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File: panto-loco.jpg (70 KB, 1000x563)
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How do you tell a pantograph is about to break or stop functioning?
1. read the manual
2. arcing that results in waveform disruption that, in almost all modern locomotives, will automatically trigger a controlled transformer shutdown before damage occurs to the coils inside
3. it falls down and requires the operator to stick it back up with a pole too much (particularly relevant for san francisco, where this is commonplace)

what is the purpose of your question? you can visit SF and just watch them as they pass in and out of Muni's electric grid
>what is the purpose of your question?
what's the purpose of your reply?
What happens when it rains????
is that thing insulated?
what's stopping it from zapping everyone during rain?
>How do you tell a pantograph is about to break or stop functioning?
Depends on the pantograph.

Usually you just need to replace the graphite when it wears with use, usually you'll notice power flicker when the wire hits the worn section of graphite, if it's really bad and you're actively drawing a high load (such as actively accelerating) when the wire goes over the worn area you might even get some pops and flashes, doubly so if you do this on a wire frog.
Though you can also manage to fuck it up in a crash or something where you might need to replace the entire thing.
It gets wet
Trump gtfo
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Electric in the poo
the purpose of my reply is that it disrupts the waveform, this is an electrical engineering question that is arguably better done on /diy/

not being dismissive, because there are studies on this. Is there any specific reason you need to know what arcing does to an AC/DC transformer?
i don't know i am not an electrician
>doubly so if you do this on a wire frog
This is an honest to god pet peeve of mine.

Nothing pisses me off more than seeing a streetcar/tram draw power through a frog.

Learn to fucking drive you dumb cunts. It's not hard.

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