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Winter is about -5 up to 10 degrees C here (23 to 50 F), mostly above 0. I have albion three season tights (thermal fleece top, windproof panels around knees) that are pretty good down 2-3 degrees and up to 15 or so, really good coverage. Around 3 it gets a bit unconfortable. Now, I would like to extend the lower range of the tights to feel comfortable at freezing temps, if possible up to -5. What's the best way to do this? I know other roadies avoid overpants for some reason and some wear running tights over short bibs, what's the best way to do it with tights? Something thin but comfortable to protect my junk as well as keep legs warm.
??? What am I fucking reading dude
Just put on warmer leggings? Jesus fuck you people are helpless
I would prefer to use these ones with a simple addition instead of buying another (warmer) pair for something I'll use 5% of the time. Sorry to ruin your day anon.
legwarmers i guess
And for my (trans) cock and balls?
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just wear underwear or a liner bib under unpadded tights if you're paranoid about chafing
I would be cautious with a trans-vagina tho. Always wear somekind of underwear with your bibs because your discharge and mucus will destroy your expensive bib. Maybe even use a tampon.
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god youre a faggot
tights + running shorts are good for April weather
in winter, just use simple wool long johns + work trousers (+ maybe keep regular rain overtrousers with you for when it gets really really wet)

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