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Pic related DC-8
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This was the aircraft L. Ron Hubbard used as the model for Xenu's space ships.
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The DC-10 had its flaws, but it still looks futuristic even today.
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The OG, the DC-3
(Obviously not a jetliner, but still a classic.)
It's wild how L Ron Hubbard and the Dianetics people seemed like the most dangerous cult of insane stupids we could imagine back in the day, and now here we are, they've taken over everything

Such simple times
I'll never forgive the DC-10 for murdering the Concorde.
At some point it really seems like the DC-10 was cursed.
Those lights are neat.
It would be foolish to blame the Charles de Gaulle disaster for the entire demise of the Concorde, it was just one nail of many in the coffin of a project born from sheer pride and against better economic judgment in the first place.
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It's in the background of the airport stage in KoF '99:
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>we could have had this instead of the 747
>6 engines
Jesus I just bought stock in Exxon thinking about it

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