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File: gepyslyfrlv81.jpg (100 KB, 1440x817)
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Let's get a thread of our walking set ups, shoes, bags, jackets, what you take with in your pockets, etc.

I'm usually wearing asics trail running shoes and carrying almost nothing, just my earphones, phone, wallet, maybe a snack when I go for 6-10km nightwalks in my city
I live in the city so I don't drive (except when I'm in places with bad mass transit like europe). I find it funny how flyover people have special "walking shoes". I guess this must be how busybody dutch fetishists feel when they see people wearing clothes suitable for cycling, except that I also ride city bikes in whatever I'm wearing whether it's a suit or jeans. The difference in walking is that when I specifically choose to go out for an especially long walk, it's not usually the shoes that change. It's that I wear a good hat, maybe sunglasses, a jacket with a lot of extra pockets, etc. I'll probably throw on some broad spectrum SPF if it's peak summer, or heavy moisturizer if it's peak winter.

I'm not saying all shoes are good for walking but it's more like some shoes are less good for walking, I'm obviously not going for a 4 hour "walk for the sake of walking" in braided loafers, but I have worn wingtips on plenty of unplanned 10+ mile walks, it's not that big a deal.
I mean I live in a european capital so not particularly flyover, but when I go out for the sole purpose of walking i do wear suitable shoes because I might as well lol
rent free
I live in the suburb and just use the oldest shoes that were given to me. Unless I need to look spiffy, or need my hiking boots, or need specialty shoes for sporting activities.
After visiting new pIaces I enjoy finding my way back to the middle of the city or back home on new routes without maps.

Why doesn't he walk out of the city if he wants nature?

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