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When I come into a great fortune, the first thing I will do is book all seats on every NEC Amtrak train between Wilmington and Baltimore, effectively cutting the NEC in two. There will be no rail service alternatives as this stretch encompasses the SEPTA-MARC gap.
Millions must fly!
Amtrak oversells seats that aren't reserved seating (so economy seats).

They'd take your money and everyone would still ride like normal.
>tries to be evil billionaire
>by handing a struggling public institution much needed funds and boosting their numbers, asking nothing in return
If they oversell, I'd still be the one buying the tickets. Surely there's a limit and they wouldn't sell 200x the train's capacity.
>Millions must fly!
Neat plan Dr. Evil but you forgot
>Bostonians are going to New York, fuck going to Washington
>Philadelphians are going to New York, fuck going to Boston or Washington
>Maryland isn't a real place
>everybody from DC will just fly out of DCA to get to LaGuardia or Newark which is the only place worth a damn on the Eastern Seaboard.
>Surely there's a limit and they wouldn't sell 200x the train's capacity.
>actually having a decent website
Yeah, right
They'll eventually catch on and start interpreting any ticket purchased by you as an empty seat.
Theyd immediately catch on if one retard books the entire vehicle.

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