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Anyone have any experience with shipping their car? I have to go from FL to CA next year and I'm debating whether to drive or take the train. I heard there were services that will ship your car while you ride along with it. The idea of relaxing in a comfy train car rather than driving the whole way sounds nice, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
>I heard there were services that will ship your car while you ride along with it.
There are car shipping services but they will move it on an 18-wheeler. The only Amtrak route that will let you take your car with you is a route from Sanford FL to Lorton VA.
>I heard there were services that will ship your car while you ride along with it.
>I have to go from FL to CA
Imagine not doing 5 minutes of research to find out where the Auto Train runs.
Is that really the only one that does that? Seems oddly specific, like how many people regularly commute between FL and VA compared to other places... I would think hubs like NY and LA would be higher on the priority list.
Anyway, at that point I might as well just have the car shipped by truck, and fly over, right?
It's not intended for commuters, it's for tourists from the NE visiting Florida so they can drive to places like Disney World

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