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Post Your Bike Thread
Frenly Fall Edition

Previous Edition
Roast me
>steel is real
>1x8 STX group
>aliexpress parts
>meme tires

Really like how this build came together.
Serving me well so far as a daily commuter
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I like the fenders and the basket. Is it removable? Is the lock from ali because I bought a similar thing and it would rattle like a motherfucker. It also was super loose so when I was cycling with the lock in the same spot as you it swung over to the side and freaked me out a bit. It's in the basement gathering dust. Here is my commuter that sits folded both in my cars trunk and at work.
I sent a very rare retro bike to a renowned frame painter.
we spoke on the phone, and I explained exactly what I wanted, during the call I sent him some pictures via email, of the bike now, and how I wanted it to look, the original red and white. He said OK, no problem, we can do that.

During the ensuing email exchange I asked if he could also paint some other bits, fork lowers, brace and stem, I wanted these in a specific shade of blue, and again he said no problem, so I sent them with the frame. Once they arrived he emailed me to expect the work to be completed in about 6 weeks.

9 weeks passed and I'd heard nothing. So I sent an email asking for news. They replied saying that had been extremely busy, but not to worry as my bike was near the top of the queue.

7 weeks after that I recieved another email saying that the work was complete, I paid the balance and the bike arrived a week later.

They painted the frame and the parts in the blue. It turns out the phone chat we had was completely forgotten, and he'd simply seen the word blue in the email chain relating to the fork parts and stem he assumed the frame needed to be the same. The problem is there's no record of our original chat where we spoke at length about thr red and white, where the fades should be etc, so I can't even claim for incorrect work.

He's just an unprofessional disorganized retard, and I'm now stuck with a bike that needs repainting.

Why are people so fucking retarded?
When I was a bike noob just started lurking /n/, /n/ had a bit of a fetish for GT triple triangle frames.
I don't see that much anymore, but every time I see a GT bike it takes me back to those times. I've never ridden a GT, but I've been indoctrinated by /n/ to uncritically think triple triangle frames are awesome.
I still have a fetish for them, and am looking at an aluminum road bike locally.
I don't need more bikes but n+1 is calling.
0 fucks given.
A shame since at one time he might have cared, and it wouldn't have been hard to contact you again to confirm the design/paintjob.
GT’s are based
Here is my disc brake modded 650b graveler with shimano 105 drive
cool build
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Only major changes since last posting is a less extreme angled stem and a riser bar. Pretty useable, makes sense to reach for the drops now occasionally. Still might flip the stem for even more comfort.

Maybe a bit bigger cassette in the rear for these mountain climbs. 52x39 up front and I've put on some weight this year. I've been back to tracking my diet so maybe I'll avoid the need to do that though.

Wheels definitely need to get trued this week,
sick fade
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18 months later and I no longer have any lingering symptoms in my shoulder. Just intermittent "weather knee", but I have that in more places than just my shoulder.
Still managing to get in 2 miles a day, even though Pittsburgh has steeper hills than Seoul did.
that lounger park bench looks completely awesome
Once had a late 80's triple-triangle gt for about a year because I was off at a job and it just happened to be there. Not one you would glance and and think was any good. It also had the weird seatstay-mounted U-brake. That was some fun bike, god damn. Flexy and responsive
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Why ride such a heavy horrible shitter?
There are commuter bikes with fenders and 29" x 2" tires that weigh less than 9kg.
2 miles a day is literally nothing, you don't need an ebike for that
Hello fancy british man with smol mtb. Looks like a nice early rockshox fork and some neat low spoke count wheels. Add in the fancy cranks and you are ballin. Of course a fancy mtb frame with wishbone seat stays.
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eh, fixies are for fags but I'll revoke that statement since you have not shaved off the derailleur hanger on that classic frame, and you run full brakes. it's flat where you live?
I've never seen a chromed top tube before, is that factory spec or was that tube replaced at some point?
I bough it in Korea since a) They're half price there and b) I intended to haul one or more children and heavy boxes with it.
I would intermittently attach a bike trailer or rear child seat to the cargo frame over the rear wheel depending upon what I needed to haul.
I'm not going to be able to afford anything nicer for a while.
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It's single speed right now and it was setup for commuting back in 2009 or so.
Yeah 40 miles today with only 500ft of climbing+descending. Takes most of what I got to get up the couple 10% hills but I manage with the spider technique since I am heavy at 200lbs.

Factory as far as I know. Dad bought it off ebay in the early 2000's from denmark. So it could have been replaced before then.
I wasn't cognizant of the factory spec when we got it since I was a kid and more into anime at the time. Also not sure if he got it complete, or just the frame+fork but it has universal mod .125 brakes+levers, cinelli bars+stem, ofmega headset, campy record+36 hole mavic g40 up front and a laced up suzue track hub+mavic reflex rim. Origin 8 crank+cartridge bb that we installed back then.
I think it's a 48 or 46-18.

Oh, and here are some more pictures I took recently.
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that's a lovely bike
I suggest you upgrade your brakes.
How the fuck do you ride with seats that high? I know the deal about the full leg straightening, but do you really feel comfortable when occasionally riding on sidewalks and having to maneuver between young moms with trolleys/children/dogs/old people/other unpredictable obstacles? I tried to raise the seat but I just can't ride confidently if I'm unable to support myself with my foot in risky cases.
I prefer to use heel to pedal at full extension. That works for me when you use your fore foot it's pretty close.
I am fine maneuvering on my road bike>>2019036
I have always had good reactions and look far ahead so I am prepared. I don't do much sidewalk riding, but on the bike trail when I spot a potential issue I judge the possibilities
Dog walker+leash?
slow down and "on yer left" from far away
2 people walking on the correct side
on yer left
Hamplanets blocking the path?
on yer left doing 1mph to let them move.
same, go really slow.

Dabbing my foot? I used to mtb a ton and practice slow speed movements so I am very confident at that. So mtbing or doing tighter and tighter figure 8's are a good way to practice.
Half me says to keep em as is. Other half agrees with you. After training my forearms I can brake pretty fast now from the drops, but before as a DYEL it was scary stopping. Just aero levers would be huge.
Lol git gud

Seriously though, it’s not a problem once you’re used to it. You will however never have the same amount of control on a slammed road bike with narrow bars.

Consider it ”technical terrain” and have some fun instead if being anxious
learn to do a trackstand (point your front wheel to the right, up a small hill, and balance to stay still)

you've got it when you can do it no hands, forever
>point your front wheel to the right
>t. left pointing, left foot forward

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