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File: shimano-essa_1-1536x1024.jpg (114 KB, 1536x1024)
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>8/9sp cable pull
We are so fucking back bros.
A crank design only a mother could love. Looks like some generic chinesium you'd find on Walmart bike, and not even the nicer ones. A large capacity derailleur is welcome though for us mere mortals who like big front rings but want to climb big hills.
The front crank is irrelevant, run whatever 8/9 chainring you want in the front
The important thing is you can slap this bad boy on any 8/9 speed bike. Road brifters included.

8/9 was peak compatibility era and the last good thing that industry ever did
35-45 is gonna feel like your chain fell off
Nah it's 1x specific
Only if you're a coward
So this is the new claris/sora? Or altus alivio what the fuck ever idk mountain. We getting brifters? If 8 speed then it could be the new thing to put on 7 speed shitters to replace those deathtrap A050 thumb shifters
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you need more?
I agree with you but
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how do you judge someone's gearing without knowing where they ride
This mfs just waited for me to finish my 2x9 touring bike build!!

Surely it can't matter if you were to just turn off the clutch
Tangentially related but fuck hollowtech.
After months of troubleshooting apparently my crank (!) developed a click when pedaling. How do you even fuck that up, it's supposed to be a solid piece of metal.
>crank is literally called "HOLLOWtech"
>it's supposed to be solid

zoomers are so fucking dumb it's going to collapse civilization
It's almost certainly the bottom bracket and not the crank. If your bottom bracket is pressfit you are have your reason.
That was the first thing I checked. Then the pedals. I was actually convinced it was my EBB and I was cursing the innocent thing and needlessly disassembled, cleaned and greased it multiple times. Then I replaced the crankset and the bike has been silent since.

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