Why do people (especially redditards) try to make excuses for van Zanten or otherwise over-complicate Tenerife?>the airport was crowded>the visibility was poor>the Pan Am should have gotten off the runway fasterThe guy tookoff without clearance, full stop.It was his fault.
Nope, not getting out of this chair.
>>2027391forgot pic like a dumbass
>>2027373Will anyone ever beat his high score?>Two FULLY loaded largest planes of the era
>>2027403God imagine two fully loaded A380s pulling this stunt.
>>2027373You're awful tower.
the issue is more the completely archaic systems in place even for that eraImagine they couldn't hear the panam say "we are on the runway"
>>2027403AND van zanten decided to fuel up his plane to the rim "to save time" later on, actual GOAT of air traffic disasters
/n/iggers shall my not besmirch the name of my proud countryman.
>>2027475That was all 737s
>>2027475>>2027811Allegedly it was two 767-200s and two 757-200s.
>>2027373Nobody knew the Netherland existed before this chill dutch fella made it famous. I say it was worth the sacrifice of a few thousand lives.
>>2027373Guys. I lost the Gaaning transcript image
>>2028031I gatchu senpai
>>2028485that's not real, right?
>>2028896100 percent real
>>2027373>ywn be prestigious enough to be sought to lead your own air crash investigation
van zanten was as a typical dutchman, arrogant
>>2029012hou je bek faggot
>>2027373Because it makes you mad.
>>2027373>The guy tookoff without clearancei don't see it>full stopyou're a faggot
That fucking loser tower controller forgot that van Zanten had every right to disregard his orders as the superstar of KLM. Jacob had important shit to do upon returning home like banging his six wives and making every air hostess cum just by entering the airport lounge and radiating his cologne