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I have a question for all you gentlemen who love aircraft.
I live in Asia and work in the army maintaining aircraft.
I would like to obtain an American A&P license and make it my job.
Would military maintenance experience meet the requirements for A&P?
By the way, my current maintenance qualification is only available to the military.
I am also thinking of using the ASA eBook as my A&P textbook, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me how you studied.
What entitles you to come to the USA? Wow you can follow instructions and wrench on a plane. Literally an associates degree level of skill and a certification people get almost accidentally across the general aviation world.

It’s just not a scarce skill set, despite what the airlines (who also profess a non-existent pilot shortage) say. You won’t get a visa and nobody is going to hire an ESL for such a safety critical job.
I'm not going to move to America just because I'm qualified to maintain American aircraft.
It's a qualification that can be used even when I'm not in the US, and I'm hoping to do business with privately owned aircraft such as business jets in the future.

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