>>2028506glorified bus driver
>>2028506My boss knew I played flight simulators, so he asked me one day, "my son wants to become a pilot. What kind of stuff should I buy him to help him explore that option?"I answered the question, but I also warned him that a junior pilot is going to spend an agonizing few years doing shitty flights in the middle of fucking nowhere.The kid did not decide to become a pilot :3
>>2028506im so glad that I wasn't born Canadian
>>2028517How did you know I’m Canadian
>>2028629NTA but those trees are obviously boreal.
>>2028633Your secrets are safe, syrup sipper.
>>2028640I could tell your employer Air Creebec that you are complaining about your job online and taking pictures during critical moments of flight but then you were punished enough already by being Canadian (probably even French Canadian) and having to fly to places called "Moose Factory".
>>2028694That doesn't even sound like a real airline you'd be doing OP the favor he wouldn't have to fly a Dash-8 anymore
>>2028695It's an airline run by French speaking Canadian Indians. How much worse could it possibly get?
>>2028705This nigga being payed in a currency called a “loonie”. God damn imagine being Canadian lmao
>>2028631 NTANot That Autist
>>2028632>>2028633lol the first thing I saw in the photo and I baka
>>2028942>bakaForgot about that one
god bless our government that sends daily flights to every shithole indian town in the country
What's it like to fly a dash 8 compared to other passenger planes? As a passenger it felt like riding in a wet noodle.
>>2028506tbqh familia if I could redo my life I would probably choose to become airline pilot and spend my whole life fucking flight attendants in fancy hotels
>>2028991most flight attendants are gay or married so you better rev up that dating app
>>2028993most flight attendants are mid-20s cute girls in the good airlines (east asia, southeast asia, middle east). nobody cares about american airlines that fill their crews with uppity niggers or european airlines where the average age of the crew is 55
It’s a great job and I dare you to find one better
>>2029014It's a common misconception that flight attendants are "sluts". They are not. They are even less slutty than the average women.
>>2029071t. dating a used up delta airlines whore
>>2029071Yup, its mostly goody two shoes religious girls. Very buttoned up, very chaste. Not there are not sluts, but other career demographics are way way sluttier. Nurses, lawyers, and even women pilots sleep around a lot more than stewardesses.Still if its your dream to rail one its not hard. Not that you don’t have better options if you’re making the kind of money jet pilots make.
>>2029074Really shouldn't you just be hanging out at the bars of airport hotels if you really want to Fuck a flight attendant?
>>2028506Repost when you're sitting in the left seat?
>>2028991It's all homosexuals and grannieshttps://youtu.be/XL1tYVhU2H0
>>2029141i love how it's always the southwest pilots ranting about how faggy everyone is
>>2029082depends on the place. I live in and travel around Asia a lot and the flight attendants usually stay at downtown hotels for their layovers. which also means that they don't just stay at the bar because they can easily go out sightseeing.>>2029141that is a very American experience
>>2028506>Air Creebec>Flying natives aroundSnag any aunties?
lost my dream of being a pilot after decades in sims after aussies forced us all to vax fuck emcomfy xplane life in vr for me now
>>2029141I flew in the last year. 55 year old straight male. I flirted with the Steward and got to upgrade seats and got extra cookies too. Don't Judge... All the granny stewardess treat me like a number. No freebies.
>>2029313what's it like being 55
>>2029393The witchcraft that women practiced in the past, is no longer effective.
>>2029395i'm a 24 (25 on friday) year old incel
>>2029141Sounds like an American problem. I was flirting with two flight attendant on my way to Portugal on TAP. I knew the flight making a midway stop to at Lisbon so I started out by pretending that I was on the wrong flight and they laughed at me, carried the convo from there. Never had grannies on BA, but those guys don't crack when I try shit with them. Bongs aren't fun.
Traffic control could be replaced by AI in an instant
>>2029497>oh god this guy thinks he's funny>i'm so tired after doing flights from 3am this morning>gotta go along and put a fake smile
I'm Jealous OP. I couldn't become a pilot for medical reasons.
>>2028506What a shame. You have a pretty neat job and you choose to live with a mindset of misery.
>>2028991post more stuck step-flight attendants please
>>2028506Leave the plane pussy to me then
I'm too poor to become a pilot. It's 1.2m € in Sweden and I already have a mortgage of that amount. Can I be a cheapskate by getting into a school in the Philippines or something? Or get a scholarship from an airline or something?
>>2029141i can understand how they feel>>2030155if you go to other countries in europe you can go for 70k how it can be 1.2m in sweden?
>>2030155A friend of mine moved from Stockholm to Malta to get his pilot’s licence and it was far cheaper and easier
>>2028629because you post on fucking /pol/ all the time
>>2030548>>2030562Thanks for the advice frens. I think I might go the module route and get my PPL first then we'll see what happens
>>2030155wtf it can't be that expensive, in hungary or romania it's around 40-50k if I am not mistaken, and I was debating whether or not I should go for it since I don't have that kind of money.
>>2030838i can't speak from experience but i researched this recently and it looks like there's not a lot of downside to going SPL/LAPL(S) -> TMG -> LAPL(A) -> PPL -> CPL -> (frozen) ATPL anyway apart from a bit more theory and bureaucracy but in return you'll be rated for a lot more types in the end
>can literally do a barrel roll anytime he wants>doesn'tthen dont complain
>>2030963Yeah it's much cheaper in the Slavic countries. Some Swedes goes to flight schools in Poland. If I do it the module-route it's closer to 50-70k here.>>2030974Taking the "PPL(A)>ATPL Theory>CPL/ME/IR>MC/UPRT" route will let me work at the same time and net me a frozen ATPL. Sadly my closest school that is one hour away they only offer LAPL(A) classes right now so I would have to do the checkride twice for getting the PPL.
>>2030974>>2031539god. can't believe i used to complain about the american route
>>2031539still, that' a big difference, from 50k to 1 million, I seriously don't believe it.
>>2028515I have one friend who was selected out of college to become a BA pilot with no prior experience and now flies for themAnother did jumppilot for two years and then became a regional
>>2028629because american pilots make fuck you money
>>2029071girls used to fucking high earning pilots wont look twice at paco in his cuckonomy seat
>>2032966I hate you phone posting faggots. You cannot be bothered to use punctuation to correctly convey an idea, so you don't deserve to have your ideas shared.
>>2028506If shit gets too boring, you could do some aerobatics with dash 8.