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Heavy traffic edition

Prev: >>2003913
First for Filipinobros
question: have any american mariners worked for foreign ships or companies?
US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
but what about Canadian mariners?
please refer to Stan Rogers songs
We do the needful saar
would you join the ship earlier in the day so that your relief could get off quicker or not if you had a choice? you get your travel day paid either way.
Wouldn't the default be indians who do that instead of canadians?
Canadian vessels have canadian crews
why is the best job on the ship the 2nd mate job?
Because you're a pussy afraid of responsibilities.
Im 90 days short of my DDE 4k seatime requirements, what are the odds they give it to me if i send it in like when i was 90 days short of my STCW endorsements that they gave me?
Just blame covid and hope they say ok
Whats up Flipper
how's life at sea?
t. just some anon
Goddamn them all
>the night before I get on a ship
VGH I hate this feeling, I just wanna stay home with my family
Yeah, it makes you put things in perspective about what matters though that most people take for granted until they die
I still love sailing, it’s just the night before joining and I’m at home enjoying my last day of freedom it sucks
I guess it’s the price we pay for how excited you get the day before you get off
I want to be a Deck Officer but I'm bad at math
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>get on ship
>”alright how many Filipinos am I working with here”
Ive never worked with a Flip only Albanians, Kazakhs, Lithuanians, Romanians....
Most deck officers don’t know how to read a list meter
I went to /sci/ to ask about being bad at math, and I think we just have to go back and re-learn everything, anon.
Start with the Greeks
>join ship
>”hey what watch am I?”
>”12 to 6, yeah we work 6 on 6 here and btw there’s no overtime :3”

3 sentence horror
Be like cool then 360 and walk out of there, you should have checked that before getting on anyway
NOOOO! I've forgotten everything I learned for mathematics
The Ukrainian cook put some weird red sauce on my steak and I was like “oh is this some interesting Ukrainian recipe?” and he’s like no is barbq sauce
bahrk bezscuil sauce from Donetsks...
what vessels can i work on with a 1600 tonnage limited mates?
Tugs, smaller offshore service vessels.
>work at sea
>a while back worked in a training position on a tanker ship learning the ins and outs of tanker operations
>despite being a trainee, about 4 weeks into my 90 days we got a retarded old guy who was supposed to actually know the job
>TLDR, he definitely did not know the job
>couldn’t be left alone
>Captain put my training on pause and makes me supervise this boomer before he causes an oil spill
>instead of learning I am now teaching, despite not knowing much
>right before the end of the 90 days I make a mechanical mistake alongside the boomer, we both get blamed for it, as it was both our faults
>Captain is pissed at me
>last day he gives me my letter of recommendation, which tells the office that I had good work ethic but was bad at my job and shouldn’t be hired
>he sort of did this on purpose, because he wanted me to make a reply on record explaining why it was the fault of the boomer who I had to babysit
>captain truly hated the boomer and wanted him fired from the company and reprimanded by the union for being a genuine danger, which in fairness he was
>I write my reply stating I had to stop my training to teach this incompetent fuck, and from there on out I do end up getting the job
>apparently this captain doesn’t have anything good to say anyone, and is such a pain that his ship runs through mates like crazy
>the office tells me that if I work for them I won’t be on that same ship
>works for me
>go to a new ship, do a great job, the captain loves me, everyone seems to love me, I’m asked to come back and my new review is very good
>go on vacation, time to go back to the ship in a week
>the office called me today and gave me a heads up that captain fuckface is currently on the ship
My stomach is twisted into knots just thinking about having to work, live, and eat alongside this piece of shit. They say he won’t be there for long, but I’m so against the idea of working for this guy that I just might excuse myself and say I can’t come back. Which would be a damn shame since everyone else onboard is great.
Just stick it out man, you have a better understanding of working with him now so it can’t be worse than last time
>mooring line is rock hard
>oh I guess I should slack it since we’re going up
>let out about 3 feet of line
>mooring line is still rock hard

What causes this
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Been fantasizing about a maritime career for close to a decade now, just read over the sticky as well. What opportunities are there on the great lakes? I'm thinking over the investment in time and money I'll need to pursue the hawsepipe route, not sure if I'll make enough money (in time) to justify chasing a fantasy. I'd be less in a rush, but my family is getting older and will likely need me around to help out. I'm 28 in IT, and like the sticky assumes, I probably don't have a solid understanding of what it takes to be in this industry. That said, I utterly despise my job and I had a genuine "click" moment when I took some sailing courses a year ago. I'd have pursued something else more local but every job in Michigan pays dogshit, and despite my job sucking it pays 50k a year, which is above the average for most entry to mid level IT positions out here. Should I expect something resembling career growth in the industry, or am I going to get dumped into a waiting pool with other people that had the same idea? Literally every industry I took an interest in is saturated, and none of the industrial tech/repair jobs in Metro Detroit want a guy who barely knows his way around a wrench.
If you’re gonna do it you have to be all in and it will work out somehow if you try desperately. Like literally everything else in life
Growth is mainly determined by sea time and meeting requirements like having taken classes and tests for advancement so with appropriate sea time you can move up and make way more than 50k. But be honest with yourself, can you see yourself leaving your job, starting over in a brand new industry at entry level physically doing bitch work for 12-16 hour days every day for weeks/months with a potentially toxic crew, or will you jump ship and run back to the relative comfort of your desk job? Either way, you're going to keep getting older but you have to decide for yourself if you want to get old in an office or out on the water.
t. also 28
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I appreciate the bluntness. The honest answer is I don't know. I've dealt with toxic workplaces to some degree, but I always had the power to just leave, on a ship that won't be the case. Comfort is relative, I find my WFH helpdesk monkey job utterly soul crushing and regularly get shitfaced to numb myself to it. I doubt being a sailor will bring me joy in and of itself, but I'm utterly disgusted by corporate/office workplaces and the stale people that inhabit them. The biggest issue is age imo. I've known people that made career changes in their 30's, but that was a different time in a different economy.
There isn't much in the way of usual office staleness. You do your job, try not to fuck up too badly, and ask questions and you'll be alright. People have their drama but if you stay out of it then it generally won't affect you. Age isn't that big of a factor, anon. I've worked with guys in their late 30's who decided to drop everything and start sailing at entry level and met plenty of retarded divorced alcoholic sailors at all ages with negative bank balances who wouldn't ever make it on land in a normal job so if they can do it then you can too. You seem like you have a good head and are just conflicted on what you want, stuck in something you don't actually want but need for the financial security. You won't find the meaning of life or happiness out here but if you want to change your life's situation bad enough you have be brave enough to push yourself to go after it.
Considering your insight, it can't hurt to take a peek. Getting the basic licenses wouldn't be too costly, and I already intended making big changes in my life anyhow. I've got to do some thinking. Thanks!
You're right, but I'd argue some struggles are more worthwhile than others. I pry here just to get a pulse on things, because on my own using google it's easy to delude myself about the seaman life.
Ships need IT people, ships like research vessels and cruise ships have IT dweebs onboard

Don’t quit your job without anything lined up, like if you wanna work onnaship get your certs and medical before quitting your job and only quit once you’ve got the green light that you actually will be getting onboard a ship
Yes you will start at the bottom and be prepared to take a lot of shit because you’re a useless waste of space
If you get a toxic crew/shit accommodations give yourself at least 2 weeks before considering leaving because it will probably be nbd once you settle in
Your first hitch will be rough you gotta absorb a lot of info

Hawsepipe is dead if you wanna be an officer go to an academy after you work as a deckband for awhile
There’s no office staleness but don’t ignore that being trapped in a metal box 24/7 with the same group of people for weeks on end and no possibility to escape, working 6/6 or 12/12 every day and having limited personal space or privacy is an enjoyable environment.

This guy is right. If you’re gonna get into this career in your late 20s you need to fully commit. It’s going to really suck for a while, but the sea time can’t be hurried.
Once you get AB or QMED the money starts becoming decent but the work stays the same. Getting a license is the real goal and that takes 3-4 years.
>be onnaboat
>pizza night
>square pizza and the crust is dry as a cracker

Every time, you’re telling me not a single cargo ship in the entire world has a pizza oven, eh?
why dont you just order some? :)
>hating square pizza
uncultured swine
Currents. Wind.
man i could go for a cracker pizza with some bbq sauce rn..
>greasing, doing shit on deck
>30 mins before end of watch
>aight imma take 5
>go to the bow and sit down
>out of the corner of my eye I see the captain coming up the deck
>o fuk
>grab my grease gun and pretend to be greasing a roller
>capt proceeds to spend the next 30 mins telling me how to grease a roller
>don’t even get changed until 5 mjns after my watch is done

Jesus fkn christ buddy who lets these boomer captains roam around the deck
Hawsepipe isn’t dead retard
Yes it is. MARAD and the uscg know that the maritime academies are bleeding cash and students, and they also need more women in this industry for some reason. We all know that women aren't going to bust their ass scraping paint for like 6 years, instead they go to college for 4 years for essentially free to whore themselves out so that simps do their homework for them.
Anyone following the Oceangate investigation?

They've started questioning involved parties.
Have you ever been on a problem ship
have you ever been on a work ship
Maybe for deckies, women love being deckies. I’ve been at it for 3 years and am sailing as an ET and will get a license soon and have seen plenty of others do it too. Qmeds can make good money too for decent work.
stewardsisters... it's over
Well in three days I'm done with my first time as a 3rd Mate, 7 months later and what a fucking experience... 63 day long voyage too from Korea to Turkey around Africa and I think I've lost my marbles
Grats bruv

What company
What country credentials do you have
How’s the pay

I’ve been thinking about going deep sea just because it’s way more fun than america/canada but i’ve heard the pay is shit
How prevalent is drug use on ships in your experience /mg/?
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I like the part where Chief and 1st mate get into a drunken fight over who gets to breed Ashley and she gets no say in the matter because she’s just a hole, to be won by violent conquest.
Not common. I’ve known a number of people who were forced out of the industry due to testing positive on tests administered on crew up day after they’d been on the beach for a while, but only one who was caught using while at sea.
Once you’ve got time in this career it’s absolutely idiotic to use drugs, and it filters out people stupid enough to keep doing so.
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he's just like me fr
haha that guy died in a plane crash
its not easy being a sea daddy
Do they have pecker checkers? Do they watch you piss?
Does SIU still require the clotshot for their apprenticeship? What about the academies?
only retards like spaghetti and lasagna, two of the worst meals onnaship
So it fits perfectly, only retards work onnaship.
>spaghetti tastes sugary
Alright, I'm calling the patrolman.
Any MSC guys here can tell me if you guys have starlink on your ships yet? My job performance is directly correlated to access to chatgpt so i need to know
Did you ever experience the paranornal while onboard?

There was a cadet what hanged himself in the focsle and one time I swore I tied a heaving line on the railing like normal but it was tied up on a pipe on the ceiling…
Is it worth it to get a tanker endorsement as a deck officer?
Do I have to start as a cadet to get tanker experience or can I just do that tanker course, get the endorsement and then get on a tanker and have the other mates baby me since it’s my first tanker?
No for SIU, not sure about the academies my advice is to skip SIU if you have the money.
Lol MSC fleet oiler in the Red Sea ran aground and is basically out of commission for the foreseeable future and the USN doesn’t have any other oilers in theater lmao.
The MSC anon without chatgpt was at the helm. Investigators are saying that he confused port with starboard and confused ease rudder with hard rudder.
just got home

I'm Croatian and I work for a Croatian bulk company, I got a stcw coc and shit ton of STCW certs because they're required by croatian port authority to even sign up for your OOW COC exam.

the pay is good by our standards, 4000USD per month
I’m looking at the SUNY graduate program for a MS in Shipping/Logistics including the 3rd mate license since I already have a bachelor’s in Finance.
Have any anons completed the online program? They mention the license can only be completed in-person (obviously) but this looks to reasonably be the cheapest option.
I’ve also considered GLMA since it’s also cheaper and I’m close by geographically (MN), although the timeline would be a bit longer.
Would work towards the license presumably take place over the summer?
I need a letter of recommendation to work as motorman if my last position was wiper, don't I?
confuse shit with fuck

Yeah the pay wouldn’t be worth it where I’m from, inshore I make around 12K usd a month
Asking again before i burn 200 dollars, what are the odds the nmc overlooks my dde 4k application that has 90 days short of sea time? It has happened before with STCWs, i think they don’t really give a shit unless it’s a license or something
Is anyone keeping track of how many entry level help with the DC or is the naval command just retarded
DDE 4K is a license. You will be requested to present records of more sea time, I can guarantee it.
Did you were ever accident while onboard?
I saw a guy break both his knees while tripping over a sounding pipe
I saw a drunk old AB fall completely in the water trying to board the boat from the dock. When the captain asked him the next day why he had his phone in a bowl of rice, the AB said he dropped it overboard. Luckily for him, the average IQ on the boat being about 90, nobody asked how a phone could be recovered from below 40 ft of water .
He did a williamson turn that’s how he recovered the phone

Seriously though if you saw him fall in the water though you should have sounded the alarm especially if he’s drunk and old
It's less headaches to not ask than press the issue
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Has anyone ever been on a ship that wasn’t a complete piece of shit, people on reddit post cool looking ships how do I work on those instead of these rusty chinese garbage ships
Kawasaki built this ship.
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This absolute behemoth is for sale. Wonder if anyone will pick up the threads from where Nautilus Minerals failed.
>how do I work on those instead of these rusty chinese garbage ships

be white, have a meme college degree and have connections
>be white
>meme degree
I just have my officer license why would I need some shithouse useless degree, what would that degree even be?
People like me… I think
I'd love to work on one of these brand new catamaran ferries running between Nanaimo & Vancouver.
Do any anons have advice for finding a job in SOCAL? I dont really care if its industrial or tourism or ferries. it seems impossible to find something, when you go on indeed its all BS jobs that arent relevant. any advive helps.
What endorsements do you have? The answer to this question is the difference between $20/hr as a deckhand on the Alcatraz tour boat or $150k a year on a ship.
There's your problem, boss. If you don't care about pay or sea time and only want any job you can get just to be on the water then look for privately owned ferries or dinner boats. They'll hire literally anyone as a deck janny for whatever California's minimum hourly rate is. But if you want a career you'll have to make a list of tug boat and barge companies in your area and actually have to go around knocking on doors with a TWIC card in hand.
This needs to be the op for the next bread
super entry level would be something like the Catalina Express. Curtin Maritime says they're hiring entry level guys on indeed. Twic needed for the shipyard personnel and MMC+TWIC for boat stuff.
Curtin has had those postings up for the past 4 years straight. There’s a ton of red flags in the language they use that indicates they churn through new hires at a higher than usual rate. Basically “you will do everything and anything we ask and be thankful for the opportunity and if you out compete everyone else and play the right politics we might someday stop abusing you”.

But i guess if you’re totally green it’s worth a shot. This industry isn’t for the weak minded anyway.
Yeah, that's definitely what it sounds like. I figured I would mention it anyway.
I've heard of it happening yes, but for random tests and I believe for post-accident tests too they don't. Are you planning on using something that makes you piss hot? There's plenty of decent drugs that aren't on the 5 panel
I miss land
Should have brought some in a jar
i have an AB special, lifeboatman and stcw. i should have my 100 ton inland by april. I dont really care at the moment what kind of job it is as long as its a day job.
How do you decide what line goes on what bit?
Is that just up to the mate on the fly or is that something the captain specifies before tieup
Why do they make you go through an academy when you use none of the knowledge on the ship basic bridge knowledge which you can learn in a few hours anyways
And you still have to do the nav safety exam with the government so what the fuck is the point
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their ass is not tying lines
ship cats are good luck
Me on the left
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>super entry level would be something like the Catalina Express.
This anon is a knower!
Are you an LA/LB local, my dude? I have some pals that are/were IBU.
So have all of you watched The Terror? I thought it was ok. Good not great. I wont watch it again. But it had some good maritime stuff.
What do you actual mariners like as far as film and tv? Master and Commander? Crimson Tide?
Captain Phillips is based as fuck but it sucks that they changed the story and now people think he's a hero and not a retard. But I dont care when the Navy vessel shows up and put their lights on and blare their horns I get a positive chemical reaction in my brain.
The Terror is one of the best horror series ever made, speaking as a horror fan
The Terror is alright. Personally I preferred the book. Master and Commander is kino. Still waiting on an actionslop movie to be made of El Faro where they cast Marky Mark as a hyper competent OS running around trying to save the crew and ship.
Watch hornblower
but I'm just a lurker in your guys' threads. I don't work on a ship.
>oh anon we don’t have a flight for you to get on by the time your relief gets here so we’ll get you a hotel
>*books the shittiest hotel right by the airport and books you a flight a 4am so you barely have enough time to get drunk in your hotel room before rushing to the airport*

What the FUCK Padma?!
Honestly longshoremen can go fuck themselves, they hold inland waterways hostage so they can extort people to over pay them to drive a forklift. Atleast mariners do something…
>over pay
Overpay is one word, dummy. Have you considered maybe the reason you struggle financially is you're stupid?
Have you realized the reason you have to extort americans to over pay you is because you’re worthless?
Weird how I'm worthless and yet enjoy a way higher quality of life than you.
Just turned down a $400/day AB contract because I just got my mates ticket and promised myself I’d start applying for mates positions

I feel bad though, the fleet co-ordinator sounded incredibly stressed and desperate
Sucks to be them. Good luck anon
thanks man, yeah bound to get something gonna fire off my resume on monday to a bunch of companies
How am I supposed to complete an SF-86 for MSC if I am a loner with no friends? Am I screwed?
Any anons do the SUNY graduate program? I was wondering if I can start in the spring semester. Additionally for obtaining the license, do I need to dedicate that immediate first summer for the cadet program?
Are you a neet? If not then write down your former coworkers. It's not as intensive as a TS, they just want to make sure you aren't going to tape a chinese tracker under your bed for gacha phone game gift cards
What about past relationships? Do they check into that?
It's mainly your financial history and criminal record that they're interested in. Fill it out as much as you can. They won't care about whatever your ex says if your records are solid
I got my mates ticket but have no idea how to do ballasting or cargo operations, spotting or ETA's if I'm not looking at the ECDIS

is this something they expect new mates to know or does this get taught on the ship
What's the worst injury you guys have seen on your ships? Any fatalities?
For me it's either the guy who lost the tips of three fingers line handling or the guy who fell off the 3rd deck onto the second and had to get medflighted off Nantucket.
He died in the helicopter but they revived him
Those were for ferry work
had a stevedore working in our hold unlashing chain binders for mining equipment
Chain binder let go with too much tension on it (these were the old dangerous kind) and smashed his leg to bits
had to put a stretcher down in the hold and lift him out with our crane
Getting off my first ship in half a month. Started at MSC mid January and walked on a ship mid April. I had zero maritime experience and was told about this job by a friend after bitching not wanting to work at a computer anymore so I dove in headfirst.
>getting off in half a month
I'm an OS and my purser has made it abundantly clear that MSC has an over abundance of OS and are not willing to pay a single day of penalty for being overdue. The last OS was able to leave early without relief and my CM has assured me I will be able to do the same.
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I recently switched from doing 8 weeks on 4 weeks off, to doing 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off. And damn, does it feel good.
‘pill me on the canadian coastguard, how is it compared to working on cargo ships?
most of the Os, SA, and Wipers are going to quit after their first time getting off of a ship. But i suppose MSC will be stuck in the same old cycle of overhiring for a year straight then closing hiring in June and then open up again in October.
I'm at a point where I need to choose between becoming an elevator mechanic (I'm next in the line for becoming an apprentice via the union) or going for a graduate degree + 3rd mate license. The mechanic trade is great but it doesn't really offer the opportunities for fucking off on a multi-month vacation like maritime work can - and having a decent work life balance where I can travel a lot in the off time is important to me.
I'm leaning to maritime but I figured I'd ask you guys if you tolerate your work enough to get some enjoyment out of it.
During training multiple instructors said, "9/10 of you won't be with the company this time next year." Unfortunately I'm older than most of these failed young adult criminals and I understand the value being offered at MSC and the industry as a whole so I'll be sticking around for awhile.
La maritime institute, they do tall ship sailing for kid programs and have been looking for deck hands.
Compared to cargo ships, you'll be making shit money. At least that's how it is in America, you'll have 3 meals, a roof over your head, a bed and a job.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to fuck around in the coast guard if you get veterans benefits like we do in the USA.
Use your coast guard career to jump start your career. Since you'll be the Port state control you'll get to inspect ships and ding them for any safety and security violations.
Bro I’d stab a dude to get in with the elevator union. They are literally the highest paid most exclusive and smallest labor pool of all skilled trades. Don’t be a retard.
has anyone gotten an ECDIS working on their pc for practice?

But also consider that working on elevators your whole life for a career is a very lame waste of life and adventure compared to being a modern pirate, soldier, Salvadorean ligger, celebrity chef, mercenary, aerospace engineer at Boeing, mechanical engineer at Oceangate, dive welder, oil rigger, or archaeologist for Smithsonian. May as well go work at a grocery store.
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You get a nice house and a 2wicked car, though.
I decided on SUNY, hope to see you on the high seas eventually anons.
What’s the longest you’ve been at home between ships before I’m at 6 months and starting to lose it
6 but my renewal was held hostage for 3. I'm back on a ship now.
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That sounds like too much hassle. Setting up a proper ECDIS is usually a major pain in the ass, especially if you want to have charts and NMEA input.
You might pirate a prepared image from torrents though, that'd be easier.
some indian dude on yt has got an ECDIS running, it's just a program
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i'm getting fucking blue balled on ships atm no one is hiring
MSC stable paycheck Chads stay winning
pffft I'm working retail rn. You may have thrown away the chance of a lifetime. Hope it all works out for us both.
>Nobody is hiri- ACK!
Thanks, brother. I'm just inbetween waiting for my docs to process.
I hope everything goes well for you, Anon.
Don't knock the SIU's apprenticeship. I overheard someone saying that they where extraordinarily short handed.
I'm guessing that they'll let in anyone to this program.
However you have to a whole lot of stupid shit, like going to the galley every weekend until you get privileges as well as marching everywhere.
Most of these tasks are rather easy but they get old within a day.
I've got unusually supreme benefits with my current job that I'd be throwing away but it has me absolutely trapped in a life I'm not satisfied with. bit of a risk, but my goal is to upskill and get rated in the unions to be able to take the hitches I choose, whenever, with a variety of companies, eventually for much higher pay and with similar benefits as I have now. Even with the sacrifices you make, it's my kind of lifestyle.
I need all the money I can get to keep saving and invest proper.
9 months during 2014 2015 offshore crash
6 7 months during covid
5 months this year

I regret nothing and the best time i had at home with my son
Going back at sea after so much time at home feels like shit but it is what it is
MSC reduced requirements again to get promoted and sail as AB. Is it the same outside MSC or strictly for them?

For the record the change went from needing your 120 sea watches, watch assessments and deck assessments completed before beginning your 360 sea days. Now your 360 sea days begin as soon as you come aboard, not needing the sea watches and assessments done before the timer starts.

Then you need lifeboat and an AB class and wait on your endorsement from the USCG to sail as AB and get AB pay.

I'm hoping to get AB late next Summer and I'm the anon that started NEO last January.

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