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I WILL railfan for the first time with FEC. There's a track that goes 125 mph near me, I'm very interested in that. For too long, I've stuffed my appreciation for trains, no longer.... *unsheaths sword and gets into plow guard*
FEC is pretty cool. They have the LNG GEVOs like Ferromex, but they're C4s like BNSF. Kind of a weird breed.
Is there anywhere I can see freight line traffic online or is it only passenger rail that has that fancy tracking? Also is it illegal to tap into their frequency of radio? I'm trying to see how I can track their trains to railfan, I've only found this schedule so far.

>Also is it illegal to tap into their frequency of radio?
It's not illegal to listen to any radio frequency, railroad freqs and channels are easy to find online
Oh wonderful! Thank you so much, I'll have to dig that up now lol. I found one that mentioned FEC's freq but its from 2022 and I will have to overhaul my knowledge of radios lol. Wish me luck
They probably haven't changed, they seldom do. Btw the only time it's illegal to listen to a radio transmission is if it's encrypted, which would ofc require you to break the encryption somehow. I don't know of any railroads that use that though.
They don't change the frequencies very often, so it's probably the same. In fact, if you get a Baeofeng, you can easily program it to have the AAR frequencies loaded with a drop down button(they have them all saved).

Have fun, stay safe, and take some pictures, buddy.
>Btw the only time it's illegal to listen to a radio transmission is if it's encrypted
Ah makes sense! My friend works at a railroad but it's nowhere near here and says they encrypt.

Oh hell yeah, I actually have a Baofeng, this will be perfect then :D thank you!
>Have fun, stay safe, and take some pictures, buddy.
I will! I'll post em to the thread if it stays up that long
If you have the programming cable for the Baofeng, it makes it super easy to do all of this. Manually is possible, but it's kind of a pain.
I'll have to look into this. I honestly picked it up forever ago to listen to the radio but never went much deeper into it because I had no project or reason to. Now I'm excited to have something tangible to do with it lol

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