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File: washington st.jpg (69 KB, 846x502)
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Why did people ever think wide one-ways downtown are a good idea? Just making it two-way would slow the traffic down and help the local businesses while encouraging pedestrianism.

In some places it's so obvious I wonder why the one-way still stands.
I like them
>encouraging pedestrianism
Isn't car-free supposed to be natural and better? Why is it needing an "-ism" and why does it need to be encouraged? Urbanists always tell on themselves and this is why I find it so irritating when they try to tell urbanites how to live. Get out of your mom's minivan, try actually living without a car, and then you can sit at the table with the adults

t. the resident nimby boomer cagetroll who doesn't know what's in my own interests
Real life Frogger
>who doesn't know what's in my own interests
Why do urbanists believe suburbanites "vote against their own interests"?

"Whoa, you don't want to increase your own taxes for a new metro system that will eat up most of its own budget in administration costs and you'll never use anyway? What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Pedestrianism" and complaining about downtowns is not transportation.
Walking is transportation, Chud
>Why did people ever think wide one-ways downtown are a good idea?
>gridlock intensifies
Why does car-dependency need to be encouraged at the expense of every other mode of transportation?

Why in America are we so heavliy promoting cars and only cars? It would make more sense not to "encourage" anything and just give a level playing field to all modes of transport, but cagers have a meltdown if you propose converting 1/6 car lanes to bike lane, etc.
Not sure because I don't care about suburbanites, but urbanISTS believe urbanITES don't know what's in their interests

Urbanists want you to think they live in cities whereas in fact most of them live with their parents in the exurbs

Why are you replying to me. Don't reply to me again, child
Looks like cageists altered a decent downtown to be car-only. Somebody needs to undo the damage caused by cageists and let the downtown flow naturally.
I agree completely, Chang.
What kind of antipsychotic meds do you take everyday?

I remember you posted them once.
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When you build your entire transportation system around cars and only cars, gridlock intensifies.
That's not a typical night; it's from Thanksgiving. And considering that LA has 100 miles of metro rail, your statement is wrong and/or admission that rail does jack shit for gridlock.
usually they're remnants of things like streetcars. My city's downtown main street was also made even wider to make it part of a "business loop", the idea being that more cars = more business (it didn't work, downtown is a ghost town).
What city?
>metro area of 18 million people
>100 miles of metro rail
lmao even
Yeah but they make up for it in expressways
A small (less than 50k) midwestern city. it pretty much looks like OP's picture, I assume there a lot like it.
You're full of shit
i regularly bike through a city that has done exactly this. every street is one way and the few main roads are 5-6 lanes across, one way. its such a fucking pain in the ass and it makes me have to ride on the sidewalk uphill because if i was to only ride in the correct direction of traffic on one of these one way streets, id have to go way out of my way with left and right turns to get back into the two way street, whereas riding on the sidewalk lets me cut straight up to where im going. i feel like a fucking asshole riding on the sidewalk and having to call out to the pedestrians that im behind them or they have to move coming towards me, but im not doing the other shit.
That's a common mistake in American cities.
At least with streets that wide, you can make angled parking (which I think is an underrated way to spur retail).
The OP is from Petersburg, Virginia. It is a business highway route (it used to be a business highway and was likely just as wide back then), the four lane sections are only for a few blocks, and after meeting up with a highway it goes back to one lane in each direction.

Yeah this would be an easy fix. Convert to two-way, add a bike lane and keep a lane of onstreet parallel parking.
American cities are built around the idea that America is just one big highway stop on the road to nowhere. Why did we build four lane downtown streets? Because good highways have four lanes. Why did we segregate directions? Because good highways do that. Why did we bulldoze buildings for parking lots? Because good highway stops have ample parking. This is basically how the "Stroad" came to be

Once you notice it, it's impossible to ignore
>Why did we build four lane downtown streets?
Because we had horses and wagons and other things doing business
>We did we segregate directions?
Because as downtowns grew more traffic went into them, and solutions needed to be addressed
>Why did we bulldoze buildings for parking lots?
Because downtowns began to decline after WWII, in part due to demographic shifts and part due to no longer needing to be in cities, hence no need for extensive buildings

Most downtown roads are just as wide as they were pre-WWII.
This is your brain running on exhaust fumes
You don't know what gridlock is
Lol, this is your brain on caging.
LMAO! No one owns the cagetrolls like you do, Chang!

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