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what's /n/'s preferred method of mounting and dismounting their bikes? Personally mine is balls on the tube and pushing off
I usually swing my leg over my handlebars, click in with said leg and just start going.
Cowboy mount or running start mount. For dismount I like jumping dismount with 2 feet landing but it's really bad for the knees. I did a jumping dismount in front of these kids and they were like woaaah and I felt cool uncle vibes for a sec, lifted my day
top side pedal unclips and foot goes down. down side pedal unclips. tilt bike because I'm a stiff, unflexible old mamil. swing foot back over the saddle. tilt back upright. cyclocross carry.
set bike next to me, generally on the left side.
swing left leg over seat since I have good flexibility and long legs. Straddle bike, rotate drive side crank to 1-3 o clock, clip in, pedal down ass on seat at the same time.
With flats it's the same but easier.
unclip left leg and set that leg down, while right is clipped in.

Luckily after xc mtb racing on spd pedals I am really good at clipping in with them, and unclipping.
just swing a leg like a normal person, the bike is going 0mph its fine

I swing my leg while the bike is still moving so that my entire body is on one side of the bike then hop off and walk to slow down. This is called a flying dismount apparently.
>I swing my leg while the bike is still moving so that my entire body is on one side of the bike then hop off and walk to slow down. This is called a flying dismount apparently.
i'm sorry but this is the gayest way to dismount
It looks even gayer using it to mount
amen, brother
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>mogs your bike mounting skills
>caring how some celebrity actor rides his shitty bike
nice try
Dismounting is for noobs I just track stand everywhere
>caring how some random /n/ogger rides his bike
Even better
Based fixiefag
wesley caked up at 0:21
Lol total twink death

I havent seen that show in years...stuck on paramount+. I guess Wesley is a game reviewer now. I hope diana troi is still hot she was very popular among the boys.
right foot on left pedal use the bike like a kick scooter, then sit half on the seat and flick my right leg over to the right pedal
>note this is more difficult if the distance between the top tube and saddle is short
or if the bike is way too tall I hold the right handle bar and lean the bike over towards me so its easy swing a leg over the rear wheel
then once the right foot is on the right pedal, swing the bike upright with ones body weight while pushing forwards with the left foot
fear not, a flaying dismount has a small chance the rider will loose their footing or get #wrecked by a pedal hitting the back of the ankle or calf
I signed up for P+ just to rewatch all the treks but I canceled the second the forced ads came up, luckily I was still on trial mode and it only cost me like $6 but still. I paid $6 to watch an ad

we need to bring back large scale piracy
>still get forced ads

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