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It is said that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Are you one of the good ones, /n/? Do people say you're not like those other cyclists?
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You are inventing scenarios in your head to get mad at again.
rent fucking freeeeee lmfao
where I live there are these two archetypes yes, but the pictures are reversed.
...or maybe its that both those doodles belong in "dont respect" and the only normal people are the ones who got into cycling more through the recent gravel bike explosion, they are by the only normal ones where I live.
>where I live
And where is that?
Im the top one literally but without being gay and having 20k worth of bikes in my shed. I dont even talk about bikes with my normie friends because i know that they dont give a fuck
i dont respect anyone
Why do Cagies get so upset when you call out their objectively immoral means of travel? I hate bikers more than anyone, but cagies shouldn't be treated like humans.
>Sucking a natural resource from deep underground, cooking it until it separates, and burning one of two forms of the product (gas or diesel) in metal boxes designed to keep people safe and comfortable is somehow immoral
Are the "Cagies" in the room with us right now?
We really not more agressive jannys or a containment board for you urban planning faggots.
is the urban planning in the room with you right now?
suburban texas, the degenerate fixie youth and 40 yr old alcoholics on BMX bikes are contained to the urban cores, people here arent that "into the culture" like you see in SF/PNW/NYC so theyre not THAT annoying and niche, theyre mostly just kinda gross looking.
The roadie group ride addicts are all quite mentally ill, they do not act like normal human beings and they do make cycling their entire personality. They're very insular, not friendly to new people. If you want to get *in* with them you have to show complete devotion to the crew. They have no other non cycling friends or interests. I am cool with a few of them but when I run into them in a group setting with the whole 'crew' they are suddenly very autistic and like can't even look you in the eye. They're a weird bunch.
No but it's on my board.
this is not your board.
Cagies that kill pedestrians should be given the death penalty. That would solve the cagie question overnight.
How many miles?
I don't respect any man that wears a helmet. Period.
my only source of personal transportation is my bike, ive never owned a car nor driven one on my own becuase im a 33 year old autistic loser. got my license at 26, never used it

20 year old 27 speed cannondale road bike, my only bike i own
i dont wear spandex, just a t shirt and shorts and a backpack
i only bike alone, never with others or in a group
the most "cyclist" thing i have is probably my rack and pannier bags
i always stop at stop signs and red lights, but for red lights, ill go through it after stopping if theres no cars around
cannondale is racer tier so you're in the first category, especially if you're an autist and therefore not doing it for fashion reasons
Holy shit anon your life sounds horrible
>Cagies are a symptom of a satanic force driving us off of a cliff.

you are mentally ill or a troll. you aren't owning anyone and you aren't contributing. it's just kinda sad.
>burning 44 gallons of crude oil
Nothing burns crude oil, it's refined into products including gasoline.
>staggering energy
Yes it's a marvel of human innovation how I can move 4000 lbs 24 miles at 70 miles per hour on just one gallon of gasoline, and there are vehicles even more efficient than mine. The energy density of gasoline is an amazing and beautiful thing.

Also, see >>2030994
Yeah it’s more horrible than you can imagine.
i don't get it, to me that sounds perfectly normal?
I think I'm leaving this board forever cause I can't stand this amount of faggotry
Ok see you tomorrow then

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