One day one of these bad boys will crash.If you're on that flight make sure you take a selfie for the Guinness world record
I still can't get over how soulless the new Lufthansa livery is.
Hey satan, fuck off, leave the 380 alone, I love boeing brand more but that plane is special
>>2029668What is so special about the 380? Not a planefag so i geniuenly dont know
>>2029666>If you're on that flight make sure you take a selfie for the Guinness world recordI don't remember writing this post
>>2029678Biggest commercial airplane in the world, highest capacity, and... the only double decker. Cmon, you can see that on the pic.
>>2029666>only a few of Emirates' A380s are in a two class configuration allowing over 600 passengers>others are around 500watch it not even beat JAL123
>>2029684>the only double deckerI thought a few 747s were still in service.
>>2029696*full length double decker
>>2029666Hard to beat the Tenerife airport disaster unless you load the A380 with only economy class passengers.
My bet is on some shady cargo operator
>>2029666There are so few of these still operatong that it's unlikely to happen. They are an endangered species (not how even the operators in that list are mostly retiring them in the next 5 years) Also 4 engines means it's very resilient.
>>2029731I dunno man the 747 is an antique now and still managed to serve up a spectacular belly flop in afghanistan a couple of years ago
>>20297491: It had nothing to do with the 747's technical defficiencies.2: The 747 was actually a very popular aircraft. 1573 delivered since 1966. Compare to A380 only 251 delivered.Add to that that aviation has become much safer than in the late 20th century. So no, it is very unlikely to happen.
>>2029810>aviation has become much safer than in the late 20th century
>>2029726Mohamand Atta ~1,692Marwan al-Shehhi ~965Jacob van Zanten 583Will Atta ever be topped?
>>2029731Can it fly on one engine?
>>2029816Fatalities divided 1400% less than in 1970. Even then it's mostly all retard countries with retard safety regulations that crash these days. If you ommited those, in the US for example, There hasn't been 1 passenger death since 16 years ago. Absolutely insanely safe. This all despite growing air traffic
>>2029816Oops my previous pictures are accidents that may have resulted in fatalities per million flights. This one is even more damning. Fatalities per million passengers... Aviation is insanely safe despite the retard media fearmongering about anything boeing
>>2029844Now do how many survived an crash. Nobody gives a shit about working equipment. It's about survival rate when shit hits the fan.
>>2029844What happened in 1985?
government gate keeping flight to keep wages super high
>>2029823>Will Atta ever be topped?Kelly Ortberg
>>2029845Are you retarded or just trolling? Would you rather be in a flight that crashes 1/10 times but half the people survive, or one that crashes 1/100 times but everyone dies?? >>2029847I know 4chaners don't usually have friends, but google is your friend>>2029848YES!Aviation is TOO safe. overregulated to death, making new competitors or even new models almost impossible. I would happily 10x my risk of death in a flight if it meant deregulation that would make fares 10% cheaper.
>>2029855that 10% cheaper turns into 100% into 1000% cheaper if innovation is allowedBut FAA bureaucrats and all those boomer pilots love being petty tyrantsCommercial airline pilots deserve 300k a year for doing something your smart phone could do
>>2029855>Would you rather be in a flight that crashes 1/10 times but half the people survive, or one that crashes 1/100 times but everyone dies??>Muh car is unsafe like c++ code!!!>Plane safe like rust!!!Not the same thing goy. More people use cars and they are as regulated. If regulations were equal, planes would be more dangerous
>>2029857Cars are not as regulated as aviation you fucking retard.Senile Boe Jiden types and room temp IQs are still handed out driving licenses, and car crashes are rarely investigated thoroughly.Aviation is safe because every single crash is so thoroughly investigated that their findings are applied to every other flight throughout the world thereafter. Also, look at graph
>>2029855>google is your friendThat was relevant 10 years ago. Today, Google targets you on both the micro and macro level. Big Tech controls your thinking, so stop using it and reconnect with being human.
>>2029859Bounce back to /pol/ you bumbling babboon
Kinda want one to crash just so retard normies will stop with their Boeing fearmongoeing
>>2029726those leafs almost did it that time at SFO
>>2029868Jesus fucking christ. I had forgotten about that. They almost did a bowling strike of three planes, plus the AC759. Total of 4 aircraft destroyed.>>2029726Not true. Emirates largest A380 operator has an A380 config with 615 seats (58 biz+557 coach) + crew. Handily beats the 583 dead in Tenerif and 509 dead on JAL123
>>2029858aviation is safe in spite of regulation, not because oftechnology has removed all the causes that actually crashed planes
>>2029678Obviously because it's fucking massive. Even the more iconic 747 pales in size and sheer beefiness. When you see one in person you realize just how big they are, the vertical stabilizer alone is the size of some entire planes. It's the biggest plane you could realistically fly on without having to the military.
>>2029666Sadly they'll probably be all retired before they even have a chance to cause a horrific crash.
>>2029831It might be able to maintain altitude if the weight is low enough.