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Art deco transport bros... we're back.
Will these follow the usual tesla vehicle reaction trends?
>We want cool transportation options
>N-no, not like that!
>Stop buying them right now guys! >:(
>haha stupid muskies don't you know it got a minor recall for the rear cupholders?
>Th-theyre not even that good, really!
>It didn't singlehandedly revolutionize transportation so it was a failure, actually
Someone is salty that he can't get insurance for his incel camino
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Windows are a privilege.
>Windows are a privilege.

I think the interiors will end up as some kind of altered reality experience screen. It'll look like it's just projecting what's around the vehicle but if you pay close attention there are no homeless people or litter on the streets. None of the buildings have graffiti, that kind of thing.
The background looks like a composite of 3 different ai images. The chairs are all worrbily. Then the tree is in a different style. The towers in the distance are worrbily too but a lower quality then the rest.
>random architecture
>wobbly chairs
>fake tree
>wobbly towers
the background represents china, the target market for this product
art deco
art homo
laugh all you want but the robovan is actually a genius solution for the vegas loop. higher capacity than the current teslas, and moving more people in a single vehicle is much more efficient. you could even link a bunch of them together, and run them on rail tracks for a much more smooth, seamless ride. since it has it's own right of way and runs subterraneously, we'll call it "the subway"
Could that van handle the steep ramp transitions though? Pretty sure it would beach itself.
>bus, but impractical and futuristic
or use picrel
they go from 20k to 50k
i wish they made a corvette that looked like this
I think he meant the chassis grounding out on the transition from slope to level, not the gradient itself
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i have a revolutionary idea, we'll simply separate the passenger compartment of the robovan from the wheels completely, attaching the carriage to what we'll call hyperbogies. this way there won't be any issue with the chassis scraping agains the ground. elon pls call
Body on frame... RETVRN
too smooth and plastic. not enough real texture. it's less art deco and more mid-00s apple.
Cybertruck is a sales and engineering disaster
Elon Fatigue
It's like Nigger Fatigue, but for white South Africans
It's a film set.
Then why when I search "cybertruck sales" do I get articles talking about how it's selling more than the rest of the EV market and increasing?
>tesla cyberfag
EV pickups, in july you lying retard
>Cybertruck sales for July 2024 totaled 5175 units, while the rest of the EV pickup segment totaled just 5546 units.
>Hits small bump
>Falls apart
>cybertruck is ONLY the best selling electric pickup on the market
okay, that's a disaster?
yes, nobody wants those really
>announce revolutionary transport
>the bus
Even the cab "by 2027" is a giant delusion, as usual.
>Will these follow the usual tesla vehicle reaction trends?
Yes. Over promise and under deliver in every aspect.
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>all that editing to show literally nothing
>Th-they're not even that good, really!
FFs, it has been proven to be a scam the whole time.
It was Musk's plan to prevent Californian HSR, and it worked.
CHSR failed all on its own. It didn't need any outside help.
Linux are a human right.
Its not a scam, just misguided idea based on his personal, narrow experience. Public transportation is all about mass, cost, efficiency and basic comforts. Raw vehicle speed is last priority and often not the slowest part of journey. But since he, as a billionaire can bypass the hurdles of mortals, vehicle speed is the only factor for him.
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Siemens did it better.

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