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Since the days of Repack the sport exploded and splintered into various specialist sub genres, but for me this is what cycling has always been about, simple bikes out in the wild, taking on terrain that shouldn't be bike friendly.
Here's a nice film that covers the birth of the sport from the perspective of a photographer who was part of that American story, tons of cool images.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsbJojnbdYY [Embed]

Of course off road cycling has many points of origin, in the UK we have the 'rough Stuff fellowship', which claims to be the oldest off road cycling club in existence and predates the Repackers by several decades, here's a link to a thread that talks about that.

No doubt throughout the history of the bicycle right across the planet, small groups and individuals independently 'invented' mountain biking' by simply taking whatever bikes they had and riding them in the wild. It would be great to learn more about the history of mans off road cycling adventures and perhaps discover where this amazing sport really was birthed.

Share any images and stories here.
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Mtb trails have got much more extreme I was watching old World Cup videos on you tube and it's what I'd ride a gravel bike on
>>2027258 (OP)
Have a bump. I have an unhealthy 80's MTB obsession but like everybody who rides them these days I'm just doing logging roads and shit. I have a lot of respect for these early mad lads though. Such a crazy scene, diy and funky as hell. And the love of pain, jesus christ. Crazy to me how shit like that has totally turned on its head; nobody will just go out and be weird anymore. You wouldn't exactly expect MTB and ski bros to be spending more than I ever will on a car just to get started, but here we are.

Have you read the Frank Berto book? It was not as comprehensive as I was hoping for but essential reading nonetheless. His book on bicycle drivetrains on the other hand is absurdly comprehensive and has a lot of interesting info about early MTB tech development
Interesting, I'll check both books out.
Month ago I rode vintage mtb with a couple bros. Did some greens in the wet and had a great time.
Greens to blues are do able, but anything too rocky is just not super fun.
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Oh yeah, I'd be the last one to get in a tech supremacy argument with anyone. Totally different sport as far as the trails and bikes go. I just mean I wish there was still some of that madcap, no fucks given underground scene energy. I have definitely known some MTB guys like that but they seem to be the exception. Just so much vibe-checking and oneupmanship... guys trying to flex on you by giving "advice" (usually bad.) Sub-2k bike will elicit lots of snippy comments in many groups. A sport like this should be chill as fuck, it's so weird to me

But if there's an upside, those types of guys usually stay in their containment zones and let me have the woods to myself (totally selfish attitude I know.) "Gravel bikes" have certainly changed that a little bit. Now I can expect to see riders on roads I never saw a soul on in 10 years. But they're still vastly preferable to electric fat bike dads...
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Nice digits

Idk if it counts as weird enough for you, but I'm building a 32-29 mullet from a Mongoose frame.
>>2027258 (OP)
in The Adventure of the Priory School, Sherlock Holmes finds the body of the schoolmaster near his bicycle after following the bike tracks across the moor. one of his students had been kidnapped and he rode the bike off-road in an ill-fated attempt to head them off. this was published in 1904
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May well be the funniest AI slop image of all time. It definitely makes the cut, the people demand pictures

Based mountain bike history revisionist. If you ask me the late 70's Cali story is arbitrary, it was just the right place and right time for it to blow up.
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I had the same experience it was really funny what there were calling "downhill"

It's also really funny to me that they had all the tech but just had no idea about geometry so they took what we're basically flatbar roadbikea and held on for dear life

I wonder sometimes, if a modern geo, but fully rigid mtb would be better than a full suspension of back then?
This was my experience. I rode with a booze cruise group, supposed to be casual, and brought my drop bar MTB. And while the old dudes were Ll cool about it there were plenty of younger guys who yea kept vibe checking me and saying that I need hydro brakes out here and all this shit. Like wtf? It's a hobby man, it's a game not a sport. We aren't competing.
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Please keep us updated on your mega mullet dawg I'm very excited
Frame bags!!!!! They're bike Packers!!!!!
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Glad you enjoyed it, have another.

I'm using a Nimbus Unicycle Dominator 2 rim paired with a Novatec 135mm fat bike hub. I'm hoping the Novatec is a decent hub, I don't have many options for 36H fat bike spacing.
I mean I'm sure it'll be good enough. How serious are you planning on riding this thing??
I'm not an expert rider or anything, so it will probably be ok.

The hard part was tires, but things are looking up. Vee Tire makes a 32" mountain bike tire now, and I heard Maxxis is working on one too. It's only a matter of time before this becomes mainstream
I always thought roadies were supposed to be the assholes but in my experience roadies are chill and the mtn bikes bros are total dicks.
>get a flat on the road
>basically everyone who rides past asks if I need help, any tools, etc
>get a flat on a trail
>mountain bikers fly past kicking up dust and dirt everywhere. Don’t even glance my way.
>one of them yells, “Damn, that sucks dude.”
I can’t stand those fags
I have a friend who used to be a pretty serious DH rider, competed and all that. He had a 29" rigid steel meme bike for a while that was pretty fun. It definitely rolled over roots and stuff and just generally behaved more like you'd expect a mountain bike to behave nowadays. Any kind of drop or ledge was not fun, though. I think the saving grace of the small wheels and 90's geo is the nimbleness; it allows you to be very "techy" with obstacles. In some situations the rigid "modern" bike felt like the worst of both worlds, because it would lead you to just barge forward over things, but there would be no travel to take the consequences
Now that Im an adult and work I can't break bones willy nilly but Im glad the mtb guys still live on being XXXtreme dudez.

I owned a 90s cannondale mtb back in the day in hook em horns orange. Frankly as a taller rider Im so glad to have 700c road tires now. A 26" mtb always felt weird and small.

Im intrigued by the number of companies that will deliver you a front susp mtb with a 30mm xc fork but I really dont wamt to break a bone

Everything is much more controlled as a road rider. The freedom and danger of mtb appeals to youthful people.
Yeah roadies are nicer. There's petty type A competitiveness at the group ride....yet you cant talk any trash. Even gentle ribbing is passe among the softmen. I once told a woman who bonked to Cowboy Up and youd think Id have tossed out the N Word in a library

The 'community' is better but you still can only ride with em in small doses (the Saturday morning coffee ride for 30 miles and maybe a charity 100k once a season)
anti-roadie discrimination is largely the product of cageoids who hate seeing mamils on "their" roads. think about it. mtb guys are chill guys who don't hurt anyone (don't get in my way), roadies are uptight snob assholes who make me feel bad (make me brake a few seconds early for the red light ahead)
>>one of them yells, “Damn, that sucks dude.”
Based MTBro
yeah I think big wheels big tires no suspension is absolutely tits for poorly maintained dirt roads, like 4wd/high clearance kind of terrain, but you gotta be pretty slick to shred that setup on technical singletrack
>t. has a jones lwb
kek you're a bit of a schizo but you're not wrong
>>2027258 (OP)
congratulations on being the perfect little consoomer
Yees, buy $100 shit from boomers off craigslist, good consoomer
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Here it is boys, as promised the Vee tire T-Monster.
The wheel is currently being built up by my LBS, so I'll hopefully have it mounted by Christmas if it fits my fork.
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First 32"er with proper mountain bike tread. Maxxis is working on one as well, but idk howblong that will take.
Price tag was hefty at $200, but early adopters either make things by hand or pay dearly.
How big of an impact did Fisher have on making 29er the go-to wheel size for mtb?
I live in buttfuck nowhere and the place is dying. Hence the remaining population is retarded. What's worse, almost half of them are also retired and senile. There's no way in hell I'm riding a bike among them on the road.
Surly did more.
Jones is the best bike and my view is if you're riding trails that are too dangerous for a Jones, you're riding for ego and leaning on a crutch bike that lowers the bar.
None of those guys have tools any more.
>No dropper
The fuck is up with that steer tube? Someone needs to cut it
That's a stock build. You can install a dropper, you can cut the steerer.
>if you're riding trails that are too dangerous for a Jones, you're riding for ego and leaning on a crutch bike that lowers the bar.
Lmao ok grandpa, leave the 'gnarly' 1 foot drops to the pros then
>needs suspension for 1ft drops
Face it, a good rider can ride anything with a full rigid bike just see the crazy stuff that someone like Sam Pilgrim can do.

Full suspension bikes have just casualized "gnar" with the result that people who could be having more fun on flow trails are eating shit on double-diamonds.
Dudes get sucked in by the bike industry scam where they pay professionals who could carve on a potato to ride their top of the line bikes, giving the impression that you need a carbon fiber full suspension dentist bike.

I've been seeing a peletons of gravel freds lately riding trails and being road fags but in muh forest.
MTB are tryhards just as much as roadies. Always were always will be.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyTyjQbvylg [Embed]
Sounds like you're assuming your own experience is everyone elses.
>shred muh gnar
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Bought a Roscoe 7 hardtail the other day.

Used to rip around forest roads/single track on an old Trek hybrid when I was younger. I definitely take less risks now at my age, but I don’t hold myself back/act like a bitch when I need to send it. Still having fun at 31 :3
Nice bike good to see fat tyres are the mainstream now.
awesome paint and decals
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELnmIy1w62M [Embed]
>see a five day gravel race targeted at drop bar guys
>see it has an ebike class
>enter your self-branded 29+ steel monster truck ebike for the fuck of it
>only contender in class
>sail past everyone on your comfortable steel sled while they eat shit grinding those mile
>smile the whole way and get lost, stop for pizza, take photos, just have a good time riding
>prove that comfortable steel ebikes with fat wheels and great offroad handling can beat an entire field of racefags without even tryinjg

It this the epitome of Jeff Jones' philosophy? Or is it trolling?
E bikes are lame because you can just buy speed. Human powered machines are based because you must earn the right to be fast.
A faster, lighter bike costs more, that is still pay2win.
A lighter bike is not faster, speed comes from your legs, stay fat cagecuck
Stay slow legcuck.
>passes you in gridlock
Stay mad disgusting fatty
I bet the racefags were seething the same thing when the saw Jones flying past.
>chill out maaaaan, I don't care about speed, it's just transportation maaaan
Also unracers:
>constantly thinking about how others are perceiving their speed
>constantly fantasizing about "mogging the racers"
>constantly getting in your face and questioning your thoughts about speed
>enter ebike race
>there's an airplane category for some reason
>lol, why not?
>takeoff at the same time as the ebikes
>reach the finish line 5 minutes later
>land and collect my prize
>I'm the winner!
You forgot to add
>Didn't actually participate in the bike race
He proved that anyone can enjoy long, mountainous rides in comfort you don't need to be a racetard with a carbon race bike to just ride.
there's someone in this thread who's coping, all right. but it damn sure ain't me
Have a cry about it racefag.
Racers and their rules and clique are the absolute cancer.
Unracers and their unrules and clique are the absolute cancer
Nah, you should rope. Ebikes are the apex of cycling cope. They were literally invented for people who are lesser than.
I've never been in a race in my life, but if someone entered a foot race with a car and then bragged about how fast and easy it was, I'd think he was a dork, also.
>>2027258 (OP)

All those repack fags invented was bringing clique to nature riding and pay to win gear faggotry.
Based anons
how many cars do we have to drive to live this way?
32" mullet update: Sent the rear rim to be built today. In a few weeks I will finally be able to get the bike finished and rideable!
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Forgot Pic
you forgot the part where he paid $1600
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I present to you: the ultimate meme machine.
A 32-29 mullet bike.
Based, how much space is left between the fork and tire?
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The tire is a little lopsided, so it rubs on about a 6 inch section for now. If it was perfectly round I think it would have about 3mm of clearance.
haaaaaahahahahahah holy fuck. That's horrific. You should just take a file to the fork crown to be honest and get a couple more mm of space. Nice bold n brash btw
Dropper post will be next.
I'm attributing it to this tire just being sort of a lemon, but if it's a persistent problem I'll definitely make my own clearance
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ok but what if... 32-24 mullet?

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