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Here is the animation to save everyone a click
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WHY do these retards keep flying and crashing these vintage planes!

Just stop!
they must spend so much money doing these "investigations"
whole buncha bureaucrat buzzword bullshit too
Are any of these fragments people? I've stared at this extensively but I still can't tell
Maybe the top-gunner position on the B-17 but I don't know if they had someone in that spot or not. Otherwise, seems the others were still contained in their seats until impact.
It's helpful lol. Theyre needed in order to be made aware of these problems and errors, since it fucking SUCKS to lose planes like this.
>Probable Cause of Incident
>they didn't see each other lmao
very informative FAA
blancolirio covered this one a while back. basically the "air boss" of the show (the person responsible for coordination of all the planes) was incompetent, and only got into the position because his dad did the same thing.
there ya go >>2028507
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avoidabledeathly reminder that nepotism is affirmative action for white people
this is the video on it I think
there were some others on it too
also I think hoover explained it well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFwoExC__MQ
>calls pilots retards
>posts Joe Rogan a well known retard
why are you fucking kids like this? sheesh.
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The original photographer seemed to imply that there are other photos that have body parts visible, if you scroll down to his main reply here (5th post): https://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/4681586

>I did look through the pictures to make sure there were not human bodies visible in the pictures.
>The next shots are part of a 4 shot burst. I'm surprised I took any at all.
He then proceeded to post only 2 photos from what he said was a 4 shot burst. I suspect he originally posted all 4 of them because I've been able to find 2 photos that would match the 4 shot sequence. Pic rel, look closely and you can see the co-pilot of the B-17 still in his seat grabbing hold of the window frame to keep himself steady. The co-pilot was a fella named Len Root.
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And the final shot in the sequence, again we can see Len holding on for dear life. With the way he seems to be raised up out of his seat he's probably feeling those negative G's as the cockpit drops out of the sky.

I've spent a lot of time scouring all the images, sometimes side by side to track objects, and haven't been able to find anything else that I could definitively say is a person.
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>What is a reaction image, sir
You think that Lindsay Lohan really is some critical part of why I posted this gif? No it's just to add some emotion to my post. In this case it's me chuckling at your retardation.
What do you think was going through his head?
Engine parts, I would assume
>You're probably wondering how I got here
2 planes crashing is always pilots fault
air boss was underqualified and out of his depth and if they had more stringent rules for flight paths it never would've happened.
>This was a common sight over Europe in WW2
Pretty wild

"oh god, oh fuck— ground"
that's hillary duff, lol
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I miss her so much vros...
Hannah Montana, actually
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