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Urban or rural?

Defining terms:
--Inner urban: every building is 4+ stories
--Outer urban: Like dense suburbs, street parking (if available) is always parked out or requires tickets/permits
--Suburbs: Developed areas where you can drive and be 100% certain free parking will be available at or near your destination
--Semi-rural: Outskirts of a larger city, blocks are far bigger than residential lots but not big enough for large scale commercial farming
==Rural: Small towns or farmland
--Buttfuckistan: Australian outback tier, the nearest fuel station is 110 km away and it's a busy day when it gets 2 customers in the same hour
No thanks
College town in the middle of nowhere.
Kansas City.
File: rare mosley.png (218 KB, 600x919)
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218 KB PNG
apologies I'm a fucking retard and forgot to link the strawpoll

>Defining terms:
The UN has already defined these terms, retard.

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