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Californian here. Why is there no bus service along the coast from Malibu to Ventura County? Seems pretty ridiculous, since there are local bus routes going the other direction all the way to San Diego, and there are busses that run on PCH from Los Angeles airport to Oxnard and Santa Barbara, but they don't stop anywhere along the way.
I am assuming two things:
1) Malibu seems to me like a rather wealthy town (correct me if I'm wrong), so the vast majority should own a car no matter what
2) With a global metropolis to its east and but a small city and an air base to its west, it makes sense why bus services are focused on the LA metro area.
Both are insufficient reasons IMO if your region gave even a microscopic shit about public transport, but sadly LA and the US at large are still far away from proper bus services. There should be an hourly connecting service between Malibu and Oxnard/Ventura IMO, or at the very least the 134 should be extended up to Thousand Oaks to connect to the Ventura County buses from there.
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OP, very few people live in the Santa Monica mountains and the few who do are filthy rich and they'd have to drive from their villas way up in the hills to get to a bus stop on the PCH anyways. The farther west you get from the city the lower the population density becomes, and after the mountains end the Camarillo plane is all farm fields until you get to Port Hueneme/Oxnard. There is no bus service because there are no people to serve.
>sadly LA and the US at large are still far away from proper bus services
>What are you talking about? It has 117 routes, well over 2,000 buses, a daily ridership of 756,700, and an average ridership of 222,000,000 people. Granted, that's partially on the decline due to never properly recovering from COVID and partially cannibalized by rail service (both light rail AND subway). Governments continue to pour billions into public transit yet somehow it's "not good enough" while being surprised there's pushback.
my old hometown's metro area is probably just a fourth or a fifth of LA's metro and we have way more than 117 bus routes in the city proper alone
Must be mostly poor people. In poorer parts of LA county like south Central, east LA, northeast valley, there are more bus routes cause they need them. Meanwhile, rich people often take the bus like from Malibu to Santa Monica or from Beverly Hills to Hollywood just because with the traffic wouldn't make a difference anyway so they might as well just jump on the bus.

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