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Solo Rides Edition

Previous Edition
i like riding my bike
Could you not have been fucked to take a damm picture of your ride with your prepaid lagdroid potato camera instead of this AI sloppa?
this might or might not be ai sloppa but the original design of that art predates ai image generators, it's part of old /n/
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It's not AI but I'm 99% certain the original image didn't have this shitty canvas filter. I reverse image searched OP's image to find the original one and it turns out some d*tch fag wants ~$1600 dollars for this shitty thing as an NFT. For all we know we might be sharing this board with that guy.
my chain on my bike fucking snapped today
you broke it and rejoined it with a chain tool / regular pin right?
no I walked home 3 miles like a bitch because I forgot to pack it
i mean before it broke had it been monkeyed with ?
It's pretty unusual for a chain that has been joined in an orthodox way to ever break. And so it's really not necessary to carry a chain tool unless you're on some janky shit.
yeah idk, I had like 100 miles on it and it snapped. This is the third chain, the first two lasted for a normal amount of time. I think its new cog / cassette time
A few years back I had a chain break multiple times, turns out Amazon seller was selling fake Shimano chains.
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relaxing forest
>few minutes into ride look down and notice my handlebars aren't straight
Meh, keep riding.

I've had to tighten my headset a few times after swapping the top / bottom bearings. I'd think I have enough preload, then after a ride it would be loose. Quite annoying but seems good now.
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Afternoon trip.
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Yesterday I noticed 2/3 of the cleat bolts were missing from my right (dominant foot) shoe after I fell on the grass trying to unclip. Made it the remaining 13 of the planned 50 miles home without further drama. In the ending I wound up doing just 46 miles - with a dead phone I had to improvise the route having lost my Komoot directions. It was still a good time despite some setbacks - enjoyed the fall foliage amongst the farm fields and orchards here in New England. I forgot one of the places I liked only accepted cash though so no apple dumplings for me, I brought a cliff bar with me anyway.

Pace wasn't too bad considering the climbing and traffic involved, was definitely cramping at the end but not full locking up type of cramps which are way worse and also put me in the grass once.
handlebars not being straight has absolutely nothing to do with preload
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Got a little DJI Neo drone to aid in my ocd pass time of monitoring construction around town. It doesn't like the wind, and there is a lot of wind this time of year.

>handlebars not being straight has absolutely nothing to do with preload

It does if I assume the bar or wheel didn't move during the preload adjustment before I retightened the stem bolts. I had the wheel pressed against a wall and tried to be careful not to bump the bars, but I must have.
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Great ~30km gravel stretch alongside the river
Maybe the last time with enjoyable weather for the season
>It does
>stem bolts
I'm assuming ahead set from here on.
It's still independent of the preload you've set. You simply failed to tension your ahead set to where the bolts become self-locking. Your bars then going out of whack and your headset loosening later are both symptoms of a common cause but seperate effects.
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/spooky/ time
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/notspooky/ ride
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Took a picture of some new water reservoirs being constructed. They are doing the roof 1/2 at a time with half of one tank unfinished. Lots of interior columns to support the concrete roof slab. Now I want to go back and get a picture of the smiley face from a different angle.
looks cool, have a >you. Although I am a bit triggered that you went through all the trouble of installing disc bosses and yet the cable runs are just strapped on with zip ties
Tank fren
It’s a WIP. Gonna remove the old brake bosses and do something more elegant when the season is over.
Also new paintjob
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Fully bonked after 2 hours even when going up climbs in the lowest gear / not breathing too heavy. Had 3 more climbs on empty before I could find food.

Are climbs that more taxing and you need to get fuelling right? I feel like I can go full gas repeatedly up bumpy terrain for long distances and I never bonk.
>fully bonked
>3 more climbs

Ok dude

But for real though, are you grinding up those hills even in your low gears? Too low cadence strains your muscles much faster than your lungs.
Also, over 2 hours with no food is not very good if you’re doing any more than low intensity
Sure I’ve bonked worse before where I’ve had to get off the bike, let alone get up some climbs.

Most of the climbs felt low intensity with the exception of one that pitched above 18% in places. I had an apple and banana during the 2 hours but I guess I need to follow the 20 minute rule with eating.
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corn road and grapes
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grapes pebbles and flying humans
i rode my trike like 500 feet to the corner store and bought some orange juice. leaves are starting to change and look nice
Did a 50 mile ride in 3 hours, which is pretty good for me. I had an appointment later that I was afraid of being late to, so I just carbed up aggressively and had a lot of caffeine.
short ride today of just 20 miles. Tried to do more climbing and got 1000ft, but I need to hit more elevation since i have a 2500ft 50 miler coming up on sunday.... Luckily the group stops for a decently long rest mid ride so I should be fine.
Was doing 50 mile rides but flat and as a heavier rider the climbs can take it out of me.

There is a tough hill nearby that I should do in 2 days
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Ran into a cool pair of riders today, a guy with a fredded to the max supersix on mavic comete (or cosmic not sure), riding with a guy in regular non cycling clothes on a hybrid. Both well into middle age. It was made evident to me that the regular clothes guy was just getting into bikes.

Regular clothes guy was surprisingly strong, especially for his age. He made it up a steep >10% climb on that thing and didn't even use the lowest gear (obviously wasn't easy but most guys on a bike like that would have just dismounted and pushed).

Remember that in real life casual riders and freds are natural friends, and the whole unracer movement is a bunch of judgmental busybodies who go out of their way to start fights over their own insecurities.
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that sucked
what is unracing?
It's a subculture of people who are obsessed with how fast other people are going so they only ride absurdly expensive, absurdly slow bikes that should cost about $500 but oh no what if someone thinks I'm poor! so they're made of entirely chris king and paul components for no reason and the slowpoke barge costs about $5k so everyone knows how chill and laid back they are, and also everyone else is being extremely judgmental and un-chill for not riding that exact bike
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have you actually met many unracers ?
internet idea that I still haven't seen yet.
I have seen mamil, fred, homeless, and asian e-bikers but no unracers. Maybe I need to go to the bay area, portland, or some other coastal place to find the logger shirt wearing, moustouche touting, gravel/x-bike riding unracers.
Nice ride today. Normal group ride but just with more out of town people since we had the classic bike event in davis. Got dropped on friday, but today I was the dropper.... with the slow group.
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brakerubs,,,chainskiping,,but rode to Churchanyways.
Saw one last weekend on an independent fabrications unracer barge. He saw my carbon and gave me an extremely angry glare
Gonna be biking 130 miles to NYC soon on my $200 Amazon fixie on the 25th, going to meet an internet friend. I've never done a century, but I've done 70 miles, I'll probably sleep behind a tree since it'll take me like 20 hours. Excited to do it bros. It'll mostly be a flat ride so I'll just coast most of the way and chill. I love doing these long rides in chilly overcast weather and wrap myself up in my hoodie and get cozy while my bike takes me away.
I stopped a few times to take pictures of stuff with my drone. Twice I had people stop to see if I was ok. Apparently standing beside a bike fiddling with a controller is a sign of distress. I wanted to do some loops of the circle but they were still working on it.

That reminded me of a decorative circle at the university. I did over 10 loops around it a few years back and discovered it was an unlisted segment which I got the KOM for. After that the creator made it private or deleted it.

Yesterday when I flew the drone I lost connection with it 400 feet in the air. It was windy but I could hear it intermittently, but I couldn't see the damn tiny thing. It stayed up there over 10 minutes before auto descending when the battery was low. At least it managed to hover over the launch site.
>meet an online friend
oh boy
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cool colours update
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under the cloud
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over the sea of clouds
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whizz with a view
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late at the summit, sea of clouds almost dispersed
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singletrack on the downhill
is this Chattanooga anon? looks like Southern Appalachia
no i'm not Chattanooga anon
Looks comfy. Southern germany or northern austria by any chance?
why is the maintenance on your shit always shit man
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weather forecast says sunshine tomorrow. planning on a nice ride. if i remember i'll take some snaps and share them here.

no promises, sometimes i just can't be arsed to go.
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My best bike trip.
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Camera doesn't reflect the height tho'. It looks flat as fuck, when in fact those hills are pretty high and ravines pretty deep.
t look very silly on this tiny BEST bike >>2023199
*then you must
I don't know what the hell happened
The bike is small so I look bigger, lol.
17" frame is pretty standard for MTBs tho' for people below 175 cm of height.
>people below 175 cm of height
ewoks are fine, I guess, but don't call them people.
Very edgy.
Anyway, people tend to ride bikes with too large frames and then they cry their backs, wrists or asses hurt.
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stupid ewoks
Well, that's true. From bike fitting point of view it's better to have a bitt too small bike, than a little too big. You can adjust too small bike to some degree, while you can't make a bike smaller.
-10C overnight low next week, mostly low single digit daytime highs, but getting fewer windy days. No snow in the forecast yet. I really should go buy my new studded tires next week so I have them.
just more proof that the netherlands ought to be cleansed with atomic fire
small bikes are also marginally lighter
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Went out to map some newly-finished bike trails/connectors for OpenStreetMap.

But the real highlight was testing the fumo holder that Nitto included on these bars.

Not gonna spam reply, but all of these drone pics are so cool.
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>alwayshit man
28yearson,,,this frame.,
,,,,,,28 yearstarded care., wastupid,,,nowack.,noshop,,,,outside storage,,,funcin bear wasonit!,
,ijusthurto muchunching over.,
,,,,shamefull display., ya,,iknow,,,but ill just keepon riding.
I post pics on imgur to share with a local group interested in construction around town. Several drone galleries and a several years of ground shots. https://imgur.com/user/4picsharing/posts

There are some drone galleries a little bit down the list because I published some older hidden galleries after posting those. I was in the habit of just leaving galleries hidden as once published you can't add more images until you make them hidden again. After a while all the hidden galleries started to pile up.

The DJI Neo really struggles with the wind we get this time of year. I really could use longer flight time as well. But I can get it setup and be flying in under a minute.
$300 leaf dollars later I've got a set of studded mountain bike tires for the winter. Trying 45Nrth Gravdal for the first time. Too much bare pavement was really hard on my Ice Spikers and a Marathon Winter I had as a spare had a bad bead and blew off the back rim twice while riding.

Also got a new pair of gloves to use as my base for layer. I finally realized that women's gloves fit me better since my fingers are short.
>I finally realized that women's gloves fit me better since my fingers are short.
It's nice to find something that works for you. Particularly if it's non-standard.
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Nice 20 mile ride today with 1000ft of climbing. will do more next time but tomorrow is probably going to be a flat ride.
Great ride today now that it's cooling down. Supposed to be a recovery run but I like having fun so I just stood up most of the climbs.
30 miles or so with probably a measly 500ft or less of climbing

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