, people on reddit post cool looking ships how do I work on those instead of these rusty chinese garbage ships
>>2020028Kawasaki built this ship.
This absolute behemoth is for sale. Wonder if anyone will pick up the threads from where Nautilus Minerals failed.
>>2020028>how do I work on those instead of these rusty chinese garbage shipsbe white, have a meme college degree and have connections
>>2020167>be whitecheck>meme degreeI just have my officer license why would I need some shithouse useless degree, what would that degree even be?>connectionsPeople like me… I think
>>2020028I'd love to work on one of these brand new catamaran ferries running between Nanaimo & Vancouver.
Do any anons have advice for finding a job in SOCAL? I dont really care if its industrial or tourism or ferries. it seems impossible to find something, when you go on indeed its all BS jobs that arent relevant. any advive helps.
>>2020204What endorsements do you have? The answer to this question is the difference between $20/hr as a deckhand on the Alcatraz tour boat or $150k a year on a ship.
>>2020204>indeedThere's your problem, boss. If you don't care about pay or sea time and only want any job you can get just to be on the water then look for privately owned ferries or dinner boats. They'll hire literally anyone as a deck janny for whatever California's minimum hourly rate is. But if you want a career you'll have to make a list of tug boat and barge companies in your area and actually have to go around knocking on doors with a TWIC card in hand.
>>2019546This needs to be the op for the next bread
>>2020204>SOCALsuper entry level would be something like the Catalina Express. Curtin Maritime says they're hiring entry level guys on indeed. Twic needed for the shipyard personnel and MMC+TWIC for boat stuff.
>>2020233Curtin has had those postings up for the past 4 years straight. There’s a ton of red flags in the language they use that indicates they churn through new hires at a higher than usual rate. Basically “you will do everything and anything we ask and be thankful for the opportunity and if you out compete everyone else and play the right politics we might someday stop abusing you”. But i guess if you’re totally green it’s worth a shot. This industry isn’t for the weak minded anyway.
>>2020237Yeah, that's definitely what it sounds like. I figured I would mention it anyway.
>>2019576I've heard of it happening yes, but for random tests and I believe for post-accident tests too they don't. Are you planning on using something that makes you piss hot? There's plenty of decent drugs that aren't on the 5 panel
I miss land
>>2020282Should have brought some in a jar
>>2020206i have an AB special, lifeboatman and stcw. i should have my 100 ton inland by april. I dont really care at the moment what kind of job it is as long as its a day job.
How do you decide what line goes on what bit? Is that just up to the mate on the fly or is that something the captain specifies before tieup
Why do they make you go through an academy when you use none of the knowledge on the ship basic bridge knowledge which you can learn in a few hours anywaysAnd you still have to do the nav safety exam with the government so what the fuck is the point
>>2020394their ass is not tying lines
>>2020394ship cats are good luck
>>2020394Me on the left
>>2020233>super entry level would be something like the Catalina Express.This anon is a knower!Are you an LA/LB local, my dude? I have some pals that are/were IBU.
So have all of you watched The Terror? I thought it was ok. Good not great. I wont watch it again. But it had some good maritime stuff. What do you actual mariners like as far as film and tv? Master and Commander? Crimson Tide? Captain Phillips is based as fuck but it sucks that they changed the story and now people think he's a hero and not a retard. But I dont care when the Navy vessel shows up and put their lights on and blare their horns I get a positive chemical reaction in my brain.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKKdynPYSCE
>>2020430The Terror is one of the best horror series ever made, speaking as a horror fan
>>2020430The Terror is alright. Personally I preferred the book. Master and Commander is kino. Still waiting on an actionslop movie to be made of El Faro where they cast Marky Mark as a hyper competent OS running around trying to save the crew and ship.
>>2020430Watch hornblower
>>2020429SPbut I'm just a lurker in your guys' threads. I don't work on a ship.
>oh anon we don’t have a flight for you to get on by the time your relief gets here so we’ll get you a hotel>*books the shittiest hotel right by the airport and books you a flight a 4am so you barely have enough time to get drunk in your hotel room before rushing to the airport*What the FUCK Padma?!
>>2020537Honestly longshoremen can go fuck themselves, they hold inland waterways hostage so they can extort people to over pay them to drive a forklift. Atleast mariners do something…
>>2020564>over payOverpay is one word, dummy. Have you considered maybe the reason you struggle financially is you're stupid?
>>2020573Have you realized the reason you have to extort americans to over pay you is because you’re worthless?
>>2020661Weird how I'm worthless and yet enjoy a way higher quality of life than you.
Just turned down a $400/day AB contract because I just got my mates ticket and promised myself I’d start applying for mates positionsI feel bad though, the fleet co-ordinator sounded incredibly stressed and desperate
>>2020815Sucks to be them. Good luck anon
>>2020821thanks man, yeah bound to get something gonna fire off my resume on monday to a bunch of companies
How am I supposed to complete an SF-86 for MSC if I am a loner with no friends? Am I screwed?
Any anons do the SUNY graduate program? I was wondering if I can start in the spring semester. Additionally for obtaining the license, do I need to dedicate that immediate first summer for the cadet program?
>>2020911Are you a neet? If not then write down your former coworkers. It's not as intensive as a TS, they just want to make sure you aren't going to tape a chinese tracker under your bed for gacha phone game gift cards
>>2020946What about past relationships? Do they check into that?
>>2020953It's mainly your financial history and criminal record that they're interested in. Fill it out as much as you can. They won't care about whatever your ex says if your records are solid
I got my mates ticket but have no idea how to do ballasting or cargo operations, spotting or ETA's if I'm not looking at the ECDISis this something they expect new mates to know or does this get taught on the ship
What's the worst injury you guys have seen on your ships? Any fatalities?For me it's either the guy who lost the tips of three fingers line handling or the guy who fell off the 3rd deck onto the second and had to get medflighted off Nantucket.He died in the helicopter but they revived himThose were for ferry work
>>2020967had a stevedore working in our hold unlashing chain binders for mining equipmentChain binder let go with too much tension on it (these were the old dangerous kind) and smashed his leg to bitshad to put a stretcher down in the hold and lift him out with our crane
Getting off my first ship in half a month. Started at MSC mid January and walked on a ship mid April. I had zero maritime experience and was told about this job by a friend after bitching not wanting to work at a computer anymore so I dove in headfirst.
>>2020985>MSC>getting off in half a month
>>2021008I'm an OS and my purser has made it abundantly clear that MSC has an over abundance of OS and are not willing to pay a single day of penalty for being overdue. The last OS was able to leave early without relief and my CM has assured me I will be able to do the same.
I recently switched from doing 8 weeks on 4 weeks off, to doing 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off. And damn, does it feel good.
‘pill me on the canadian coastguard, how is it compared to working on cargo ships?
>>2021013most of the Os, SA, and Wipers are going to quit after their first time getting off of a ship. But i suppose MSC will be stuck in the same old cycle of overhiring for a year straight then closing hiring in June and then open up again in October.
I'm at a point where I need to choose between becoming an elevator mechanic (I'm next in the line for becoming an apprentice via the union) or going for a graduate degree + 3rd mate license. The mechanic trade is great but it doesn't really offer the opportunities for fucking off on a multi-month vacation like maritime work can - and having a decent work life balance where I can travel a lot in the off time is important to me. I'm leaning to maritime but I figured I'd ask you guys if you tolerate your work enough to get some enjoyment out of it.
>>2021070During training multiple instructors said, "9/10 of you won't be with the company this time next year." Unfortunately I'm older than most of these failed young adult criminals and I understand the value being offered at MSC and the industry as a whole so I'll be sticking around for awhile.
>>2020204La maritime institute, they do tall ship sailing for kid programs and have been looking for deck hands.
>>2021063Compared to cargo ships, you'll be making shit money. At least that's how it is in America, you'll have 3 meals, a roof over your head, a bed and a job. It wouldn't be a bad idea to fuck around in the coast guard if you get veterans benefits like we do in the USA.Use your coast guard career to jump start your career. Since you'll be the Port state control you'll get to inspect ships and ding them for any safety and security violations.
>>2021079Bro I’d stab a dude to get in with the elevator union. They are literally the highest paid most exclusive and smallest labor pool of all skilled trades. Don’t be a retard.
has anyone gotten an ECDIS working on their pc for practice?
>>2021079>>2021230But also consider that working on elevators your whole life for a career is a very lame waste of life and adventure compared to being a modern pirate, soldier, Salvadorean ligger, celebrity chef, mercenary, aerospace engineer at Boeing, mechanical engineer at Oceangate, dive welder, oil rigger, or archaeologist for Smithsonian. May as well go work at a grocery store.
You get a nice house and a 2wicked car, though.
>>2021230>>2021424I decided on SUNY, hope to see you on the high seas eventually anons.
What’s the longest you’ve been at home between ships before I’m at 6 months and starting to lose it
>>20214846 but my renewal was held hostage for 3. I'm back on a ship now.
>>2021283That sounds like too much hassle. Setting up a proper ECDIS is usually a major pain in the ass, especially if you want to have charts and NMEA input. You might pirate a prepared image from torrents though, that'd be easier.
>>2021566some indian dude on yt has got an ECDIS running, it's just a programhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ialYngSgZGc
i'm getting fucking blue balled on ships atm no one is hiring
MSC stable paycheck Chads stay winning
>>2021481pffft I'm working retail rn. You may have thrown away the chance of a lifetime. Hope it all works out for us both.
>>2021939>>2022074>Nobody is hiri- ACK!https://sealiftcommand.com/departments/deck/any-entry-level/38
>>2022088Thanks, brother. I'm just inbetween waiting for my docs to process.
>>2022089I hope everything goes well for you, Anon. Don't knock the SIU's apprenticeship. I overheard someone saying that they where extraordinarily short handed. I'm guessing that they'll let in anyone to this program. However you have to a whole lot of stupid shit, like going to the galley every weekend until you get privileges as well as marching everywhere. Most of these tasks are rather easy but they get old within a day.
>>2022090I've got unusually supreme benefits with my current job that I'd be throwing away but it has me absolutely trapped in a life I'm not satisfied with. bit of a risk, but my goal is to upskill and get rated in the unions to be able to take the hitches I choose, whenever, with a variety of companies, eventually for much higher pay and with similar benefits as I have now. Even with the sacrifices you make, it's my kind of lifestyle.I need all the money I can get to keep saving and invest proper.
>>20214849 months during 2014 2015 offshore crash 6 7 months during covid5 months this year I regret nothing and the best time i had at home with my sonGoing back at sea after so much time at home feels like shit but it is what it is
MSC reduced requirements again to get promoted and sail as AB. Is it the same outside MSC or strictly for them?For the record the change went from needing your 120 sea watches, watch assessments and deck assessments completed before beginning your 360 sea days. Now your 360 sea days begin as soon as you come aboard, not needing the sea watches and assessments done before the timer starts.Then you need lifeboat and an AB class and wait on your endorsement from the USCG to sail as AB and get AB pay.I'm hoping to get AB late next Summer and I'm the anon that started NEO last January.
>>2019619nothing better than a day old reheated lasagna slathered in ketchup
I fear I'm becoming too complacent with my current jobBeen working for a year on a trawler and now I'm starting to dream about getting a boat to put out nets with during off seasonThe reason I got into maritime was to see new things, not to get stuck on a shitty 34 meter sub 500GT, I can't even get my fucking AB, I want to work on cargo ships but the only skill I'm lacking is I'm not a fucking flip
>>2022287how is MSC atm? i got offered a job as an ET and might take it cause the money seems decent but idk cause i was with them a few years ago and i wonder if it has gotten a lot worse? and yeah the AB requirements were lowered by the coastguard
Took this today in the Toronto port landsA big concrete ship filling up a silo
>>2018876In brazil we got banana or chocalate sprinkles on the pizzaShit was NOT cash
Any way to tell your colleagues politely to fuck off? Im a 3rd Engineer and the other guys keep sticking their nose into my business. Just let me do my job ffs
>>2021758Good old days. No emails, no regulation no ism probably no GPS too.
Hey mates, I basically graduated from high school, and I've been neeting around for the last few months. I've wanted to be a deckhand for a while, however my parents want me to go to college. I've had trouble finding a Maritime academies/colleges/programs in colleges, around the Western Washington area.Any experiences?Any recommendations?Please and thank you
>>2023849Either go to SIU, or get hired by MSC. or if you're an idiot join the USCG (The navy can barely into seamanship) and use your va gibs for an academy.
>>2023954What’s SIU?
>>2024241Seafarers international union, they try to handle all of the unlicensed in america. There's rumors that their done with recruiting as the school is booked out until september.
>>2024362>international union>unlicensed in americaNani?
>>2023120I don't know anything else than MSC and I've only been on 1 ship but I don't really have any complaints. Nearing the end of 3 weeks on vacation and honestly I'm beyond ready to get back out there. I'm hungry for meeting my promotion requirements.
>>2020251How often do they test? Do they request tests when you're not out on the sea?
>>2019546online rizz training
>>2019652Not mainline msc but some conmar ships do>>2020964You really should figure out how to function without an ecdis before your first mate job. You'll be fine not knowing ballasting shit first thing but I suppose it depends on the job
alright fellas, i got accepted into the siu apprentice program. i already had my mmc and shit so that probably helped expedite things, but i dont think new classes are opening up for a few months at least. right now i've got to put in for what department i'd like, and i was probably going to go for deck, but i'm willing to hear out any engie opinions to convince me othewise.
Alright niggas post the pros and cons of your specific branche of the industry.I'll start with mine, offshore constructionPros:>high pay>short, consistent rotations >for engineers plenty of maintenance on DP vessels due to the sheer amount of equipment>semi-subs are so stable that seafastening is a special event>interesting projects, not just moving cargo from A to B>dedicated catering crew. Clean cabins, clothes and cooking all providedCons>safety up the ass, dedicated safety officers, permit to work for everything, etc>barely any time in port, no port leave>zero alcohol policy>12 hr shifts, 7 days a week. Barely any social time with the crew>for mates you will be doing fuck all as the DP system does everything for you, you're just monitoring
I'm a 20 year old neet incel faggot with no prospects should I join MSC
Sure, why not?
How deep is the government digging for the security clearance? I want to sail but i'm terrified of the background check from MSC.
>>2025070Harbor tug in a very busy port in USA.Pros: SIU contract. Union medical is pretty damn good. Pension7/7 schedule. Home every other week.Can go home quickly if there’s a family emergency.Pay is excellent officers, I make more than most offshore tug engineers.Most of the fleet is pretty new and modern, company keeps building new boats every year.Cons: Bureaucratic nightmare shoreside management. No communication between departments. Getting parts or service takes forever.Very few people in management have ever worked in the fleet, so they keep issuing new procedures without a mind for what life is actually like out here. “Oh just one little bit of paperwork” x 1000 means you’re constantly drowning in it.We’re on call 24/7 to move ships, but also expected to work from 8-5 every day.Get far less sleep than I did offshore.Guys that have only ever worked harbor tugs are very slipshod about safety and general seamanship. Wouldn’t count on anyone to actually know what to do in an emergency.All in all it’s a pretty good gig, though I do miss being underway at sea and the adventure of going to new and remote places (the fact that I feel this way is almost certainly rose colored nostalgia)
How many of you are married? How do you make this shit work? I got a younger woman interested in me that hasn't left leave me alone past two years which I don't mind since the attraction is mutual but I'm gone several months out of the year. I just don't want her to cheat on me while I'm gone, I'd be paranoid about that.
>>2026210Why did you write this like you already didn't know the solution? If you want to stay in the industry, then either get shorter contracts or a job on land.In other case, learn2code
>>2026235>a job on landFeel like I'll be taking a pay hit but I don't got much of a choice if I want to marry her.
>>2026210>get married Either your future wife is much richer than you are, or you're making the biggest mistake in your life. Why would you like to get married in 2024? >taking a pay hitHow much do you earn?
>>2026249>making the biggest mistake in your lifeSome of us still got hope and want kids.>How much do you earn?Earned about 127k last year.
>>2025630Yes but don't stick around long and keep in mind it's the ugly ugly duckling of the industry and as a new hire you will be constantly lied to>>2025893Be honest on the form, not so much for questions like "have you ever done illegal drugs" but for questions regarding debt or encounters with the law. Keep in mind MSC regularly hires gangbangers and criminals off the streets of norfolk.
>>2026269>want kidsYou don't need a wife for that.
>>2026291>>2026269How long did it take you to reach that income level? Is it too late to start at 35?
>>2026335>How long did it take you to reach that income level?14 years>Is it too late to start at 35?No, you'll just be making that later.
Holy shit communication with SUNY is godawful.
>>2026269disregard the doomers my fellow 120k-earning, aspiring family-haver. also buy $rklb>>2025070Pushin oil barges, formerly offshore towingPros:>good pay/bennies>predictable schedule>no rough seas>decent equipment>plenty o' boathandling practice>frequent downtime>few(er) drug addict typesCons:>stressful (busy harbor, tight schedules, oil)>boring>more paperwork>hr tries to push gay shit sometimes>would prob try to fire purebloods in event of another scamdemic (we wouldn't let em tho)
>>2025070military(navy), comms specificallyPros>high pay>cheap booze once we make port (our ships carry alcohol and operate a bar still)>easy to sleep because gentle machinery hum and rocking of the sea (or rougher sea states just make you pass out from nausea or gravol side-effects)>overnight leave in port to bang local slags in a hotel if you can afford it>get to touch some interesting equipment>free boots, socks, underwear, and t-shirts>actually very safe, can't even go up certain ladders outside unless absolutely nothing is on that could maybe hurt you possibly after a cumulative 50 years of exposureCons>inconsistent schedule>away from home for months at a time>long shifts>chronic understaffing>not allowed to fix anything when it breaks but get blamed for it staying broken>cleaning stations erry day>"adventure" isn't real, it's mostly sitting around doing makework>coursing and workplace recordkeeping carefully curated to make sure you can't get a civilian job ever and have to come crawling back every time you go broke after burnout ragequitting>"interesting equipment" isn't industry standard so you can't even put the experience on your resume without looking like an out of touch weirdo>the crushing knowledge that you work a job that does literally nothing useful for anyone>despite the chronic understaffing it's actually quite hard to get into a billet>because of the chronic understaffing it's actually quite hard to get out of a billet once you wanna ragequit unless you literally tell someone you're a step away from kysing yourself>rough oceans distroy ur knees>the army and air force will always make fun of you because their equivalent trades actually do get to set up and maintain/repair their own gear and get to use all the much more fun stuff and they also get paid more and get to get real certs and shit
>>2025893afaik they basically run you through Equifax to see if you're bankrupt, look your name up in law enforcement databases, and google you to make sure you're not openly a terrorist on some public-facing page. they don't give a shit if you're a weird fetishist or anything like that.keep in mind that the main objective for their investigation is to see whether you're likely to leak information or not. they don't stalk you for weeks to see if you bang fursuiters. they check whether you're up for bankruptcy and therefore likely to try stealing shit and delivering it to an embassy for quick cash. or are just outright a hostile agent.if you're ever scared about background checks, remember that Doug Winger is the OG skunkworks man and spent most of his life drawing hyper herm furry porn when he wasn't designing supersonic aircraft
>>2018857>Ships need IT people, ships like research vessels and cruise ships have IT dweebs onboardIs this really true? I live in the maritimes and have been looking for shipboard IT jobs and the few times there even are any posted, the requirements are absolutely insane and the few messages I get back are just to shit on me for daring to applyt. navy radioman and it nerd trying to be a civilian radioman and it nerd>>2021283at work it's pretty trivial but we have like, licenses and shit. usually the hard stuff that contractors have to come in for is crap like radar integration. one time i got a weird file from an officer who did have some ECDIS type program on his personal computer and tried to "work from home" and asked me to convert it, but couldn't do so easily10 seconds on duckduckgo got me https://opencpn.org/ though, maybe i'll try it out on my hackerman wannebe vm and report back someday>>2018825ship is moving or listing. strong off-jetty wind or bad ballast management. could be current but generally currents arent so bad next to a jetty. it's also only november so in the northern hemisphere it shouldn't be too rough>>2021063i know some people who work in the CCG and they say it's nice, but boring. the ships are nicer than the navy's and they have professional cleaners and single cabins and shit. because the CCG is not a military force, you don't have to worry about moto shitheads or being a jew protector or anything -- they are basically just seaborne police/firefighting/paramedic/SAR service. unlike the navy they do shift work and effectively live on the ship, though most people spring for hotels or temporary rentals. even police action is mostly just fisheries compliance work and you embark RCMP to do the actual deck-pounding when applicable. idk how the pay is but you can go on their website to find that out trivially>>2017983they told me i'd gain american brozouf but instead my legs are not ok
>>2026535>>2021283it's chintzy and slow but appears to work. and it's free and has links to NOAA stuff and includes a downloader for certain other free charts. unfortunately charts cost money though but I got it working with this free test chart from CHS trivially
>>2020430I just blast this from a hidden speaker 24/7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k6ANwlzQzksometimes i throw a remix in there
>>2026291If I go in as an ordinary seaman will I be able to upgrade to able seaman as soon as I'm qualified or will they keep dragging me around as an ordinary as long as they feel like?
>>2026550it is so weird to me to hear that the americans have civlian sealift/logistics people for supply ships. here in canada, we're leasing a tanker and navy-wide, we were all like "That's it. We're a brown water navy now, at least until we get a new one of our own."
>>2026557i dropped to reserve for a reasonand that reason was balancing sanity, legs, guilt, and brozouf
>>2026535>shipboard IT jobsThey have to pay extra for the very fact that I have to work on the ship, and they have high demands! How much do they pay? $300k+?
>>2026560the ones i saw were like 50k and needed a cissp and top secret and shit
A fog horn in my port was just going off for multiple minutes. What was that about?
>>2026561Wtf bro I can make that much working at a highschool with a $200 cert. Surely you're talking about a different position?
Recent CS grad here. All the jobs I've been looking at are gigacucked and only pay 300k/yr. Is it true that if I just work on a lobster fishing boat i won't have to deal with niggers, faggots, and trannies and still make at least 400k TC?
>>2026572someone fell on the button or a valve failed. they're activated by compressed air so it's possible a poorly-designed one is "Fail On" in that if it breaks, the air comes out, so the horn goes. some ships also rig their emergency alarms to sound the horn so maybe it had a fire/flood/etc alarm go off and took a while to be acknowledged.
>>2026624interdasting. thanks, boatsman.
>>2026617of course
>>2026539>>2026535Kill yourself my man.
>>2026535>>2026539Shut the fuck up faggot
>>2020303physicsand yeah the line arrangement should be figured out and briefed well before you go into port and there's usually a best practice already well known for a given ship and its arrangement of bollards/capstains/windlasses/etc. 99% of the time the line arrangement will be the same
Sup nerds.
>>2027097>>2027098where that atalso cute birds
unironic realpost should i do an infantry stint before returning to IT trash
have you ever run aground/been on a ship aground?is it chill like achor watch?
>>2027207every time i hear of a vessel running aground people have died on it when it happened so it's probably not very chill
How do you holding up fellas? Hgggnnn I wanna plow my missus but I can't being onboard right. This getting unbearable as years passed.
>>2027207It wasn't fun yet quite interesting. We were on Bordeaux river out bound. All of a sudden turbocharger busted and had to drop anchor as soon as we did tidal steam of the river smack our as right on the bank of the river. Had to be there aground around 6 hours for the next tide and deballast while waiting lucky bottom was sandy so with the next tide we were free and head to EMG. Anchorage area. Our vessel tilted on starboard side I really felt the ground. Yeah that was that interesting but I don't want to experience anything like this again.
Used to bottom out a lot running the Eastern intercoastal. Wasn't bad. Usually a muddy bottom. Just try to wiggle out, or wait for high tide. Sometimes we'd ground the barge intentionally to await a slack tide.
Here’s your mooring winch controls bro
>>2026539nigger fucking faggot fuck off
i hate this. i hate being in the pool waiting for an assignment. i hate annual training, physicals, and immunization requirements having to be done every year wasting my time in a hotel while i wait for an assignment. i could be making OT money and filling up my brokerage account instead im watching twitch and eating the local mexican enchilada plato for $11 for a lunch special everyday. most of all, i hate paying $8 to do my laundry which is entirely fucking insane.
There’s a girl onboard and now there’s flowers on the bridge
>american regs are so complicated and varried companies have to hire a third party QI just to deal with them and the coastguardWhy are they like this bros
Who else onnaship for xmas/newyears?Honestly I like it, no pressure to be social with family/friends, just get extra pay and everyone’s in a good mood and the cook makes a nice spread
Fuck hr fuck crewingI should have disembarked yesterdayThey ve sent my reliever to some other vessel to relieve a pajeetNow a pajeet that was suposed to come onboard on 10th can't come until 16- 18thAccording to conpany policy because he is new in company i must spend 7 day with himNo guarantee vessel will be in port after 7 days.
>>2018662>>2018572khanacademy , it wasn't the math, it was your shithead teachers
UKanon here, thinking bout taking the deck officer cadetpill for my next impulsive career change. How fucked am I on a scale of 1-10?
>>2027862reading the sticky now btw don't @ me
Hey bros, any Anon help a fellow Anon out? Long story short, I had a short stint on a Crowley tanker last year for 2 months by miraculous accident, and I haven't been on a vessel since because I got discouraged and tried to pursue an alternate dream on land, but that collapsed and it made menrealize what a fool I was for ditching the sea, and how much I actually miss being on the water.Unlike before, I have some minimal experience now that I can try to leverage, as well as a couple officer contacts who can vouch for me, but even still I'm expecting an uphill battle to get my foot in the door again, especially as an OS. I made a post on Gcaptain, and they advised me to go non-union tugs right now, since they are desperate (so it is claimed) and to just take any dog ass work to get my sea time tonget my AB special, which will then finally unlock all the doors currently locked for me. Just started my applications process with McAllisters and Dann today, and will certainly follow up in a few days from now, but in the meantime, if I can get some reliable leads here I'd very much appreciate it. I just want to be on the ocean again. Fuck the desert. Take me to the Doldrums.
Are you guys SAFE? We gotta be SAFE. Don't want to be UNSAFE. One time, some guy did something that wasn't SAFE, and he was never heard from again. That's called being UNSAFE. Look, at the end of the day, all ANY of us wants is to get the job done and get back to our families. You know what that means? It means being SAFE.
>>2017914I want to play this roguelike.
>>2026550The second you get your AB they will promote you
Any ausfags in? Accruing sea days at a slow rate doing day cruises, trying to figure out a pathway to more regular and/or better paid work. Not currently on the dogshit maritime award so I'm guessing ideally I want to get qualled up for a better position while I'm fucking around.
It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that and I know. But lately, I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end.The best of shipping is over.
>>2028253The ground floor of... shipping? You might be at least a few centuries later for that. But hey, they're trying to pass a pro merchant marine act through Congress
>>2028289>a pro merchant marine act through CongressI'm not american but btw that won't work, its simply impossible to compete in international shipping with american crew salaries
Is becoming an enlisted seaman the perfect career for a 20 year old reclusive retard?
>>2028301dude wtf im literally giving away 6 months at a time in orders to the national guard just to get away from home, I think I could do this
>>2027918This post can be ignored now. Got a decent gig.>>2028253Why so? Don't get me wrong, it's undeniably harder to get a job as a mariner now, and quite literally half of that issue is due to the absolute disconnect by HR bimbos who have no clue how to do their jobs and constantly filter out perfectly qualified up and comers. But that's every industry now. HR has been a disaster for business, but more and more people are waking up now and realizing just how destructive and borderline sabotaging they've been. The pay is still quite good, at least in the States. Ball busting work, but at least enough to make it worth it. And think, that you're making six figures for working half a year instead of a full year like whit collar cucks.Personally, I think there is going to be a maritime resurgence and Renaissance here soon, before or by 2030 at least. I can just feel it in the air.
>>2028308>I think there is going to be a maritime resurgence and Renaissance here soon, before or by 2030 at least. I can just feel it in the air.like I said in few posts before - unlikely, no... not just unlikely but impossible without radical change that I can't even describe. USA based shipping companies CAN NOT compete in the already established international shipping while staffing American crew you are completely disconnected with the reality of shipping (for mariners)
>>2028004there's actually a very popular air traffic control game that legit is just a radar scope and you give orders. more planes come in to land until you have an actual crash>>2028308i predict the opposite -- it's a pain in the ass to get the certifications and training you need to be a mariner, and jobs at sea but not in shipping don't give the same certifications/track sea days the same way/etc. it used to be that someone would join the navy or cg and get out and be able to at least get a job on a fishing trawler or tugboat operator or something -- not so anymore, and it never will be again. same for people who DO go to school but then become a ferry worker or something, they will NEVER be allowed to set foot on a cargo ship or fishing trawler, fishermen can't work on ferries or container ships, container workers get laughed out of every other maritime service, etc. boomer job-clinging will be the death of the industry, just like how in tons of white collar jobs they can't and won't hire anyone because they can't replace the 60 year old dude whose 1970 COBOL side project is now a load-bearing system and they can't find someone off of Indeed or LinkedIn who magically has intimate knowledge of how it works.
>>2027862Got accepted to Clyde. We gaan.
>>2024017>>2024017Spent this whole hitch offshore, we had a fire onboardAlso my test date is January 6th I am so fucked
>>2028405>tugfagAre you by chance tugsailor on gCaptain?
i swear to god im going to spend 16 months on my next ship so i dont have to be in the pool for 2 fucking months because of "training" and "certifications" what a load of horse shit this is.
>>2018789Kek this is my first time on this board after a year. Why can't you get a job on land like a normal person?
>>2019312R u a girl? Women actually work on ships? Hot
Imagine lying there with her warm body so close, I can feel the gentle pressure of her weight as she hovers above me. Her smile is soft, playful, filled with tenderness as she holds the makeup brush near my face. I can scent her feminine fragrance and clean skin and clothing. Every stroke is light, delicate, but it’s her presence that melts the world around us. I close my eyes and feel the warmth radiating from her skin, the way her breath brushes my face in rhythm with her movements. It’s not just the makeup she’s painting on me—it’s the quiet intimacy, the love in every detail. When I open my eyes, she’s still there, her smile brighter than anything she could ever put on my skin.
Who else ex sea and now land based?>9 years as 3rd and 2nd eng on osv/dsv offshore>now service leader/technician electric and fire pumps
>maritime industry in desperate need of workers>make it almost imposible to get in toAny other industry that works like this?
>>2028796almost all of themtrucking and chauffeuring/classic taxis are bleeding people because they actually check for CDLs now so only jeets with degree mill docs can do it nowfood service universally requires a red seal or bartending course, on top of various certs you have to get at your own expenseresource collection (logging/mining/oil/gas) is half automated and half boomers who refuse to hire anyone who isn't paul bunyan himselffarming is a giant meme and hemorrhages money, kept afloat only by government subsidy and "seasonal workers"(slaves)manufacturing is all outsourcedtech is one giant meme lets not even go there
>>2028423I gotto tell you, 6 left from my 16 weeks. Not fun.
>>2028854i am wondering if you posted this from your hotel room drunker than hell
worked with a daywork OS who would just spark a joint and walk up the deck in the morning, no fucks given
>>2028301If you join the navy, make sure you tell the recroooter you wanna be a gse. Probably the best rate in the navy and it's piss easy to leave the service and walk into a $100k/year job(on land or back at sea)
what knife do you guys carry on deck?should I get a multitool?
Oh look just a shy of 11 months more and I will be eligible for Oceangoing Master licence. How sweet.
Happy New Year, /mg/. Hope everyone's persevering through the darkest days of the year. In personal news, I left my comfy job (ocean towing) for a better paying job (oil) and now I miss my old comfy job.>>2029302My answer whenever people ask this: cheapest knife (partially serrated if possible) from Walmart. Because knives get lost. Also, a straight up $5 steak knife is GOATed for cutting line. You can make a sheath w/ duct tape. IYKYK>>2028796>industry in desperate need of workersThey just need to pay us more, simple as. No one wants to work on the high seas if they're not gonna get paid 50% more than their friends ashore. >>2028308congrats
>>2029302Any foldable would do. If you don't mind extra weight in your luggage get a multi tool why not.
>>2029598>ocean towingYou mean tugs? How is that less comfy than oil tankers?
>>2029598people say that but I've had my cheap $50 canadian tire knife for 5 years now and never clumsily kicked it overboard
anyone taking the 3rd a/e test soon? im losing my fucking mind studying
>>2029875Just relax, dude. Make yourself some coffee or a tea and continue studying. In the long run, it's definitely worth it.
ENG1 medical on Friday. Shitting bricks desu, I already quit my job.
I was offered a permanent position as AB but said noI like being free to be a neet after my hitches
>>2026552a lot of foreign ports wont allow warships to enter so having a civilian manned merchant auxiliary fleet is a massive advantage. The UK has the same (Royal Fleet Auxiliary).
>>2029983A metal prison. It's worth a metal prison. On water. Open to elements without a guarantee.
>>2030379Every sailor complains about the life at sea, and yet they continue to work there. Curious!
>>2030380Oh yes the ride never ends.
passed the medical. let's get daydrunk
>>2030383cantmom found the daydrunk pile
I miss filipinos and their banana ketchup table in the mess
>bro I swear its a tug and barge and not a tankerExplain your self americants
>>2030843tanker barge, what's the issue
I want to work at a cruise ship, what sort of job can I take inside if I have experience in hotel front desk?How is life at sea? Salary?
How (un)stable Are the long neck/giraffe tugs?
>>2030905how badgive me all the details
>>2018404do you need that much math though?>>2018572trigonometry can be quite annoying
do maritime colleges in europe that take 3-4 years make you work during the tuition period. I've seen that some do and some don't, for a short period of time, but the websites are all obtuse and don't describe the workload in great detail.also what kind of pay would a starting deck mate expect to make as part of one of these programs, or after a shorter certification.
i'm curious about trying to get a digital nomad visa somewhere (possibly thailand) as a seaman.has anyone done this or heard of it being done (in any country which offers a digital nomad visa)?there doesn't seem to be any specific exclusion for seamen but obviously this visa is not really meant for seamen.
Do you need a MMC to work in the Great Lakes?
>>2031212of course!BUT, there will be two dates on there, one for stcw international and one for domesticyou only have to be within the domestictherefore I believe it's every 5 years instead of 2-3 or whatever
by the end of the week ill have been in hotel hell for 2 months. they are testing the fire alarms throughout the day as well. I JUST WANT A FUCKING SHIP ALREADY
>>2031473why are you in a hotel
>>2031485Not him, but I'm stashed in a hotel for a month for my first 28 day hitch due to HR not even knowing that the vessel I'm supposed to be working on is literally still under construction lmao.
>>2031485i work for msc and im waiting a new assignment. they require you to be in one of their contracted hotels while you wait
How complex is the math required to be a deck officer? I already have a stem education and I am thinking of doing the maritime college route for an deck officer role, maybe I can knock off some required courses with already acquired credit points
>>2031634all you will ever need is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
>>2031636if we're being pedantic, that's the basis for most mathematics. I thought that navigation might require some trigonometry and logarithm operations, which are not too complicated, but they're kind of annoying, at least to me
>>2031684>navigation might require some trigonometry and logarithm operationsNo, not really. In real time navigation you're not going to be using pen and paper to do trigonometry, specially not in any areas with actual traffic congestion such as the South China Sea and passage planning is done through computer programs and ecdis so you're not doing any of the maths yourself. Deck officers are mostly resource managers and administrators, there is an absurd amount of paperwork and bureaucracy and it's only getting worse with each year.For cargo planning and ballasting the Chief should have a decent grasp of basic mathematics but it's really mostly about understanding the actual process of what is happening in real time more than understanding the maths itself. If you can visualise and understand what is going on when cargo is being manipulated with the ship's points of gravity, buoyancy, flotation and trim you'll have no problem understanding the maths behind it.I'm convinced if you are of an average intelligence with a grasp of common sense and tolerance for various bullshit you can be very good at this job.
>>2031720So I don't need to read this 190 page maths refresher I found on the website page for the cadetship I'm starting next month then lelGood to know, fuck you long division
>>2031745I don't understand why a 190 page maths refresher would be of any use to a cadet.
I am in the hiring process for MSC. My piece of shit email client sent my fingerprint form to drafts instead of out to the NISB office and I missed the deadline to respond. How fucked am I?
>>2031745>>2031828190 is not that much my guy, just read it and write down on paper some formulas and theorems that appear to be relevant.
>>2032069>What do you even do on a ship?depends what your job is onboard.https://www.securewest.com/complete-guide-to-seafarer-jobs-roles-responsibilities-and-qualifications/>do that's worth enough to get payed a living wage?not sure what you mean here.are you saying you only get paid a living wage working at sea? thats incorrect. average salary for seaman in the EU is comfortably above national average earnings.Here in the UK, a qualified rating is paid around £30-50k p/a. Officers get around £40-65k p/a.Thats way above living wage, and above national average salary in the UK. I would assume it's the same or even better in the rest of the EU.During training, which lasts about 1-3 years depending on your role, your pay will be very low. This is because you're unskilled and useless onboard and your company is paying for your training and certificates.
>>2032105>are you saying you only get paid a living wage working at sea? thats incorrect.what you wrote is incorrect, vast majority of seafarers are only paid while at sea and that includes EU crews and vessels
>>2032069Carrying cargo from A to B safely and securely and we do whatever necessary to maintain that.
A couple questions for any engineers here. I'm a machinist's mate aboard one of the steam-driven surface platforms coming to the end of my contract and considering the civilian side via one of the academies. What's the QoL for your average engineer's mate with these cargo outfits? What does your watch rotation look like? How heavy is the maintenance load when you hit port? I'm all ears for any and all information you can give me.
>>2032178would like to see where you're getting this info.biggest employer of seafarers in the EU is ferries and seaman on ferries are salaried, not day rate.Even those on day rates it works out as equivalent to better than average salary over the course of a year.
>>2032513Highly relatable. You paid while you're onboard. Depends on the company and contract however in no place you can call year-round pay day common.
>>2032069Both for deck and engine, PM, lots and lots of PM. That said preventive maintenance is going to be an always in demand job regardless on land or sea, and it pays well.
>>2032513>ferries and seaman on ferries are salariedMy bad, you're right but in international shipping almost nobody is salaried. I'm certainly not and neither is any other seafarer I know. You're also right that it's an above average salary over the course of a year, now how much above the average and is that really worth it to you personally is a good question.The guys I know working on ferries have a overall lower pay compared to shipping, when they're at home the pay is reduced by 30-50% and the ferries they're on are graded based on the routes meaning the salary can be slightly different on a ship to ship basis.
curious if seamen in other countries get tax exemptions?Here in the UK seaman can get a 100% income tax relief/rebate if you're working in foreign/international waters.Need at least one foreign port visit and atleast 183 days outside UK.
>>2032988>atleast 183 days outside UK.same in Croatia, but depends in which bracket you are based on your income. I know usually 3rd and 2nd mates dont earn enough to get taxed at all regardless of days and the senior officers all have to spend 183 days outside Croatia to get tax exemption
Did you ever worked with a girl
>>2033335Did you?A few times, but it happened on ferries and proportions are obviously skewed there. Most of them were in the hotel department anyway.
3 months in a hotel. finally got an assignment. fly out tomorrow bros
>>2033335Anyone else here /dredge/? Thoughts? How can I position myself to get back into real maritime?