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File: vietnam.jpg (220 KB, 1200x525)
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Going to have to be a 300 km/h average speed for a 5 hour trip.
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I thought communism was bad?
plenty of free liberal degenerate countries have HSR. Like Spain and France. Japan has some human rights too.
1. You were brainwashed.
2. There's no communism in Vietnam.
There's no transport infrastructure in Vietnam already. And it only gets worse every day. Most streets in vietnam are so narrow that even on a bike you'll be stuck in traffic. But still every single retard who gets approved for a loan buys a fucking SUV. So that he could move around the city at 15 km/h.
I bet in 15 years Vietnam will be as shitty a damp as the us.
what about the Hanoi Metro?
roads in central vietnam are great
Even third-world countries are getting HSR before us in America.
When did you immigrate to the US, Chang?
>shitty indochinese rice farmers get 300 km/h HSR before america
I'm also curious as to why you immigrated to the US, Chang. Please answer!
Ah yes the Great American region of *checks notes* East Frisia
Let me guess you drove from an airport to some DaNang or NhaTrang and maybe some shitty tourist section of a road to Bana Hills?
I've been living in Vietnam for 2 years and traveled all over it. 95% of the roads are shit.
By most criteria those "third-world countries" are much better places to live.
Yes, please go there and don't consider moving to US, there's nothing good here.
Don't try to hide your pain behind sarcasm. In 2024 the us is one of the worst countries to live in.
Vietnam already won. motorbike is the comfiest form of transit
I agree, what a horrible place of only pain and suffering. Now if only we could help more people escape it to their homeland...
Yeah. And we should start with anglosaxons.
Least mind broken vatnik shill.
That's because Vietnamese infrastructure isn't controlled by oil conglomerates. Can't say the same for USA.

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