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ive been riding something similar to picrel daily as a commuter for the last year or so, and i really dont see why everyone dismisses these
>easy to maintain
>durable and shitty enough you dont need to worry about it getting messed up in public bike racks or on the front of a bus
>if it gets stolen you dont loose sleep about it
from what i can tell, the major arguments against it are
>but walmart bikes arent assembled correctly!
splendid, it means they will give it to you for a discount and you can easily fix it yourself
>but its heavy!
this one is legitimate, but where i live its relatively flat so thats not much of an issue
does anyone else ride a big box store pos daily? or am i just insane?
You're absolutely correct. bicycles are a solved problem, all the innovation of the bike industry is just to sell more bikes to people who already own bikes through FOMO. Your bike is probably a rocket ship compared to a Flying Pigeon, but billions of Chinese used them just fine as utilitarian transport.
A beach cruiser BSO like that is simple enough to be not be a problem most of the time. The more features you want stacked on top of lowest price you can find is when you have problems. Another problem with BSOs aside from their quality is the department store employee tasked with assembling these bikes. completely random quality control there. Last is the final word that BSOs are a spectrum, there's deathtrap tier BSOs and almost bike tier BSOs so yeah

I have one. Put BMX handlebars and bigger pedals. I love it. Coasts forever. Comfortable and it eats up the miles. I ride it more than my road bike because of the comfort and the lack of fear of getting it stolen or damaged. I mean nothing is going to damage it lol
If you had used BSO one more time in your post, I would have been forced to staple your scrotum to the floor. Luckily you didn't.
Drop the fucking memespeak. It's a bicycle whether you like it or not, no matter how cheaply it's made.
>Another problem with BSOs aside from their quality is the department store employee tasked with assembling these bikes.
this is absolutely a bad thing and is probably a big problem for complete cycling noobs but if you know anything about bikes you should be able to correct anything yourself
and even if something does break, its so cheap you wont care. its really the best
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desu I never saw a single flying pigeon when I was in china

like don't get wrong the average Chinese person rides a shitty rusty random BSO and not a winspace or seka or whatever but I wonder if flying pigeons were actually just overstated in importance, considering I didn't see any second hand or old flying pigeons either. They're steel so you'd expect them to be able to be handed down, but also incredibly crap so it wouldn't shock me if most just became scrapped
>easy to maintain
>fix it yourself

yeah maybe if its a simple single speed or something. my friend got the walmart gravel bike...Ozark something or other. He brought it over after having had it for a couple weeks and the thing was an absolute pain to mess with. Nothing on it was hex key adjustable, it was all random bolts, all different sizes, everything was misaligned/rubbing, wheels already out of true.
That's what you get with BSO's.
Do they work of the lot?
well... have you seen how much 300usd gets you in other industries? yeah
real chuds get a used mtb for the same price and stick decent continental race kings for gravel.
well yeah, absolutely dont buy a walmart bike if youre looking for anything more than a beater commuter. even though i daily a walmart shitheap i still own real bikes as well for when i want to ride a bike for fun
i think there are a lot in africa
I just paid good money for a Jones aka flying pigeon on steroids.
That's the gayest bike I've ever seen.
what a POS lol
>does anyone else ride a big box store pos daily? or am i just insane?

I also ride a beach cruiser that is objectively worse than the one in your pic from a mechanical point of view. It's perfect for commuting, especially in winter. The bar extends so far back that I have zero pressure on my hands (basically sitting upright) so it's super comfy. I just swapped the saddle and tires and did a few visual tweaks on it like spray painting the whole thing.

It's great to be able to ride through crap and mud without a care. The fenders are self built (sort of) so they're rattly af and I wish I had a rack like the one in your pic to use it for groceries.

I only ride my nice bike in summer but in winter/fall or whenever it rains I ride this piece of shit and I love it. Never really clean it either, only the chain, so there's feathers and fur from dead animals stuck on the fenders LOL
I ride a big box piece of shit and love it. Paid full price on it off season. It is almost the Bike of Theseus now - only Frame, fork, stem and front rubber are original. Absolute money pit but it doesn't owe me a dime. I couldn't bring myself to ride something nice in the rain and snow. BSO snobs can go kick rocks.
Erratic build quality and proprietary/fucked up parts make working on them unnecessarily difficult.

And to what advantage? Bottom end LBS new is what, 500? Bottom end BD is 300, maybe a touch less? Used market should see reasonable quality ridable shit for a fraction of that.

Lets compare apples to apples. Compare the low end BD Macaw 7 to the Huffy Nel Lusso in OP's pic. Macaw 7 is a dial a bike, available from other sources/drop shippers ect.

AL frame. Chromolly fork. 7 speed, fenders. chainguard Front V brake. Rack mounts. 300.


Hiten steel. Single speed. Fenders. Chainguard. Integrated rear rack, sprung saddle, sweet basket and cupholder. Creamsicle tires. 200

Older, low tech BSOs are definitely the better choice if you HAVE NO OTHER FUCKING OPTIONS. Anything with suspension, particularly dual suspension or mystery meat sub shimano multispeed drivetrain is just asking for disaster.

They are far MORE important than most people understand, it's just that their peak time in the was over 60 years ago. You ever see threads from the taiwanese bike catalog dude who occassionaly posts here? You can see what they're buyiung on Ali Express. Most flying pigeons are repurposed into being glorified wheelbarrows.

It's great that you're the bicycle equivalent of a racoon or catfish, sucking up other people's dead bikes to keep yours going, but starting from a used shitheap hybrid or electra that was under 500 new 5 years ago isn't exactly snobbery.
To be completely fair to the HiTen Huffy, it will most probably out live the AL BD bike. I mean, not to shit on BD, they have great value in their bikes but my AL BD SS bike did about 25k miles and then the frame cracked from fatigue. Most riders won't come close to that mileage and I used to think that was a lot of mileage but since then I've done like over twice, closer to thrice the mileage on another better AL bike and I feel it could do double what its already done.
>but it's heavy!
yeah I used to own one of these, it weighed just over 50 lbs. the fixed gear chromoly frame bike I have now weighs 20 lbs with absolutely zero weight weenie parts. I live in a very hilly area and it makes a huge difference.
they should start making chromoly frames for Walmart, they already have $300-400 bikes so it's not unreasonable. I'd buy one. fuck aluminum, fuck carbon. titanium is nice but very pricey
yeah, I too get really tired of the way these faggots speak
you sound disgusting, I bet you live in filth and squalor
ahh /pol/ is leaking and none of these fags have a bike or ride.
I clean my stuff and don't ride through corpses to begin with, peasant
That's really just BD or some direct mail order place that has that. They have erattic stock becasuse it's usually paint blemishes or overruns on other places' chrommolly.
My commute leads me through public parks and some unpaved areas which are basically not maintained + it rains for 60% of the time so it's always muddy. It makes no sense deep-cleaning your bike when it gets dirty ever day.

There's dead birds and rats in public parks so their corpses inevitably mix in with the mud over time so they end up in your fenders. Nothing you can do really.

The worst crap I ever had stuck to my fender was a used condom and literal bleeding intestines from some kind of small animal.

Bike life is grim sometimes, but still better than bus & train.
>he department store employee tasked with assembling these bikes.
walmart often contracts with outside companies to assemble bikes and furniture, they don't often let their employees do it for liability reasons.
Find yourself someone who loves you as much as youtuber Kevcentral loves affordable Walmart bikes.

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