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American high-speed rail map from transportation researcher Alon Levy.

Which line would you build first?
>transit guru
Just say communist.
>this is the "man" countless /n/iggers look up to
Yikeroni and cheese batman....
Isn't this the eugenics freak who hates ADA rules and wanted to delete all the bus stops because they're only needed by disgusting old geezers, and his brilliant plan for making transportation great again was to just drive empty buses around all day?
Don’t forget your meds.
Chicago-Indianapolis because you can use that to connect to a ton of nearby cities.
Starting to build a public transport from HSR is like starting to build a house from the chimney.
Let me guess, he lives in Chicago?
LA-Phoenix because >existing trackage between the two
I like that idea, they’re both big and growing cities. Plus tons of people in one city have friends/relatives in the other.
Existing trackage doesn't mean 1) it's conducive to high speed operations and 2) the railroad that owns it will let you use it. Please think critically
>the railroad that owns it will let you use it.
If it's by Amtrak, it has to. So many people here have no idea how railroads work.
Now look up where Amtrak owns the rails.
>So many people here have no idea how railroads work.
You are completely retarded.
I accept your concession.
If Amtrak runs the service, then railroads have to let them use their track, providing they, or their predecessor, were part of the formation of Amtrak in 1970.

You are retarded. Please stop posting here.
That' a gross oversimplification of the situation. Freight railroads can keep new Amtrak routes off their lines indefinitely. And you're still ignoring any track geometry and junctions that don't permit high speed operations. Amtrak can't even get it own tracks upgraded to true HSR.

Keep trying baby bro
SE then NE and the project would die five days later
>Freight railroads can keep new Amtrak routes off their lines indefinitely.
No they can't. Again, you people have no idea how railroads work.
>No they can't.
Yes they can. Carriers can dig in their heels and stonewall Amtrak until it gives up. An arbitration board can rule in the freight carrier's favor. Lobbying can keep Amtrak at bay indefinitely. Learn to think complexly instead of just skimming Wikipedia articles. And you're still ignoring any problems with the track alignment itself.
They have to allow Amtrak to run. That's the end of it. They can complain and say that Amtrak needs to pay for upgrades to make it viable, or argue about what rates they should have to pay, but that's really it.

The last fight that popped up was CSX fighting Amtrak about restoring service to Mobile, AL but look what happened...

You have shit for brains, commie faggot.
>They have to allow Amtrak to run. That's the end of it.
Incorrect. See: >>2027221
You gave your narrative and I showed you how it worked out. They stalled for a year, gave up, and Amtrak is building the station and getting to run the trains.

You're a real dumb cock sucker, you know that? You come here acting like you know it all, but you really don't have a clue.
>Sample size = 1
I accept your concession.
>Your sources: My imagination
Kill yourself.
Your concession has already been accepted. There is no need to continue losing.
Turning Los Angeles into a high-speed rail hub would be such an awesome transformation to watch. LA would go from the most car-dependent big city to the most rail-friendly city.
>LA would go from the most car-dependent big city to the most rail-friendly city.
Atlanta is weird. It has fuckall connectivity to the rest of the Amtrak system.
Connecting it to Florida is tough but given the population on either side it’s an essential connection.
You can easily connect Atlanta to Chattanooga (and then Nashville), and Greenberg and Charlotte. Given its huge size and growth it needs some rail connections to nearby cities.
Foreigner found
Maybe Amtrak should serve major cities outside of the East and West Coasts more than twice a week before even thinking about a nationwide HSR
>more than twice a week before even thinking about a nationwide HSR
I think the implication is that without high speed rail, the cross country trains are just expensive heritage train rides. You can't seriously use them to go from Washington to Chicago because it takes 18 hours.
That's an average speed of less than 75 MPH. If the train consistently did 125 MPH, the trip would take about 6.5 hours.
A flight is still around four hours, though.
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This line.

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