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What makes bikes better than scooters?
The wheel size. Scooter hits a 4 inch pothole at 20mph, you crash and die. Still a rough impact with full size wheels, but if you know how to handle the bike you'll make it.
this, and speed
Better control. Better wheels.
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>blocks your path
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scoot scoot! my /n/igga
Call me when your scooter can go uphill on your own effort.
How fucking fat to you need to be to permanently bend the scooter's standing on board thingy?
it's not even mine and I never rode it
I went on my way and 2 minutes later a super based middle aged woman caught up on that thing
she looked like maybe 50 kg or idk
>What makes bikes better than scooters?

Nothing. Bikes are trash and have terrible ergonomics. Scooters give you a great butt and don't make you hip flexors tight.. Plus you can tour on one
>hip flexors
after a bit more than a decade on the bike almost daily this issue started to cause me permanent back pain
Use english, ESL
> google "ergonomics"
> first link is https://www.osha.gov/ergonomics
Either mutt government is too dumb to learn their own language, or mutts obsessed with ESLs are.
I swear i had a scooter with 16 inch wheels and a skateboard like deck and BMX handlebars. Cant find it anywhere online.

Now all the kids ride mini wheeled scooters. I cant remember who made it- probably kent, murray, or roadmaster. Bought at Western Auto in the 1980s.

I spent one great summer just trucking it up giant hills and sending it. Ahh to be 10 again.

If I was a kid Id surely have an ebike. They seem cooler than bird style scooters but Im old. I use my legs to ride in the road.
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Can someone explain the headset? Looks like a threaded headset and an ahead stem clamped onto it (that's fine with me) but then there's a cap with a QR skewer? So you adjust your threaded headset... then add the stem, just jam it on with the QR since the headsets preload is already set independently... then do up the clamping bolts... at which point the QR completely lost it's merit and you could just aswell remove the cap and QR?
Am I stoopid? Whats going on here?
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ebike is for cat chariot chads
It filtered me too. These situations call for physical inspection tbqh.
it's to raise the fender if you end up scooting offroad through mud
Lower centre of gravity, bigger wheels, more stable. My go to example is when I ride a rented scooter on shared paths slowing for pedestrians is harder than were I on a bike.
That was it. Torker 2 because it had spokes.
thanks anon.
must be a scoot scoot thing
Have you people never heard of stretching?
You get to keep your dignity.
scooters are quite a strain on the supporting leg
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bikes are better in most aspects, but if you are powering something with electricity, small wheels are way easier to spin and you can get way faster and more range with a scooter per dollar. also besides a brompton a scooter is just way more portable. for example you can get a scooter for 1500 (CAD) from china (reputable brand that is the OEM for apollo) which can go 50km/h and has dual hydraulic disc brakes and about 60km of range, an ebike cannot be had at that price at all with those specs. but obviously a bike is better for cargo, offroad etc. but if you need to get around a city as fast as possible with a small footprint it can't be beaten, too bad they are highly controlled in cuck countries like the UK.
>range anxiety
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People that use these words look like pic rel
there's no I in scooter
>32 replies
>not a single person mentions mechanical advantage or gearing
Are cyclists really this technically inept?

It's probably how you turn the bars sideways when you fold it up.
Also, looks like the deck isn't bent, it comes that way. >>2025289

Actually now that I look at the pic more closely the bars don't just rotate, they seem to come out of the stem tube entirely

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