The end of ebike terrorism is in sight. Let's not count our chickens before they hatch, but I'm tentatively feeling hopefully about this. During the time that the last thread was up, hundreds of people were killed by ebike fires. We need to put a stop to this. I just hope they make sure to add prison time for people caught with unlicensed ebikes.
>>2027639I'm honestly okay if they do this and treat e-bikes the same as mopeds. I don't know about New York laws on registering mopeds, though. That's one thing that has varied from state to state in my experience.
>>2028189The rule is basically if it has pedals it doesn't require registration. However the laws kind of pretend that pedal bikes max out at 25mph which is obviously not how things work in real life as anyone who has used the major greenways or bridge crossings can attest. The way I see it, the major crossings and greenways should have frequent checkpoints where anyone who isn't on a frame that looks basically like this (and has tubes that obviously can't hold a battery) gets randomly stopped and if their motorbike isn't registered it gets seized and destroyed.I realize that set of rules actually results in mixtes, dual suspension mtbs, and d*tch bikes getting harassed and potentially seized, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
>>2027639>mad boomer rantok
>>2027639That argument reminds me of debating ancient cagetrolls btw, they want license plates for bicycles and complain about scratched paint while the guy they cut off has a dislocated shoulder.
>>2028226Guess how we can tell you don't ride bikes or have any direct personal stake in cycling for transportation, exercise, or fun (pro tip: a rolling incendiary device is not a bike)
not my problem. let the government make public warehouses every 500 meters for storing lithium-ion batteries, or for cheap rent for a few hours, or produce lifepo4 which is now nowhere to be found because chinese lifepo4 is a fake in the form of cheap lithium-ion
>>2028231I'm one of those people who wear functional clothing to still commute via bicycle in below freezing temperatures. I own a 2x10 speed gravel and a single speed lightweight racing bike. I've been on 5x critical mass this year and am member of my local bike advocacy group. So you're wrong.I also have a higher power electric scooter I occasionally ride when I want to go somewhere fast without arriving sweaty."""Concerns""" about batteries in PEW are just pearl clutching bullshit. Unless it's utter trash chinesium batteries don't spontaneously combust.
>>2028278What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated at the top of my spin class in the Orangetheory Fitness, and have been involved in numerous critical mass rides, and have over 300,000 confirmed post karma on /r/urbanplanning/. I am trained in gorilla urbanism and I'm the creator of /r/YIMBY/ and a mod on /r/neoliberal/, you are nothing to me but just another cagetroll. I will get your account suspended with precision the likes of which has never before been seen on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of numtots across urbanism twitter and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can ratio you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my main account. Not only am I extensively trained in ringing my Crane Suzu bell at boomers but I have access to the entire Gazelle Bikes catalogue and I will use it to wipe your miserable ass off the gentrified parts of this city you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>>2027639What does "e-bike" mean in a burger context?In Europe only the pedelecs where the electric assist stops at 25 km/h are classified the same as bicycles. If you unironically think these things need a licence and registration then you're a fucking tyrant.
>>2027639This will only apply to law abiding citizens on legal ebikes. Youths and food delivery people on illegal motorbikes will not be touched.
>>2028692Absolutely idiotic logic to tie the engine power to the supposedly "average human power". The engine is needed to get rid of the limitations imposed by geography and road quality. If a person can accelerate from a simple 6% slope to 50 km/h WITHOUT MAKING ALMOST ANY EFFORT. THEREFORE, THE LEGAL ENGINE POWER SHOULD BE SUCH AS THAT IT IS ABLE TO DRIVE A 6% HILL AT 50 KM/H, THAT IS, 1.5-3 KW DEPENDING ON THE QUALITY OF THE ROADS. According to some humanitarian european agreement adopted in the 20th century, engines up to 50 cc should not be subject to registration under any circumstances, why the fuck did they violate that? >It is clear that bikes with motors with a power of over 50ccm or 4,000 watts are already a dangerous type of vehicle, for which, like any motorcycle, you need a license. But everything below that is already a means of transportation that does not pose any danger in the hands of a cyclist of average experience (if you do not go to extremes, as some degenerates like to do). Based on this, I would introduce a ban on motors/motors with a power of up to 1 kilowatt (since such power, directly - provokes emergency situations due to the fact that they simply may not be able to pull a raider with a bike at the right moment on default city roads with a speed limit of 40-60 km / h, and also create an emergency situation that threatens life on the road, due to the fact that they cannot keep a raider with a bayou in the flow of traffic on the roadway where there are not even pedestrian roads, which in this case is the condition under which the raider has every right, as a cyclist, to ride to the edge of the roadway, stably, due to its super-low power), and everything that is up to 4 kilowatts, I would allow without a license, like any default bicycle.
>>2028698It seems that the European Union has recognized that bicycle paths are ineffective shit that only create the illusion of a healthy and cultured society, and will soon come to a weakening of control and simplification of ownership of an electric scooter. Gasoline scooters should generally be banned because they generate a lot of noise and exhaust in the city, and even if lithium batteries actually generate more emission due to the extraction of rare earth materials, they in any case occur in rural areas of third world countries, silence and good air in the cities are above all, so the future belongs to electric scooters and electric cars.
lowest IQ thread on 4chin right now.thanks /n/
>>2028701Are you for freedom, or for a anally dictatorship cybergulag with shoe registration and paid rights to wear it?If a country requires a license and registration for 50 ccm/3kwt, then it is a dictatorship cybergulag.
>>2028702>shoe registration and paid rights to wear it?barefoot chads rise up
>>2028226>they cut offKnow your place bikecuck
I want ubereats/doordash slaves out of my country, they can take their shitty ebikes with them
>>2029463other way around for me, I want them on normal analog bikes so they can fit as fuck and be physically and hormonally primed for impregnating the local women as efficiently as possible, I think we should give them ZMA supplements in fact, the success of this country depends on regular injections of new, exogenous DNA, it's really just the e-bikes that I have a problem with
>>2027639Good. Niggers can't steal yo bike no mo
>>2028217>The rule is basically if it has pedals it doesn't require registration.Hah. Reminded me of how a similar thing was treated in Moscow. >migrant delivery guys start importing cheap chinese electric scooters, no pedals at all, just a platform>try to pretend to be bicycles, get stopped and forced onto the road>they start mass importing these instead, stop getting bothered for riding whereever they please eventhough it's literally the same thing except with token pedals>most of them have the seat too low and leaning too much forward to pedal, with feet always on the platform, but they still get plausible deniability points>throught the summer of that year, more and more of them remove the pedals and wrap the cranks in tape because pedal strikes on pedals you don't control are annoying, don't get bothered because still technically a bicycle that can be pedalled>by winter, a lot of them start removing the chain because it rusts, and some even remove the cranks altogether, baisically recreating those original scooters, but it's winter so nobody gets bothered>by spring, these fuckers are plentiful enough that they don't get bothered for riding unregistered mopeds on sidewalks at all, some people start importing (or un-mothballing) those original scooters that got them into trouble in the first place and nobody bats an eye>cue scooter hell we're in for the last few years>somehow still less trouble than rental e-scooters despite these guys riding like lunatics (guess having good handling helps)also tangentially related, why does english use the same word for a range of 2-wheeled vehicles that starts from a kids' kickscooter and ends in a burgman 650? can't they have a separate word for vehicles where you're standing on a platform and ones where you're sitting on a seat with legs on the platform?
>>2027639Tax grab. The hunt for multiple revenue streams never ends.
>>2029719>burning down property that people pay taxes on to own the libsthis is up there with "superyachts are actually a boon for the working class so it's good that 10 people own the majority of the wealth on earth"
>>2029537Same shit happens here
>e-bikes are grea- ACKOne of Viennas most famous bike shops is completely destroyed by fire caused by e-bike
>>2029482least jewish pedalcuck
>>2028189mopeds should be considered as bikes if they go under 20kph. You want people move away from cars? Give them convenient e-mopeds that can pol useful load.
>300k pop city in Engerlund>council has finally fucking had it and taking overpowered electric shit off delivery slaves>no warning gib bike, 30 in two days in centre aloneIt can be done
>>2028217>The rule is basically if it has pedals it doesn't require registration.The rule should be: If you have to pedal it, it doesn't require registration. I've seen people on e-bikes that never had to turn the pedals one revolution. Just twist the throttle and go. 40 MPH. That's a phony e-bike. I can put pedals and a chain on a Harley Sportster.
The rule should be: if it is a mode of transport other than human feet, you must register and pay taxes on it, thereby covering every mode of obnoxious tranportation that interferes with walkable cities.
>>2032887I lean into the camp that low-power vehicles like mopeds, e-bikes, etc should have a specific licensing system, but purely human powered vehicles should not. Like maybe a one-time registration through the state, and they get a specialized plate. Require that for any power-assisted vehicle (including pedal assisted ebikes, atvs, golf carts, e-unis, etc) to be used on the road, and require actual license plates on anything that puts out more than "X" ft-lbs of torque, or "X" horsepower. This class of vehicles would not require a formal driver's license to use.In theory, this means a kid fucking around on an unregistered pit bike in his neighborhood could get ticketed, but if I know cops in the US, the law is most likely not going to get enforced unless someone's in a high-traffic area or being otherwise unsafe. It also has the other side of things where if you're somewhere that has different laws, but it's registered as that vehicle in your locality, it can insulate you from a license you may not be approved for (i.e. no motorcycle permit but a cop calls your ebike a motorcycle).