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I am looking for a youtube channel of a guy or group of guys putting heavy mileage on ebikes.
Maybe food deleivery ?

What I am looking to learn is about how well these hold up under heavy use and what mainanace issues there might be long term.

I live out in the boonies and need to commute 22 miles each way every day so the miles are really going to add up
EbikeSchool and Electrek, both channels with Micah Toll, are good spots to begin. In general, hub motors will need to be checked for gear tooth wear and kept lubed, mid-drive motors will require more chain/cassette maintenance and swapping due to wear. Some kind of tire liners/flat protection is helpful, too, I use Mr. Tuffy liners for my cargo bike, if you live in a place with lots of broken glass/goathead stickers, Tannus armour inserts might be necessary.
Thanks anon, that is the sort of thing I am after
Nice pic. I've saved it to use as my phone wp.
spread it far and wide anon
Ebike Escape is another decent channel, they review a shit-ton of bikes and accessories (mostly affordable entry level stuff, but also the occasional high-end ride), and they also do update vids like this one:

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