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I don't drive or cycle, I'm just a simple pedestrian, but in my whole life I've always been harassed or disrespected by cyclists riding on the sidewalk.

When I walk in front of a car, they will always stop, even if they honk, they won't try to harm me.

A cyclist on the other hand never tries to ride around me, they always seem to expect for me, a pedestrian, on a sidewalk, to either get out of their way or stay completely immobile.

Not a single driver called me names, but more than once I had a cyclist call me a moron or a loser
>When I walk in front of a car, they will always stop
um, what? So you reguraly just walk infront of cars and hope that they stop?
>So you reguraly just walk infront of cars and hope that they stop?
I mean if I'm crossing the street and a car just turned up around the corner, even if it wants to speed up if I pass in from it of it they always stop
I hope the wage is worth it OP
What wage?

Just the other day I was taking a picture for an elderly woman, moving backwards slowly to fit her in the frame, and a cyclist almost ran over me and called me a moron
Your OP seems like paid anti cycling propaganda.
Why? "I've ALWAYS been harassed or disrespected by cyclists riding on the sidewalk"
This is illogical, you are telling me every single cyclist that has passed you did that?
x for doubt

Your balls must be massive, since when I walk in front of cars half the time they SCREEETCH to a stop and I think "oh fuck, I almost died".

If a cyclist never rides around you, you must be some ninja that can ZOOM and juke quite fast.

Get outta 'ere with that bullshit. Go view some more NJB videos or some shit.
This is not as uncommon as you think
Please remember cyclists are not commuters. They are not average bicycle enjoyers. They are generally cunts to everyone, even their spouses and children. Please, take this to heart. It's not your fault for walking down the sidewalk, that's what it was made for.
If a cyclist is on the sidewalk, or going the wrong way on the street (against traffic) i clothesline them or kick them off the bike towards the property side (i dont kick them into oncoming traffic, i am not a monster). Get the fuck off the sidewalk. Where I am it is illegal, but they do it anyway. Only kids get a pass cause they don't know better. But some jackoff in tight shorts and those gay european shirts can fucking die.
They were always commuters my bad

Cyclists stay in the road
OP, if you’re walking on the sidewalk, those cyclists are cunts and they should be riding in the street. If they’re riding on the sidewalk and try or yell at you, yell at them to “ride in the street coward”.

But for those retard pedestrians who walks in the street or bike lane when there’s a perfectly good sidewalk right next to them? Like the retards in my neighborhood who even after dark now are walking in the street, frequently without any lights or reflective stuff, in dark clothes, expecting cars to just swerve around them into oncoming traffic, despite a great condition empty sidewalk next to them? Yeah, I scream at these people when I bike up to/around them
(You) do not and have not done this.
>riding on the sidewalk
I don't know where you live, but in my city there are almost no cyclist on the sidewalk.
>in front of a car
A car will not be harmed in a collision with a pedestrian. But a cyclist will be.

Poor bait. 2/10
Ahahaha. So you're no pedestrian. You're a street 'fotografer'. So they are right then.
>Cyclist blasts air horn at London pedestrians
An idiot walks on a bike path and stares at her phone while there is a wide sidewalk 50cm away from her.
There's no harassment. And this stupid bitch doesn't deserve any respect.
She should be grateful that she didn't get beat up.
Roads were made for walking and cycling. Then the auto lobby stole the roads from the people, built with their money, and in fact gave motorists the right to kill anyone with impunity if he walked out on the road. But cunts - of course, they are not, and not the retards that maintain the order. Oh no! cunts are almost the only sane people left.
>Where I am it is illegal
Where is it?
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militant cyclists know in their hearts that they are bad people
>that shape
this is bs, I'm a huge pedestrian and walk everywhere, drivers are absolute animals. I've been yelled at by taking pedestrian right away across the crosswalk. They're so retarded that they literally think they have right of way. i fucking hate drivers
A full stop is more "expensive" to a cyclist than it is to a driver. The initial start is the most annoying part of riding. Too many cyclist aren't good enough at spotting hazards early and slowing down, so not to stop fully.
it is a very common phenotype
>A full stop is more "expensive" to a cyclist than it is to a driver. The initial start is the most annoying part of riding. Too many cyclist aren't good enough at spotting hazards early and slowing down, so not to stop fully.

absolutely. and ive actually had this conversation yelling through a window at car drivers who get angry at me that i was at the front of the line for a left turn arrow that was red, and i go before the light turns green when the opposite direction is clear. at the next light a few drivers who were behind me yell at me about running the light. i tell them that there were no cars coming, and it would slow them down even more if i had to pedal from a dead stop, and that it might even make people in the back miss the light. then they actually agree with me.
>I was walking backwards focused on something other than what traffic was doing and the person who was actually paying attention to traffic called me a moron
that's because you're a moron
>Your OP seems like paid anti cycling propaganda.
Oh the cope. What next? "Those cyclists are CIA agents spreading misinformation about glorious cycling activities?"
And here's another cunt spreading delusional lies to justify the only happy thing in his miserable existence - getting in the way of busy people going on their business.
You haven't provided a single argument, demagogue.
Cyclists like to act like drivers are crazy but I've quickly learned that cyclists are batshit insane and dont give a fuck about anyone but themselves to a degree higher than anyone else in public
You confused cyclists with cagers, friend.
cyclists can't get a break, they are in a no win situation. On the roads they risk death and are accused of slowing the flow of traffic, on pavements they are an actual menace.

The real problem, and instinctively we all know this to be true, is cars. There are too many cars. Or more specifically there are more cars on the roads than there needs to be. I drive, but I only drive when I need to, pickling up the kids, moving stuff or when travelling hundreds of miles with passengers. For every other trip I walk, cycle or take a train.

What needs to happen is people need to stop driving everywhere, to the local store, to work, to their friends house, especially single occupant (driver only) cars, they should be banned outright from all roads during rush hour.
You would consider yourself lucky to get with her you flithy incel
your argument is basically "no you!!"
Do better
exactly. riding on the sidewalk is unsafe for walkers and cyclists. riding in the street is relatively unsafe for cyclists and infuriates drivers, and people would be unwilling to reduce streets by one lane to turn one into a shoulder bike lane as well.

and yet if you try to reduce single occupancy car rides which will reduce traffic, people will call you a communist or some shit
>people would be unwilling to reduce streets by one lane to turn one into a shoulder bike lane as well
"Just one more (bike) lane bro"
>and yet if you try to reduce single occupancy car rides which will reduce traffic
It doesn't reduce traffic, it means that the traffic just goes somewhere else or gets worse elsewhere
Literally none of the roads I use were made for walking and cycling. I'm not walking on ancient roads every day. All the roads were made for cars, trucks, and tractor trailers. They used much thinner and weaker roads back in the day compared to what we create nowadays, with the advantage that they were cheap and easy to repair.
if you read the book the power broker about robert moses developing the roads in new york in the 1900s, every time he expanded the number of lanes on roads, traffic actually increased rather than decreased.

but yeah, anyway, theres no point to talking about expanding bicycle use in america. americans will never give up their cars, whether thats to use bicycles or to use public transportation.
You haven't said a single factual thing, lying cunt.
Are you stupid or just pretending? In 1920s most people were riding bikes. By that time, most of the roads in today's cities already existed. Yes, there wasn't the asphalt 100 years ago, but the land it lies on was. And the right to use the land was stolen from people. And if you still dare to walk out on the road, then motorists have the legal right to kill you. Provided that they follow simple rules, of course.
You're just retarded.
And your "argument" is just your opinion, not based on anything at all. When you say that cyclists "dont give a fuck about anyone but themselves" you forgot to mention that the most harm they can cause is a dented bumper. A car on the other hand can crush a motorist into mincemeat. So a cyclist running a red light is a much smaller menace to society than a car doing a close pass. At the same time, cyclists at least understand that they are breaking the rules when they run a red light, when drivers don't see anything wrong with their violations. Their entitlement is so great that they don't even notice it.
Daily reminder that moneyed interests are funding a campaign to stoke the anti-cycling argument which favors the oil industry and car manufacturers. None of that ever happened. How much money did you get for this post?
There were a lot of things going on all at the same time, including a rapid expansion of the automobile industry and growth in New York City.

>most people were riding bikes
another person ignores that the horse and buggy existed and were the main road users because it is inconvenient to their point

Imagine being so full of yourself that you literally can't understand why people will dislike your side and blame it all on a vast conspiracy.
Yeah, they were about 5% of the traffic in 1920s. Stop shitting already, retard.
You're the one ignoring inconvenient arguments, dip shit. A million murders every year due to cagers.

In 1920s walking was the most common mode of transport, the second was the tram. Horses were almost non-existent in a city and remained mainly in shitholes i the middle of nowhere.
Too bad they didn't "murder" your scumbag ass, word twisting cyclist tranny.
Did oil insustry make you into a slimy pathetic bitch that can only fight by throwing yourself in front of moving cars and then playing a victim?
>In 1920s most people were riding bikes.
Delusional fagtroon.
>And the right to use the land was stolen from people.
The only ones stealing are communist faggots like you that make up ahistorical lies about the roads that were called roads specifically because they were made to allow carriages to pass over them.
>When you say that cyclists "dont give a fuck about anyone but themselves" you forgot to mention that the most harm they can cause is a dented bumper.
Cyclists are a bigger menace to society because they actively work to destroy the economic foundations of it and the best service they can offer is to get smashed by a car and die in a gruesome way to dissuade other mentally ill retards from following their example.
>At the same time, cyclists at least understand that they are breaking the rules when they run a red light
More scumbag lies.
>when drivers don't see anything wrong with their violations
Actually they do even when they are completely right in plowing trhough scum like you.
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>more whining about how cagers are at fault for cyclist behavior
zero self awareness
look up the definition of what a murder even is

>In 1920s walking was the most common mode of transport, the second was the tram. Horses were almost non-existent in a city and remained mainly in shitholes i the middle of nowhere.
Anywhere where actual cities were it's cars at least as far back as 1922. Before cars, horses crammed the street. When was this mythical time when wide streets were only for bicycles and children?
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>the crime of unlawfully and unjustifiably killing a person
Even though the law does not provide for any real liability other than a fine, running over people with your car is still illegal.
If we talk about premeditation then the intent is obvious. The killer prepared for the crime in advance - got a license, bought a car and so on.

Once again you try twist words to not look so bad.
I understand that you're braindead, but you're not the only one who can into cherrypicking.
Same here. I have become a master at crossing busy streets and can easily maneuver cars without ever getting hit. Meanwhile Bikers nearly crash into me all the time. It pisses me off especially because you can't see them from the corner of your eye easily.
>the economic foundations
Ahahaha. This economy has turned the whole world into a garbage dump. Now you have to work more than in most of human history. And all this so that some Shekelgruber could afford to fly into space twice a week, while you eat shit with microplastic, breathe poisoned air, fuck prostitutes that all women turned into and own nothing. Well, at least you still have the right to get in 'your' car and kill someone in case you're in a bad mood.
Totally worth it. Yeah! Economy! Murica!
You retards are worth than niggers.
>the most harm they can cause is a dented bumper
false, they cause cars to have accidents that involve other cars

Also cycling on the sidewalk where I live is a menace in itself with these clowns often hitting pedestrians , not as bad as the electric scooter idiots , but they are a constant hazzard
I wish i could kill a swine like you if i got in a bad mood. Unfortunately, going to Bangladesh just for that is too much of a hassle so i won't have the mispleasure of observing the lens through which you project your worldview onto your betters as you crawl in the mud.
>cyclist cuck talks about owning nothing and comparing people to niggers
Oh the irony.
You retards can't even make a single argument.
And since you can't refute anything, you resort to stupid offensive fantasies like third graders.
How many pedestrians were killed by cyclist?
Because last year cagers killed more than 7000 in the US alone. And this is despite the fact that there are practically no pedestrians in this country.
A dead cager is no harm, this is a benefit for society.
>come to the transportation board
>post angry rants about transportation for days and days
some of you, not mentioning any names but probably the same people posting walls of text in the "why I hate nyc" thread, need to log off for a few days, or weeks, and walk more if your dad never taught you how to ride a bike
ooooh so edgy
There's literally nothing to refute, you don't have an argument after your single lie has been exposed.

You do deserve to be killed and it would benefit the society greatly though, and you know it too.
>And this is despite the fact that there are practically no pedestrians in this country.
This is the level of arguing that cyclist cucks stoop to here.
>no u
the left can't meme

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