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is this true /n/ ?
Cringe attempt to be contrarian and appeal to libertarian edgelord yimbys. Right wing should prefer cars because it gives you a way to take other people's lives and it's at most an administrative infraction. Most rightwingers love any kind of machine that lets them kill people any time they're in an angry mood and need to blow off some steam
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sorry forgot pic related
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sure buddy
I mean, we once sold a highway to a private company and everyone is still absolutely FURIOUS about it 25 years later, so...
this thread could have been a retweet

Photo op
the right wing (at least in America) is completely devoid of ideology so nobody is going to give a shit about your "gotcha!". It's entirely associative. Most right wingers know that sitting in traffic for two hours a day in a retardedly huge car on a retardedly huge highway is retarded, but they know liberals like transit, so therefore right wingers must hate transit.

Same Reason rightoids started drinking unpasteurized milk
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>sitting in traffic for two hours a day in a retardedly huge car on a retardedly huge highway
This is what pro-transit people really believe
>being a slave and owning nothing is inherently more free and individualist than owning things and having a government tax and regulate them
thats not what infinitesimally means
100% true
it's true, I'm a street menace that blast through lights, signs, and signals while riding drunk and the cops can't do anything in my state because those laws only apply to motorized vehicles. I never felt more FREE
>right wing
Pick only one. Americans are too wingbrained to actually know what is what.
Motorcycle with no plates is the only choice for the free man.
I like my peace and quiet- and if I’m going to pay for fuel anyway I’d rather be stopping at a farm stand for some tasty fruit rather than some noxious depot and enriching some morally bankrupt corporation that is as bad if not worse than most structures of government.
motorism is weak and effeminate behaviour. Rather normal or expected for some groups. And then you got all the other problems, like who they're supporting through their choice and who they're harming and who they're immitating etc.
Fill in the blanks. Not going to jail in a cuck motorist state for speaking.
Big AG is worse than big oil.
I'm not buying Chiquita, I'm stopping at local family farms. Maybe not all modern practices they use are ideal but food is a necessity. Adult power wheels aren't.
pretty much not, agriculture can only, through land use change, release whatever carbon is sequestered in the topsoil, which is little. And regardless what midwits believe, this amount of carbon reaches an equilibrium on natural land. Sequestration is a thing of the carboniferous or whenever the next really unexpected mutation occurs in plants (god beware). In a single year humanity is unearthing what took countless years of photosynthetic activity on the entire surface. It's lunatic BS to claim that agro, without fossil fuels, was "worse" than oil. Even with fossil fuels, since agro uses only a fraction of those for haber bosch and machinery, big oil is still by far worse.
>he thinks it’s about carbon
Farmed food isn’t necessary either. Nutrient paste is all you need.
>blaming Big Agriculture instead Ohio
that looks like an Ohio problem to me
people who feel the need to make non-political things political are usually leftist
Bikes are inherently ableist, therefore based
they're also slower and more annoying, next
>more annoying
You seem like quite the expert on being annoying, champ. What makes a bike more annoying? Is it the fact they don't kill or pollute? Or maybe you're too fat?
Yes and EVs are also right wing due to this reason.
Granted, to set up EV infrastructure, you need to be intelligent and wealthy, but once it's up, you can have cars powered by the sun.
Meanwhile to power combustion engine cars, you need to suck up to terrorists to get oil and constantly worry about running out of it, not to mention destroying nature, which goes against conservative ideals.
meanwhile in reality theres plenty routes, yes even between towns, where one consistently comes out faster on a bicycle.
Cagies are degenerate enough to be reliant on motorvehicles and still are slower. Fucking kek.
Get his ass, Chang.
I know because I live it
I drive an SUV, my commute is 17 miles and takes an hour because of rush hour traffic, and that's on a 4 lane highway most of the way, not stop and go city traffic. If I used the shit public transport we have in Arizona it would take me 3-4 hours to get to work
I wish I could take fast public transport to get to work but Phoenix is so badly planned out it would take significant investment to fix our transport problems
>theres plenty routes, yes even between towns, where one consistently comes out faster on a bicycle.
Source: my ass
Bicycles are only ever faster than cars in congested inner cities
one of the key points of communism is telling people how to live their lives. just by that virtue, bicycles are the communist choice

cars needing licensing and shit isn't a property of the car, it's a property of the government. more regulations on car ownership means there's more communism applied to the government, not cars
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If the USA is all about freedom, therefore the freedom of choice, then why hasn’t a single major city there ever been built in the style of the classic European city? Maybe someone is profiting from cars and fuel and doesn’t want you to know that there is an alternative.
Thats absolutely untrue. They are always faster dueing any time of the day in any built up area and during many times and on many routes between towns or cross country too. At least in my area. A dysgenic and obese boomer on an electric motorcycle might always be slow everywhere bur were talking bicycles here.
First, nearly EVERY American city was built before cars. They had wide streets and avenues for primarily horse-and-buggy traffic.

Secondly, you're looking at it from the lens of modern European cities. Amsterdam's bicycle lanes were a conscious decision made in the late 1970s and is generally the exception rather than the rule. The other thing you're missing is that for almost every European cities, the dense, narrow backroads were where the city's poor lived.

In fact, even if you look at European cities, once you get out of the medieval city centers, the layout of the roads and streets change dramatically to more grid-like patterns.
Infrastructure can be upgraded. What you said also doesn’t explain why public transport, more specifically trains, is so bad in the USA when compared with the rest of the world.
>The USA has a $35.3 trillion national debt
The money to pay this debt, that has been accumulating because of mismanagement, needs to come from somewhere, like you and the tax from the fuel in your stupid fucking car.
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>>The USA has a $35.3 trillion national debt
Take a look at the incompetence that is carried on to the next generation to deal with.
I couldn’t find a recent map. That means that the debt increase by $15 trillion in the USA since then.
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This is the only thing that I’ve heard that can put a dent on that.
>Point out that self described "conservatives" are actually just racist big government liberals
>self described "conservatives" pretend not to be angry
>mfw when

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