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Rocky Mountain Bicycles (1981-2024)

Press F to pay respect
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feels bad man
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>make goislop
>go bankrupt
I wish I could get a front-sus, steel frame Equipe.
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I want to care because like private equity bad and stuff but MTB is like sportsball or redheads for me. No matter how hard I try to care, no matter how much peer pressure, no matter how much I want to fit in, it does nothing for me, I don't think it ever will
That's okay. I only feel bad since rocky mountain has been around a while and used to make bikes in canada+have cool names like hammer, flatline, instinct, etc.

I feel the same way you do about canyon, and other big non-historic brands
Rocky Mountain is not goyslop reeee
>doesn't like redheads
Low test, no wonder you don't like sportsball
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F. Pic is my old 90s rocky mountain still shreding trails after 30+ years. Starting to get a bit scared taking drops on it but w/e. Take care of your bikes, a good chromoly frame beats carbon and lasts a lifetime.

Name of frame?
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More comfy canadian winter biking
flow dj
Made them for half a decade or so in the late 2000's/early 2010's.
Looks like they aren't liquidated just firing everyone and restructuring.

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