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if it's Boeing, I'm not goeing
simple as
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Fucking checked, nice trips anon
How do I avoid Boeing flights? I'm an American and I hate flying in general
Start taking estrogen supplements and have your testes surgically removed. Then you can live the real europoor experience and only fly on airbus.
Jannies will ban you for this anon.
Just ask the airline idk. I wont fly for the rest of my life anyway, if i cant reach something by car, bike or a ship i wont go there.
Traveling is gay and for women anyways
>if i cant reach something by car, bike or a ship i wont go there
planefags are a death cult.
>>2029111 (OP)
Just fly western airlines with white people at controls and you ll be fine. Only the new Max had problems and casualties happened because third worlders didnt know how to fly the new plane
This crash had me reading pilot forums and I learned that the 737 Max debacle was basically Boeing making a plane they could sell to monkeys, they greatly underestimated how stupid monkey's are and wound up with some crashes due to monkey
Then the government doesn't like Boeing for various political reasons and they love stealing money from corporations, so the whole hype of Boeing being bad was done so the government could sue Boeing and steal a couple billion from them.
When you apply context to aircraft crashes (IE if the plane crashed due to design flaw vs. things like poor maintenance, hijackings, shootdowns, pilot error), Airbus comes out the loser.
If you really do your research you come to find out outside of Western Europe, North/South America, and Japan most countries literally expect the plane to fly itself and have a hard time flying by hand. Often they don't know how to fly GA aircraft and general aviation isn't as accessible. It doesn't help the 737 is a old plane and expects you to fly the damn thing (it's not as retardproof as the A320)
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I cursed them to hell, as our bow fought the stall
Our Boeing danced like a moth in the firelight
White horses rode high as the devil passed by
Taking souls to Hades by twilight
Boeing also tried to shoehorn huge modern engines onto a 1960's airframe to the point that it wouldn't fly correctly, used a unbelievably retarded hack to "correct" it then lied about it. Let's not pretend they're somehow innocent.
>Just fly western airlines with white people at controls and you ll be fine.
Well that's precisely the issue isn't it.
It's only a matter of time before these monkey crashes start happening in the US.
Unless you actually believe government regulations is going to prevent it or whatever.
When you really sit down and think about it, the idea of consumer air travel is resting on a huge amount of assumptions, some of which may have become outdated.
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Tell us more.
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>>2029111 (OP)
The worst part is there was 61 planetard survivors on the pan-am front section. A little lower and to the left and he would have a clean sweep 644 kills instead of 583 , still pisses me off to this day.
No it's because Boeing introduced a badly implemented new feature and deliberately didn't tell anyone.
Boeing have admitted all this in court, anon.
>How do I avoid Boeing flights?
You can look up the usual equipment (plane type, sometimes even which exact plane) for a scheduled flight. It's needed so that seat reservations can be made.
Late substitutions are possible so you're not guaranteed. Can't do much about that.
>reading pilot forums
Oh you mean like this one? https://www.pprune.org/passengers-slf-self-loading-freight/656765-anybody-getting-737-max.html
It is an objective fact the 737 is an obsolete 60s design. Boeing already figured this out in the 90s with the 737 NG whose engine cowls are flat on the bottom. Boeing management instead of committing to a brand new design which would take a decade and billions of dollars. Decided to coast until the A320NEO came out and started stealing their market share. Boeing rushed out an upgrade and lied about the scale of changes using software to fix hardware problems in order to get the FAA to sign off on allowing existing pilots to do a conversion course via reading a PowerPoint presentation rather than sit in a simulator.
A misrepresentation in its not the whole picture but what Boeing did do is no less damning. The aforementioned lacking corporate culture does exist and was responsible either way. In fact it’s worse, Boeing was not just trying to avoid engineering cost but also regulatory cost- putting lipstick on pig and making it more attractive to airlines. Which is hilarious when you think about the ridiculous self regulatory privileges the FAA has given them

>just a couple simulator hours maybe, no new type training required!
Boeing 787 flight from Nigeria to DC turns back after "technical issue" results in injuries to six people
>Traveling is gay and for women anyways
kek this is a good take
The Max should be banned. It's an inherently unsafe design no matter how much they tinker with it.
>>2029111 (OP)
If it's flying I'm not riding.
Not true- if built in a factory that isn’t horribly mismanaged all of Boeings aircraft are okay designs (I still think airbus is the better manufacturer FWIW)

The MAX’s only true technical flaw we are aware of was its software on launch which was then exacerbated by hopelessly inadequate training on the feature responsible for the two early incidents. Claiming the flight characteristics MCAS is meant to address stemming from the engine related center of mass shift are unsafe is the highest order of silliness. It would be like saying an A318 isn’t a safe aircraft because it wouldn’t handle exactly the same as an A321 if both aircraft had fell back on direct flight control modes.
The engines are too big to be positioned correctly for the airframe. It's inherently fucked as a result.
It's absolutely not. Max can fly without MCAS no problem, the system is only there for legal reason (type rating not needing additional simulator training).
>the system is only there for legal reason (type rating not needing additional simulator training).
No, it's worse than that. The additional aerodynamic lifting provided by the engine nacelles means that the control column input force (pilot pulling on the yoke) required to increase pitch decreases with increasing pitch. That is directly contrary to the FAR regarding aircraft control. You must have to exert more force to further increase pitch. Who knew the FAA cared about avoiding aerodynamic stalls at high AoA? In any fly-by-wire, this is trivial to implement. In a fly-by-steel-wire aircraft, all you have is the horizontal stabilizer under automation regardless of the AP status. It's a hack to avoid creating a completely new type, and it killed people. Boeing engineering should have collectively committed sudoku in shame.
Not at all. In a regular commercial plane, an aoa of around 10-15 degrees would be perfectly acceptable and routine in normal conditions. In a MAX that would be pushing it close to a stall state. That's inherently unsafe, not to mention absolutely pathetic and backwards progress. Aircraft should be engineered to be increasingly more forgiving and harder to crash, not the opposite.
The biggest flaw was the lack of redundancy. All the input from sensors for the MCAS system was handled by ONE computer, and if that computer failed, the corrupted data would cause an upset. Had they installed two independent computers, none of this would have happened. It was bad design.
You both are completely and utterly wrong, it's not even worth responding to your particular posts. Max is perfectly aerodynamically stable without MCAS in all conditions, the only reason the system is there to make it fly more similar to NG.
>Max is perfectly aerodynamically stable without MCAS in all conditions
And yet you completely ignore the part where the MAX does not conform to the FAR requirement that increasing pitch should require increasing control input force without a hack known as MCAS. It is a bandage on an airframe that was designed before jet bridges were ubiquitous, and as a result of that decision, it can't take advantage of improvements in materials allowing for larger fan diameters. It is a hack, pure and simple. Boeing engineers should commit sudoku for not telling management to fuck off. The FAA employees that allowed MCAS at all should as well.
>You both are completely and utterly wrong, it's not even worth responding to your particular posts.
But you did.
I fly Southwest and couldn't avoid the MAX but I have to say I was impressed. Cabin materials and design completely optimize the use of space, it's a quiet ride, and those engines are peppy.
>>2029111 (OP)
>simple as...
..simple as what? You need to take grade 10 english again, junior.
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>>2029111 (OP)
If it's boeing, I'm gaaning.
>>2029111 (OP)
That's why we're making it better with DOGE so we can actually get Boeing back up and running again. Fire the useless workers at FAA and air traffic control for not doing their jobs at all.
>no argument
the max shit happened because it was coded by diversity hires
obviously this is psedocode but still usable in principle by a nonspastic

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