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Why aren't bicycles cool like cars or motorcycles?
they are literally cool, unlike motorized means of transportation
they are cool. you never did the thing where you put pokemon cards in the spokes so they made a vvrrrrrrRRRR sound?
cycling is cool because it's healthy, fat fucks aren't cool. it's also faster than other modes of urban transport. if you live in bumfuck nowhere and the only reason to cycle is sport, i can see why motorcyles would be cooler to have.
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It is unironically part of a conspiracy a concerted effort has been made to rob cycling of its machismo.
Why do urbanists get so angry at the idea of someone actually having fun while riding a bike? Why does it have to be this joyless LARP of how the amsterdam people supposedly live? This is a rhetorical question btw, the answer (as we all know) is that they don't live in a city, and don't ride a bike at all, otherwise they would understand why people have fun while doing it.
idk i think most urbanists would agree that riding a bike is fun, it seems like you're just making up a strawman in your head to seethe at
Found one
I live on the far side off the worlds ass. I cycle. Not for sport. It's not effeminate like motoring and better for the environment and others.
Reddit urbanists ruin bicycling and are allergic to any testosterone not injected right up their asshole.
seethe more lmao
>seethe more lmao
Cycling is far cooler because it's keeps me fit and fuckable. Don't get me wrong, I've got a brand new car but I like to use the bikes whenever we can.

>grrrrrr me not like please gib HFCS
Fuck off fat kid
>flyover cageoid subhuman declares himself to be an "avid cyclist", attempts to dunk on humans
Yep, I'm on /n/
>do I fit in yet, fellow oldfags?
I'm none of your buzzwords. Seems like projection.
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кaк этo нe кpyтo? cтpитeц жив, cцyкoъ!
the coolest way to ride a bike is to just ride without the bells and whistles. zero bullshit on there. No helmet. Don't get a road bike. Dress like a normal person. don't try to have form or wear chamois. just ride the fuckin bike.
cycling for you is a "lifestyle" that comes from youtube NJB videos and twitter arguments, of course any opinion that comes from the real world will sound ridiculous to you
>Don't get a road bike
only part i don't agree with, due to their efficiency road bikes feel lighter and smoother to ride than any other kind of bike, just put fenders on it and it's perfect.
absolutely obsessed
>I'm not a cyclist I'm just a regular guy who happens to ride a bike
>*proceeds to invade cyclist discussions anyway and work overtime on shitting them up*
begone unracer scum
>building up a person in his head with no basis
I've been cycling all my life. I learnt to drive last year (my 52nd year), because we moved to the countryside and rarely use my car apart from to travel a large distance or to carry large items. My son graduated to a derailleur geared bike before the age of 5. I'm a long way from being a "caver". You need to either seek help and (probably have sex) or maybe just keep seething for my amusement.
it's another "flyover urbanist gets sick of pretending not to hate cities and flees to cage country but still can't resist telling city people how to live" episode

in another year you'll be screeching about how "citycucks" are delusional because they don't load up on six month's worth of hoarder goods per walmart run
As I said, seek help. Or just keep making me laugh.
> known to cause prostate, spine and neck issues
> healthy
this isn't a cyclist thread you retard. this is "HoW aM I sUpPoSeD tO LoOk CooL oN a BiKe!!!???" thread. and for that, you come to me. not some stick up his ass cyclist attention whore road burden like yourself.
the problem is that they look gay and tryhard. you can ride em if you want. but you're gonna look ripe for a stabbing like Ryan Carson was to the colored types.
i don't know a single person who has had those issues and most people i know have been cycling their entire life. sedentary living seems way more harmful with regards to heart issues and clogged arteries etc.
matter of taste i guess, also i'm not american so not worried about being shanked/shot for cycling
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Cool / Bicycle / Go fast

pick any two
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bikes are cool if you remember the schwerin stingray and the occ version

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