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Do like the N&W and Southern did, buy hood units and run them long hood forward
Based. Fuck firefighters.
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Why not just run some old b-units on the front to ensure maximum carnage?
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Gate was down, a freight train had cleared the crossing but a Brightline train was approaching so the gates stayed down and the fire truck drove around a car waiting and entered the crossing (crossing is for a two-lane street). Fire truck driver probably assumed the gates were malfunctioning and staying closed when they should have opened after the freight train.
We should recreate the Crash at Crush with an Acela and a Brightline
That should really help the department's response time metrics.
Why don't they make a fire train and just have a really really long ladder and hose?
I really feel like FEC/Brightline should for their own sakes put an indicator showing which direction trains are coming from to stop people from assuming that the gates are malfunctioning.
We should tax cheese
The Cheese Tax! The Cheese Tax!
You got to pay the ch33se tax every time you're cooking
When the cheese drawer opens this puppy comes looking
The rul3s are the rules and the facts are the facts
But when the ch33se drawer opens, you gotta pay the tax
Maybe people should be more patient.
You think people in florida look at signs on the road?
or maybe people should have the common decency to not cross while the gates are down lmao this is not a problem in non-retarded countries
>in non-retarded countries
like uh,

They should charge the firefighters on that vehicle with trespassing and reckless endangerment (or whatever the terms are in local law). Send the entire surviving crew of the vehicle to jail. Trains Don't Fuck Around And Nor Should Train Companies.
proof that firemen are retards
only thing they do right is wash their trucks all day
Gates were up
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Why do you lie about something you can see with your own eyes?
>crashing into idiotic Florida cagers

So fucking based.
Simply epic, Chang.
I wish the brightline a very happy new year, may it devour the unroadworthy in far greater numbers
Based on the ugly yellow building on the left, it's clear that the train was traveling northbound and hit the fire truck at SE 1st Street.


However, the gates are designed at SE 1st Street and every other Brightline crossing that unlike regular crossings, there are gates on all four sides, so if one was down (correctly) and the others went up, they really WERE malfunctioning.
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Why didn't you pull up street view and look for yourself? They're "quad gates" but the gates on the left side are small and only for the pedestrian portion. The main gates only cover the the near side portion.

So, no, the gates didn't malfunction. The firetruck just drove on the wrong side of the road to go around them.
Why did all Floridians become retarded when the Brightline started operating. We've always had freight and this shit never happened. And it still only ever happens with the Brightline. Why?
Brightline is way faster than freight
But what if the indicators are malfunctioning?
The change of this happening in a given hour should be less than 1 in 100,000,000 for a proper system.
The way that the gates are designed seal off the crossing completely. Here's a normal, rural exit where there isn't any additional gates and will only cover one lane (a car could maneuver around these). The place isn't specific but is there for transparency reasons.
Are you retarded?
As illustrated, here is the angles drawn on. Notice that in this case, the gate is much shorter to cover only one lane.
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...uh, scratch that, it looks like it really DIDN'T cover the other side after all.
>the little gate for the pedestrians
If someone is on the crossing when the gates close, you really do want them to get clear.
What you don't want is for fuckwads to go round the barriers after they've come down. Train don't stop for that, not 'til afterwards.
>If someone is on the crossing when the gates close, you really do want them to get clear.
Great point! In multi track crossings where the tracks are seperated a bit, you'll even have certain gates not come down. In this case, if a train is coming on the near track, the second gate on the right won't come down.
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In Yurop we don't have this problem

Once again superior American infrastructure saves the day
>Manned grade crossings
We automated ours decades ago
It's an automated crossing. The signal box you're looking at is a historic building, so it's left intact while the crossing is controlled from a larger signal box elsewhere.
Damn straight. If it was manned then there would be three shifts, about a dozen people, permanently on strike.
yeah, as opposed to those dozen people being unemployed for the last 10 years

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