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File: choo_choo.jpg (139 KB, 1140x641)
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...why in the love of Hitler did this happen?

Did nobody consider that oversized loads (giggity) need to be protected? Did nobody call UP dispatcher to inform them of the blockade once it happened? This wasn't some soccer single mom doing OF in her car to support her mutt kids, those were professionals moving a high-value freight. Yet - two men are dead and millions of material damages were sustained.

How fucking come?
There are youtube comments saying what should have been done.
It's the middle of bumfuck texas with some dumb trucker making a mistake and costing lives.
I don't understand where all these "truck parked on a railroad track" videos come from. Granted I live in NYC and my primary knowledge of truck parking is based on yimby tantrum "truck stops" created punitively by rapacious developers, and of course the ubiquitous trucks parking on top of the magic green pain (john forester did nothing wrong btw). But I mean.. it's flat land, there are no obstructions, are they just rolling them onto the tracks and taking the keys out of the ignition? What am I not getting here?
It's a low boy. The tracks are on a hump. The truck bottomed out and got stuck. Truck drivers are morons and never think to call the emergency number on the crossing.

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