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1) If you could travel on any ocean liner in history, which would you choose?
2) Aesthetically, what do you think is the best looking liner?
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S.S France.This ship looked gorgeous to me as a boy. People who did voyage aboard
said it was top notch inside as well. It's heyday was during the 70s -80s.
You mean the 60s-70s? By 1980 it was already Norway
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I've often thought of this. For me the answer to both would be the Normandie.
Depends on if I get the power to speak the language of the ships operator or not.

If so, I'd choose S.S. Rex with Imperator as second choice.

If not, I'd choose S.S. Great Eastern, with HMHS (RMS) Britannic as second choice
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Based Britannic enjoyer, easily my favorite of the Olympic Class liners

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