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Well, it didn't pass, obviously, but it could have in an alternate reality.
Is like 10% of this board minimum from Toronto?

t. Scarborough

or Chinese idk
Is Toronto really that shit nowadays? I'm a bong (Londoner) that went there many times in the late 80s to the early naughties. I really liked it, more than NYC even. What's gone wrong?
>Is Toronto really that shit nowadays? ... in the late 80s to the early naughties. I really liked it, more than NYC even What's gone wrong?
In the late 80s early 90s Tdot had grit. It was nyc-lite. Now it's gone soft and had all it's subcultures stamped out of existence by an overreaching authoritarian government replaced by expensive consumerist pursuits and paid for manufactured experiences with the population unaware because a third of them are immigrants who never knew any better and most of the rest have their reality papered over by the mainstream media who tells them what they should want because the government funds the msm using our taxpayer dollars to the tune of $100,000 per month or something like that to say what the government wants them to.
Theyre now saying eglinton and finch lines will open this summer. I think they will be welcome improvements to the system, however I feel eglinton should have been proper subway rather than trams. Finch will be okay as a tram.

Although I used to live in ottawa when the new LRT opened and downtown it feels very much like a subway, maybe eglinton will have a similar vibe
Toronto is a good city, it just lacks depth and lasting character that older cities have. I live in the east end (old city) and I appreciate all the different neighbourhoods and local cultures across the city. However too many newcomers are diluting the established neighbourhood vibes
canada is a shithole and deserves what it gets
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This is now a /Toronto General/

New budget documents reveal Finch and Eglinton lines to open by summer. Will these lines even be game changers, or are they just more streetcars?

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