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Can I into gliders as a poorfag?
They are a way cheaper to get into compared to powered flight, but soaring is way more dependant on location(weather/geography) from what I've read. You'll have to wait for someone else to give you better input, or(heaven forbid) research your area and reach out to a local group.
Yes much cheaper, join a club but you will be expected to spend the day at the airfield wrangling.
Im interested too. How much are we talking exactly? Trailers, gliders, license.. how much does it cost to get pulled up once?
We have a airfield around that pulls the gliders up by a small plane but i even saw some get pulled by a big winch.

Is 50k€ enough to get started?
Just join a club, it's cheap. NB if you weigh over 100KG good luck.
FPS drone is flying for poorfags. Good skill to have if you're ever drafted too
>how much does it cost to get pulled up once?

depends a lot on the specifics. discovery flight might be as low as $20 or free. tow to 2000ft for a 30 minute session should not run above $150 as far as I know.

>Is 50k€ enough to get started?

this is a question better asked of the people in your local aviation community. I would expect that budget to get you all the way to solo flights in a club owned aircraft.
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I highly recommend it if you have a bit of spare cash. I bought a share in a fiberglass glider from the late 80's for <$10k. A tow to 2000ft was about $60 at my club, yearly club fees about $250.
It's different for every club, but the common theme in my country is that coaching is completely free (you just pay for the tow/launch and glider hire). You're expected to get there early and help out throughout the day, even if you're not gliding that day. It's a team effort and volunteering keeps it relatively cheap.
>Can I into
No. You have to pass a grammar test first.
Nigger he's from Europe, we do winch launches they literally cost like 5€ each. 50k to get to solo flights? The whole fucking licence doesn't even cost 5000 even if you have little talent.

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