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HS2 was cancelled because bri-ish people knew the project was unfeasable. In addition to sending all of HS2's money to Ukraine.
i vaguely remember reading that the french high speed rail contractor said that california's government is too dysfunctional and that north africa's governments functions better, so they went and built high speed rail there instead

yes, north africa has high speed rail and the US doesn't
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In california if there's a town of 200 in the way of your yimby jerkoff fantasy you have to go through a sort of legal process to deprive them of their individual property rights, even if it's eminent domain there's a pretense of due process and accountability, however flawed

In north africa you just hire south african mercenaries and dig 200 graves. Or more likely you dig a big pit and what town? There's no evidence of this, if you continue with these unfounded allegations you will be imprisoned

This is the system yimbys want. It's looking increasingly likely this is the system we're going to get except swap erik prince or gavin mcinnis for south africans
Rural NIMBYs were the biggest impediment to CAHSR, actually.

CAHSR's getting built no matter how much the /pol/tards whine about it.
sure, though phase 1 will be fully open when said /pol/tards are in the ground (if not even later)
Return to tradition, and it'd all work out. Its all progressive's fault.
on a scale of 1-10? 11
>source: me
IDK, governments manage to build these projects in countries like France and Japan, where they also have robust legal systems and hundreds of people getting disappeared would be noticed. Seems like it is legit just Anglo countries that can't build rail anymore.
HS2's second and third phases were cancelled. The first phase from London to Birmingham is still under construction.
I would love more frequent regular speed rail
my commute used to be from merced to modesto, along the fucking train tracks like why the fuck am I even driving
I could have napped on my commute or played vidya
but nooooo only four trains a day and none of them would have worked with my commute
even now, in other cities, my commute is along the 99 and could be serviced by regular speed rail
many such cases
So why not compare yourself to France and Japan? If you're looking to impoverished north african dictatorships as a model, whatever you're trying to push is obviously not welcome
Be that as it may, embezzlement is a big problem in CA transit, not to mention all the bureaucratic red tape to make sure every spike in every rail is equitable to every racial group, sexual orientation,, invasive insect species, and is carbon negative.

Ghana wasn't being hailed as the high water mark, you mong. The post was saying "this infamous shithole region of Earth is STILL more functional than Commiefornia."
>The post was saying "this infamous shithole region of Earth is STILL more functional than Commiefornia."
Yes that is what you already said. And I said if your definition of functional means the people in charge can just have you killed if you're in the way, that says more about the values of yimby types than it does about "commiefornia". You people talk about communism like this and then wonder why college kids are running around in che guevara shirts? Maybe reconsider your own role models before worrying about who's a commie.
That's not the reason they can build rail projects though, because again countries which can't disappear people are still building them. It's because they don't have self centered, self destructive liberal ideology guiding all their politics. No asshole liberturdians whining on about property rights or road works, or leftists whining about how we should be spending the money on free drugs for the poor noggerinos, no culture of "let's oppose something which benefits everyone because it might mildly inconvenience me or mean the groups I like which already receive way too much public funds won't get even more".
I see, so far we have:
>the problem is railroad execs can't just hire mercs to shoot everyone who has the wrong opinion on trains
>the problem is people who own property actually shouldn't own property if it conflicts with my opinion on trains
>the problem is blacks
>the problem is drugs
France spends significantly more on "free drugs for poor niggerinos" to use your terminology so maybe you should try another 13 year old edgelord's take on transport policy? Some ideas for you to consider
>the problem is trannies and their pronouns are blocking the trains
>the problem is vegans and their lettuce farms
>the problem is carnists and their meat farms
>the problem is they put a girl in my marvel/DC franchise movie and I'm not sure how to connect this to trains but fuck it logic was never my strong point because I'm a yimby retard
>the problem is fluoride made everyone crazy unlike me
Of course you are a creative fellow so I'm sure you don't need any help on this...
You utter faggot, intercity trains aren't impossible without murder, and it's not just nimby property owners keeping LA separate from SF. AFAIK CA has all the right-of-way they need, it's just that every ten feet of track needs three different million-dollar investigations determining the environmental impact on Uruguayan transmales aged 30-40. It's not a black-and-white between zero trains ever and murdering everyone between two stations. It's just that California has a lot of ridiculous bureaucracy that exists to punish non-billionaire citizens for existing.
No the real problem is just selfish morons like you, frankly anyone who brings up culture war bs or muh "historic black neighborhood" to oppose necessary development should be shot, the US would be a much better place if every single one of you cunts left and right was dead in a fucking ditch.
That's all very well and good but the takeaway here is that you people would, in fact, hire mercs to delete everyone in the way, if it got you a train. Notwithstanding the fact there already is a train, the important thing is to "win" your weird little vendetta against human rights.
Hey if killing annoying selfish NIMBY cunts on the left and right gets us a train as well, that's a win win right? Whiny shitbags like you deserve the consequences you meme yourself into getting.
I have to hand it to you, it takes real courage to stand up and say something like that here on 4channel dot org
Hey man, you're the one who keeps insisting murder is necessary to build public infrastructure, so thus anyone reasonable who actually cares about society would infer your death is necessary. Maybe save us all some trouble and chug bleach you triple faggot.
> chug bleach
That sounds like something a leftist would say, I thought you were above all this left/right stuff
>seriously believes a leftist would call someone a triple faggot
Yeah I stand by what I said, you are truly a brainless waste of oxygen, go suck off a shotgun faggot.
Why are rightoids so violent?
Stop backing us into a corner and turning the kids gay
Nah fucktarded racist liberturdian hillbillies can get the 12 gauge mouthwash as well, both groups stand in the way of real progress.
Hasn't been 4channel in at least a year.
The other guy is a faggot, but fuck you dude and fuck your trains.
>HS2 was cancelled because bri-ish people knew the project was unfeasable.
The expensive bit, from London to Crewe, is being constructed as we speak. The rest of it will probably end up being done once there is a government in charge with enough political capital to expect to *still* be in charge by the time it's done.

>In addition to sending all of HS2's money to Ukraine.
We've spend threepence-halfpenny on Ukraine, as have you Americans. Reading the dollar value of equipment being sent over is a disingenuous measurement given that most of it was going mouldy from disuse and was up for replacement anyway. The actual cash sums changing hands are laughably small, you could keep the Ukraine war going for years with HS2's total budget even without the rest of NATO contributing.

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