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Anyone been watching these? The guy at the end of the hearings yesterday accused Stockton Rush of intentional murder/suicide.


The livestream today will be here:

So far method of failure seems to be the connection between the titanium dome and the carbon fiber cylinder or buckling of the carbon fiber cylinder, from what I can gather.
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the chat has been fun. guy talking right now refuses to answer any questions and will not stop yapping lol
the guy talking now is so nervous
>accused Stockton Rush of intentional murder
Based if true. All oligarchs deserve the same.
>Ex-OceanGate employee Matthew McCoy testified that the submersible’s “engineering department didn’t seem overly qualified,” while he worked at the company in 2017.
>He again said he was concerned after learning that OceanGate had broken ties with Boeing and the University of Washington’s engineering department.
>“Who is the qualified individual making these decisions?,” he added. McCoy claimed that OceanGate engineers consisted of “college interns” during the summer of 2017.
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>Ex-OceanGate employee Matthew McCoy testified that the submersible’s “engineering department didn’t seem overly qualified,” while he worked at the company in 2017.
Idk man swindling richfags out of their money only to commit murder-suicide seems odd desu.
My crack theory is he believed in quantum immortality.
Then in that case the scenario where he lives would be one where he didn't get on the sinking garbage pile
My bet is on cheapskate and self diagnosed genius.
Should have carried deuterium onboard and gone for fusion power generation.
I’m not into the OceanGate public humiliation ritual. From what I can tell the sinking was due to a simple QA failure during manufacturing (cap-vessel joining ring installation), nothing to do with the CYA / clickbait bs in the hearing. Stockton sounds like an aggressive CEO trying to make his small business succeed and not become failed lifestyle employment pit that goes bankrupt after 2 years. But because it entered the YouTube content production cycle all the double-digit IQs feel they are entitled to jacking off to group think and memes. I’m just not the audience for it,
Is there any actual journalism going on about this? I want to know more but I'm not going to watch the hearing raw and I expect all the youtube crap to be dog shit. I have no fucking idea how to find information anymore now that news media has been trashed and replaced by garbage.
I'm a structural analysis engineer, and even last year enough came out about how awful their design was that it's easy to tell he was worse than an aggressive CEO, he was ignoring serious safety problems. That is not how you succeed at business.
Did a single one of those problems have to do with the actual failure? No? Then who cares. It was a basic QA issue which failed to catch a manufacturing flaw in the installation of a joining ring. What’s of interest is how such a QA failure came about, not all the dumb shit doing the public humiliation rounds going on now. Some blue collar pothead messes up the installation — fine. Now why was that failure not detected prior to the vessel going to sea should be the question. Not the feminine giggling over game controllers, student engineers, CEO gossip, noises and other embarrassing moments from prior vessels.
Boeing employee detected
But Anon, he was successful until the end of his life.

Are they discussing the ring as a failure point now? The QA failure (wherever it was) happened because there was no QA. Everything about this was done as cheaply and as fast as possible.
So the guy is off the hook because what failed first was just a "qa issue" that doesn't count despite destroying the vessel and killing everyone inside? Glad to hear it was safe after all.
Pretty sure the "QA" here was in fact Mr. Rush being there in-person eyeballing it.
actually, yes it wasn't just QA problems. They chose to use a viewport rated only for 1000 meters knowing they intended to go much deeper than that.
>done as cheaply and as fast as possible
This is what commercialization in space is bringing. Imagine that. Gotta protect "investor value".. ie: corporate greed.
for when QC is your only factor of safety
we need to round up the communists again
nah we just need to build more titan submersibles, d e s u. thousands of them.
The dude was trying to build a cheaper submarine. Fantastic goal to have, noble journey to undertake, in some perspectives, he succeeded in a making a promising design that was a fraction of the cost of anything else. He shouldn’t have tried to turn it into a business to fund it, experimentation is expensive and nobody in charge of these things is going to support cheaper submarine access with him. The Titan sub is going to be remembered as the beginning of a success

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