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'Ate tubeless
'Ate hydraulics
'Ate electronics
'Ate 27.5"/29"
'Ate 650b

Luv tubes
Luv cables
Luv 26"
Luv 700c

Simple as
you're preaching to the choir, here
> disc shit
> STI brifters

lol this must be how conservatives feel when gay Republicans started showing up. Kys casual. Friction shift or kys
disk brakes are better in the snow and rain.
brifters are fine if you keep the system of the same speed and brand.
tubeless is superior when off roading, hydraulic disk brakes are better. 29in is just 700c but fat.
650b=27.5 which is an old standard, and is fine.
Brifters are kino you're trying too hard. You can maintain cadence and shift a lot easier than any other shifter. Discs are a worth it so you can fit tires won't ass blast you at the slightest bump
Tubeless and hydraulic are memes. 29" really refers to mtbs
>t. poor
Wrong, I fell for all those memes on my latest bike and regret it my shit bike actually has sovl
If you haven't used tubeless off road nor hydraulics in the rain you can't say they are memes.
Yes 29 refers to mtb's but it's the same BSD and thus the same size.
Good thing vintage road bikes are 100usd for a nice one. maybe 200-300 if you live in europe or the middle of nowhere. I am n+1ing so hard right now it's a sickness.
I dont care about sOuL i just want to be fast and comfortable anon.
Carbon frame, disc brakes and electric shifting is literally the absolute perfection.
Even 10 year old bikes feel like shit from the 1920 compared to todays god machines.
And imagine what AI and 3d printing could achieve in the next 10 years. Fuck you'll probably be able to do 30mph with 200 watts
keep sucking that carbon cock and slurp down the resin holy moly.
I AM the carbon cock lmao get a job
Tubes off road are fine flats are a lot rarer than tubeless memers act like and the psi goes low enough plus it's virtually maintenance free. I haven't used hydraulics in the rain but I've never had a problem with cables in the rain so again why would I need the meme when it works fine?
Because hydraulics also work fine. Sure, sram/avid needs a bleed once every 5 years but shimano ones just work. Source? my 10+year old bikes. They have better lever feel then cable dicks imo. Also, shimano mt200's are fine, no need for dura ace/xtr/ sram mavens for most riders, but when you do dh I sure appreciate my 4 pot hayes brakes.
Yeah, tubes are fine but goat heads fuck my tubes and tubeless does just ride better off road.
anon, we are all carbon based life form but I will believe your resin is better then the rest.
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theres no drop bar equivalent of mt200
hlylexs which are the most basic brake on the market bar some chinkshit cost the same as XTRs
>vintage road bikes are 100usd for a nice one. maybe 200-300 if you live in europe or the middle of nowhere
idk about this desu, I'm innabayarea (and also sac) and the modal asking price for a bianchi eros or dave scott centurion is probably like 300-400 on craigslist or fb marketplace
>Even 10 year old bikes feel like shit from the 1920 compared to todays god machines.
I also dunno about this, I had slightly higher average speeds over the same 2-6hr rides on a 2005ish CAAD than I do on a 2023 Supersix Evo. The newer bike smooths out road buzz a little more, but for literally 5.5x the price I'm a little disappointed.
The efficiency difference between an old bike and a 1,000 time folded carbon fiber bike is like 5%. A fairing is the only way to go faster (or switch to recumbent)
Is that a p'sidin
oh, things are more expensive when you're adjacent to the city with the highest cost of living in the world? ok.
also, silicon valley has a weird vintage bike scene. anon speculates that this scene is what keeps Rivendell in business, since bike normies want to get something new and expensive to flex, but in line with the established look of SV.
I believe it is a Kona as per the downtube
>silicon valley has a weird vintage bike scene
now this i could believe. rivendell is in walnut creek.
I was trying to post a facebook link but 4chan thought it was spam.
Just look for "centurion dave scott" In benicia,ca
or search for one in antelope,ca on facebook.
150 or less.
Those are decent deals, but I can find vintage italian bikes for a similar price. Not pristine, but idgaf I do my own painting and repair.
Oh, and there are still tons of homeless here.

Here is a hint, use fb, craigslist, and offerup. Then make sure to look for vintage american custom builders(tons locally were made), weird off brand italians(faggin, medici, torpado, moser)

I find popular japanese bikes hold their value better, even though I like the italian ones more.
>Because hydraulics also work fine
Unless you have a carbon joke instead of rims even the rim brakes work just fine. I weigh almost 100kg and live in the mountains. The problem is not that the brakes don't work - it's that they wear out the rim. So if you need to switch to disc brakes why would you stick to cables?
And there it is, the window has shifted. Disc brakes are no longer universally good in the rain, they must be hydraulic disc brakes.

Your pricing is about 15 years out of date.
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'Ate aluminum/carbon
'Ate rigid hardtale frame
'Ate rigid and air suspension fork
'Ate front/rear motor
'Ate 160mm disc
'Ate bicycle high saddle

Luv CrMo4130
Luv motodisc
Luv moto dual-crown hydraulic spring fork
Luv low moto saddle
Luv hydraulic spring shock
Luv integrated in-frame mid motor like QS with recuperation and belt drive
Luv custom moped-like/pitbike-like frame with in-frame 2000+Wh battery

Simple as
Luv 96 volts
what? when were cable discs ever ok? they've only ever been a concession to price and anyone who rides knows they're to be avoided like the plague. nta just wondering what you're smoking
>And there it is, the window has shifted. Disc brakes are no longer universally good in the rain, they must be hydraulic disc brakes.
nta, lmao what the hell, any of course hydraulics that was clear
I was gonna go look at one of those FB ones when I get back to the area actually. I thought of that specifically because it seemed like an unusually good asking price. but you're right, they're out there.
>vintage american custom builders(tons locally were made),
interesting. i do see the occasional steve rex or rodriguez for like 1500, decent but out of my price range for a beater.
>weird off brand italians
these I know much less about, but I'll look closer. did they use any weird standards? did some of them sell their names to chinkshit 4130 or am I hallucinating that?
yes well
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That's not true early hydraulics had terrible ergonomics only recently have they made them small enough to gain acceptance
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Yeah the american brands can be more but I have seen stowe's(new york), serotta(not really custom but nice), lighthouse(san luis obispo), and others come up for 500 or so. Medici was the hair bandit brand, but made here.
Watch out for bill davidsons(seattle), common down here.
Most italian bikes I find tend to use BSA bb's, but some may have used italian threaded bb's. Honestly I just use the one they tend to have and rebuild the bike from that. Italian bb's are way more common then french or swiss so it's nbd. Only weird standards relate to campagnolo stuff that I can immediately think of right now.
Some brands did sell out to walmart in the early 2000's, but those weren't just italians. Nishiki, motobecane, schwinn, maybe an italian brand or two.
An easy way to tell if it's good is if it has lugs there is a 99% chance they haven't sold out yet. Some brands I can remember are torelli, daccordi, battaglin, benotto(some are mexican built bikes), and the more common brands like cinelli, colnago, pinarello, and bianchi. Many more that I can't remember right now.
Don't forget nice british bikes too like holdsworth, some raleigh's, and more.

Oh, and pre 1990's schwinns are some of the best deals in my mind. Some made in japan, most made in america. Treks were made in wisconsin back then too.
I haven't used one yet to know.
>try to be a retrogrouch
>while using disk brakes
hydraulics at least are nice to actuate, mechanical disks are simply inferior to rim brakes
banger of a post, thanks
>some are mexican built bikes
now you mention it, I remember seeing something on craigslist described as "the canadian colnago", maybe an old windsor?
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I hate cup n cone
I hate cup n cone
I hate the antichrist
I hate cup n cone

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